By Prof Kannan Moudgalya - Principal Investigator of Spoken Tutorial Project   |   Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Learners enrolled: 41472
This course comprises 22 audio-video spoken tutorials, using which you can self-learn R programming language with ease. 

First of all install R and RStudio by following the steps given in this sheet.
  1. This sheet gives the steps to install R and RStudio on Linux and Windows OS.
  2. Open the sheet, read the instructions for your OS and install R and RStudio on your machine.
  3. Cross-verify (as mentioned in the sheet) to confirm successful installation.
  4. For Windows OS, please ensure Notepad ++ is also installed on the machine.
Next, read this sheet. https://spoken-tutorial.org/R-Instruction-Sheet-English.pdf/
  1. This sheet explains how to learn from spoken tutorials.
  2. This sheet also mentions some important information about the text editors while coding, how to use the command prompt (in Windows OS), how to use the Code Files, how to do the Assignments, etc.
  3. Read this sheet carefully and make a note of all the information, before you begin.
Follow the side-by-side learning methodology while learning from spoken tutorials - watch the video, listen to the instructions, pause the video, try out the command on your system.  You should get the exact same results as shown in the video.  If successful, proceed with the video.  Else, rewind and watch the video again and replicate the commands shown.

Complete all the videos in the given sequence one by one.
The Assignment for each tutorial is for your self-assessment only.  Do not upload it anywhere for evaluation.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Mathematics
  • Applied Sciences
  • Management Studies
Credit Points : 2
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate

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Course layout

Introduction to R

R (http://www.r-project.org/) is an open source software - a well organized and sophisticated package - that facilitates data analysis, modelling, inferential testing and forecasting. It is a user friendly software which allows to create new function commands to solve statistical problems. It runs on a variety of UNIX platforms (and similar systems such as LINUX), Windows and Mac OS.

R is the most preferred open-source language for analytics and data science. At Microsoft, R is used by its data scientists, who apply machine learning to data from Bing, Azure, Office, and the Sales, Marketing, and Finance departments. Twitter has been using R for measuring user-experience. On the other hand, the cross-platform compatibility of R and its capacity to handle large and complex data sets make it an ideal tool for academicians to analyze data in their labs.

R can be used for simple calculations, matrix calculations, differential equations, optimisation, statistical analysis, plotting graphs, etc. Also, it is useful to anybody who wishes to undertake extensive statistical computations and data visualization.

The spoken tutorials (ST) for R series was initially created by Prof. Kannan Moudgalya, IIT Bombay. Later, the domain expert for this series was Prof. Radhendushka Srivastava, Maths Dept. IIT Bombay. Content for this series was contributed by FOSSEE Fellows 2018 Shaik Sameer and Varshit Dubey and the tutorials were recorded by Sudhakar Kumar, M.Tech student IIT Bombay. Overall coordination for the series was done by Smita Wangikar from FOSSEE project, IIT Bombay. Madhuri Ganapati and Vidhya Iyer from Spoken Tutorial project, IIT Bombay, were the reviewers from ST end.

Learners: High School and UG/PG CSE/CS/IT students and anyone who wishes to learn basic statistical data analysis.

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