Arduino is an open source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board or microcontroller and a software, IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on the computer. It is used to write and upload computer code to the physical board.
Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessors and controllers. The boards are equipped with sets of digital and analog input/output pins, USB connection which is used for loading programs from computers, power jack, reset button etc.
A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called a sketch. The Arduino IDE supports the languages C and C++ using special rules of code structuring. It consists of only two functions, setup and loop. The setup function is used to initialize variables, input and output pin modes and other libraries needed in the sketch. After setup has been called, function loop is executed repeatedly in the main program. It controls the board until the board is powered off or reset.
Arduino can interact with buttons, LEDs, motors, speakers, cameras, TV and smart phones etc. It can used for almost any electronics projects.
The Spoken Tutorial effort for Arduino has been contributed by Nirmala Venkat and Manivel from Spoken Tutorials team and Abhinav Dronamrajuand Brijesh Gupta from FOSSEE team.
The domain review of basic level is done by Srikant Patnaik from FOSSEE. The content for Intermediate level is contributed by Prof. Sharma from IIT Hyderabad.
Learners: High School and UG/PG Electronics students, hardware professional.
Please ensure that you have the Arduino hardware kit ready with you before you begin to learn from this tutorial series.
The list of components is as follows:
1. Arduino UNO or Compatible Board (1 no.)
2. USB Power Cable (1 no.)
3. Resistor 220 ohms (6 nos.)
4. Resistor 10K Ohms (2 nos.)
5. Resistor 1K Ohms (4 nos.)
6. Breadboard (1 no.)
7. Tricolor LED Common Cathode (1 no.)
8. Red LED Common Cathode (1 no.)
9. Seven segment display - Common cathode (1 no.)
10. Seven segment display - Common anode (1 no.)
11. Decoder – IC 7447 (1 no.)
12. LCD 16 X 2 soldered with pin header (1 no.)
13. Jumper wires Male to Male (20 nos.)
14. Jumper wires Male to Female (8 nos.)
15. Potentiometer 10K Ohms (1 no.)
16. ESP8266 es01 WiFi Black color Module (1 no.)
17. DHT11 Temp_Humidity Sensor Module (1 no.)
18. L293D H-Bridge Motor driver IC (1 no.)
19. Toy Motor (1 no.)
20. Buzzer (1 no.)
21. Push Button Switch (2 nos.)
Following components are required only for soldering purpose. Hence one unit per lab should be sufficient.
1. Soldering iron (1 no.)
2. Soldering stand (1 no.)
3. Soldering lead (1 no.)
4. Soldering paste (1 no.)
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