Development of Assistive technology for persons with Disabilities

By Indumathi Rao   |   C B R Network
Learners enrolled: 3201

This course entitled “Certificate Course in Information & Communication Technology (ICT) in Rehabilitation.” has been designed in a very systematic and logical manner for self-learning of a virtual learner. This course shall be presented through a variety of multimedia enriched content, activities and assessments so that you are able to understand various topics very well. 
The entire course shall be delivered in 6 Months from 1st July 2019 to 20th December 2019 that includes 224 hours of Notional learning hours and 336 hours practicum. You shall be provided with self-learning e-content including podcasts, presentations, e-text and activities.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Not Applicable
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate

Page Visits

Course layout

A team of Course Coordinator, Tutor(s)/ Teaching Assistants shall be there with you to provide you support for any problems you face. You can post your queries in the discussion forums or through mail. At the end of the course, you must provide feedback which will help us to enhance the quality of this course further.

Objectives of the course:

The course is designed for students to understand the need for ICT for people with disabilities. It would provide a better understanding of ICT to enabling and accelerating the educational, social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities.

It would help understand how Assistive technologies help to access transportation, education, employment, enable Independent living and performing routine tasks like shopping, watching movie or accessing an ATM. And importantly the needs of the unreached communities in tribal and rural areas in developing countries.

The course would help identifying career opportunities that can be availed on the ICT platform.

Course Outcome

At the end of the course the students would

  •           Develop knowledge, skills and application of existing technology for students studying in under graduate and post graduate courses
  •          To develop innovative and indigenous technologies to enhance the quality of life and inclusion of persons with disabilities and senior citizens at national and global levels.
  •           Build knowledge on Assistive devices and assistive technologies based on electronics, mechanical engineering
  •           Understand Accessible designing in construction, universal accessibility standards
  •           Develop Software applications for persons with special needs.
  •           Understanding the important of tapping around 2.68 crores of persons with disabilities in India.
  •           Understanding how ICT can be a potential game changer in developing Make in India and made in India ICT products and solutions for people with special needs.

Eligibility for enrolment

Students studying in 5th Semester of Engineering / Technical courses

Resource persons for course:

  •         Dr Indumathi Rao
  •          Dr Rangasayee
  •          Prof Mark Harniss
  •          Dr Deepthi Samanth
  •          Dr Becky Matter
  •          Ms Shanthi Raghavan
  •          Dr Seetharam
  •          Mr Vineeth Nagaraju

Course Language


Course Type


Video Transcripts



Course Category


Learning Path


Course Length

224 Hours (Notional)

Weekly Time commitments

Course Completion

Exam if applicable



Instructor bio

Indumathi Rao

C B R Network

I was born in Bangalore in 1953 and had a degree in science from Bangalore University. Completed post graduation in Manchester University (UK) in special needs. I got an accredited doctoral degree for my work Portage ECCD in south Asia. I was founder director of a few organizations NIvedita Shishu Kendra (1976) NIvedita mano vikasa Kendra (1981), Seva in Action (1985) and now the Regional Advisor for CBR NETWORK South Asia. I was drawn into social work through ABVP and Hindu Seva Prathisthana from my college days.


I am founder regional coordinator for CBR Network working in nine South Asian countries initiated in 1993. CBR Network has Certificate of Membership with Rehabilitation International and was given UN Special Consultative Status in 2005. (UN ECOSOC).




Inclusive development of all especially those who are most disadvantaged due to disability, aging and poverty.




  1. Chairperson-GPDD (Global partnership for disability Development initiated by the world Bank Trust fund)


  1. Vice-Chairperson-National BAL Bhavan, New Delhi


  1. Member-CABE(Central Advisory Board of Education)


  1. Visitor-(  President of India representative ) Tezpur Central University, Assam


  1. Regional Adviser-CBR NETWORK-SOUTH ASIA


  1. Former Member-National commission for Persons with Disabilities


  1. Member-Standing Committee on women’s studies, UGC


  1. Advisory Committee for National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.




  1. Served as a member of National commission for persons with disabilities highest policymaking body between 2005-2006, served as member of Bangalore University Syndicate (2003-2006).


  1. Contributed as secretary to promote inclusive education advisory committee ,Department of education ,Gov. of Karnataka(1989-2002)


  1. Member, Advisory board on special needs, NCERT New Delhi.


  1. Member zonal coordination committee, Rehabilitation Council of India


  1. Advisory member for National commission for Women -Special section for women with disabilities.


  1. Academic advisor for CBR HRD for Bangalore University.




  • I have authored a few books in the area of disability. CBR Digital RESOURCE KIT, Right to Equity to women with disabilities, right to opportunity a data base on disability are some of my original works. I am also co-author of the series of books “from Panchayat to Parliament” along with Dr Einar Helander.


  • Moving away from Labels, Portage to every village, inclusiveness in schools are my other publications.


  • Trinetra ,Village disability registers ,Digital IEP, Portage Early childhood intervention, OMAR,TALC, Reading tests are some of the software’s/technologies  developed by CBR  NETWORK to reach the villages.


  • ICT for persons with disabilities, Accessibility norms and guidelines, Accessible sanitation for women with disabilities are some other publications.


  • Digital version of books by Mr.David Werner for Indian users.




  1. Portage to every Village-Portage Early childhood development project is implemented in nine countries in south Asia. Indian Portage kit is translated into nine Indian languages.


  1. Udisha Portage-Under this programmes in collaboration with the department for women and child development department in Karnataka 43,000 Anagnwadi workers were trained to include children with special needs by using Indian Portage kit.


  1. Hiranyagharba E Manthan-A global study on sustainable development.


  1. SAB-VIN-CBR a national initiative to scale up basic rehabilitation services in the rural/tribal areas.


  1. STAND-INDIA 2017 a national level concept note competition on universal accessible design conducted in collaboration with AICTE.


  1. Self help mutual aid groups for families with a member with disability and senior citizens.


  1. Eco Learning and Inclusion and Pen pal Program-Children living in different countries are curious to meet children from other countries and see new places. This curiosity is present in all children and that includes children with special needs. Some of us who have had ample opportunity to travel, make new friends, visit new places, and learn about new cultures realize that this is the best way to learn and broaden our horizons. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu texts such as the Maha Upanishad, which means "the world is one family.” This spirit has motivated us to start “Friends- class project” and ‘Eco-inclusion study project




  1. (2004-2014) under a MoU with Bangalore university Community based rehabilitation courses were started training people from remote areas .


  1. (2006-2017) under a MoU with KSOU, Mysore training programmes in inclusive education was initiated in English and Kannada medium.


  1. VDR software was developed for data base development on disability.


  1. Partner in the study (2015-2017) supported by US AID on the status of women with disabilities in India in collaboration with Shanta memorial centre, Bhuvaneswar


  1. Partner in the academic collaboration between central University of Kalburgi, University of Washington, Seattle) in developing training and research in disability and inclusive development.


  1. Member –curriculum development, Masters programme on disability and development, American University, Washington DC.


  1. Equity to women with disability in India-A national level study conducted for National commission for Women.


  1. Inclusive education –good examples- A study conducted for UNICEF (ROSA).


  1. A study on children with disabilities in the residential institutions   in India conducted in collaboration with Human Rights watch, NY, USA.


Indumathi Rao
Former member National commission for persons with Disabilities, India
Regional Adviser
CBR NETWORK (South Asia)
134,1st Block, 6th Main BSK III Stage, Bangalore -560085
Phone-91-80-26724273, 26724221, 7483870649
E mail-ideasianetwork2013@gmail.com

Alternate email-bucbr@outlook.com


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