
By Dr.Mayank Aggarwal   |   Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya,Haridwar
Learners enrolled: 32715
The course is divided in Six Modules which will be covered in six weeks . All lectures would be video based lectures and for hands on session a virtual machine link would be provided .



The objective of this course is to provide conceptual understanding of block chain technology and how it can be used in Industry 4.0 The course covers the technological underpinning of block Chain operations in both theoretical and practical implementation of solutions using Ethereum.



At the end of this course, the students will be able to:

·       Understand block chain technology.

·       Understand Cryptocurrency

·       Understand Smart contract

·       Use Remix IDE

·       Develop block chain based solutions and write smart contract using Ethereum Framework.

·       Deploy Decentralized Application

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Not Applicable
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate

Page Visits

Course layout


Introduction: Overview of Block chain, History of Blockchain, Peer to Peer Network, Smart Contract, Wallet , Digital Currency, Ledgers, Types of Blockchain Platfrom .


Consensus Mechanism                                                                                         

Permissioned Blockchain, Permisionless Blockchain , Different Consensus Mechanism- Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of Activity, Proof of Burn, Proof of Elapsed Time, Proof of Authority, Proof of Importance.


Crypto currency and Wallet

Types of Wallet, Desktop Wallet, App based Wallet, Browser based wallet, Metamask, Creating a account in Metamask, Use of faucet to fund wallet, transfer of cryptocurrency in metamask.


Smart contract and Ethereum

Overview of Ethereum, Writing Smart Contract in Solidity, Remix IDE , Different networks of ethereum, understanding blocks practically at blockhcain.com, how to compile and deploy smart contract in remix.


Understanding Hyperledger Fabric

Overview of Open source Hyperledger project, 
Hyperledger Fabric- Architecture, Identities and Policies, Membership and Access Control, Channels, Transaction Validation, Writing smart contract using Hyperledger Fabric.


 Use Cases

Enterprise application of Block chain: Cross border payments, Know Your Customer (KYC), Food Security, Block chain enabled Trade, We Trade – Trade Finance Network, Supply Chain Financing, Identity on Block chain, Blockchain in energy sector, Blockchain in governance

Books and references

1)  Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy by Melanie Swan

Mastering Blockchain: Deeper insights into decentralization, cryptography, Bitcoin, and popular Blockchain frameworks by Imran Bashier

Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contracts and DApps by Andrews 

Instructor bio

Dr.Mayank Aggarwal

Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya,Haridwar
Currently working as Associate Professor & H.O.D, Computer Science & Engineering at Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar. Designated as IBM Cloud Consultant for 2015 and also Microsoft Azure Certified by MaGE and is USERC(DST) Cloud Mentor. Have one patent to his credit in the field of Blockchain.
Have an experience of 17 years in academics and loves to deliver inspiring and technical talks. Have represented Uttarakhand, U.P. West and Himachal as Science Communicator in Indian Science Congress-2014 and since then it is a passion to talk and teach about how to make use of Science in daily life. Have been a gold medallist and university topper in B.Tech, did B.Tech(Hons.) in Computer Sc. & Engineering , M.Tech in Computer Science and Ph.D(CS), SFRF(IIT-D).
Have more than 100 papers in reputed journals / Conferences. Believes in strong teamwork and has organized many successful conferences/workshops. Conducted more than 100 workshops/trainings in cloud computing and blockchain with some on behalf of IBM partners.
"Teaching is an art but only knowledge can put colours in this art". Is awarded “Best Teacher of Computer Sc. & Engineering Award″  by his university and was awarded as “Most Popular Teacher of Faculty of Engineering &Technology" in 2011 and 2014.Have been honoured by IBM with TGMC Mentor Award-2013. Collaborations provides us a platform to learn.
A Life Member of CSI, IETE, ISCA. Have contributed in CSI at various levels as Hon.Secretary CSI Haridwar Chapter in 2014 -2016, Chairman 2017-18. Actively involved in various social activities of Red Cross and Bharat Vikas Parishad. Editor for CSI Journal of Computing and editorial Board Member for International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research, an UGC approved journal.

Course certificate

Course is a Self Paced Course. The aim of course is to gain knowledge. No certificate shall be issued for it.

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