Research Ethics using Research Methodology: Creating a New Global Education Curriculum

By Satya Saurabh Khosla   |  
Learners enrolled: 7943

Mission Statement: Well Being and Mental Health are global concerns. Education is expected to impact the behaviour of graduating students to enable these. Well Being is negatively impacted when there is cognitive dissonance, for example. This includes individual actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs and values. It also includes things in the environment. Two broad sources of dissonance exist:

(a) There is cognitive dissonance within the individual. Psychological stress occurs when action and ideas are not psychologically consistent. Resolving them causes stress.

(b) There is dissonance with practices followed by others in society. This may happen when ideas and actions in the environment are not resolved with the individual's ideas, ethics, values etc.

Education is now expected to create a framework for resolving both. Material Sciences are taught and tested using a 'practical'. Ancient wisdom's science of creating Well Being (with prosperity) encourages students to experiment with and experience the power of voluntary practices. These actualize each individual's human potential, too. They work in the following way:

(a) Wisdom seeks to remove cognitive dissonance by seeking unity and harmony between the three human outputs of thought, word and deed. 

How to make students actualize their potential and self-actualize? 

(b) Ancient wisdom asks students to travel through three routes: Self Observation, Self Discovery and Self Discipline. When many members of society voluntarily practice self discipline, dissonance with behaviour of others in society is likely to diminish.

Thus the Course begins with a practice of daily self observation. The discipline of self observation leads to self analysis and self discovery. This, finally, leads to self discipline, as a natural choice. When graduating students develop self discipline it leads to righteous conduct (called Dharma in ancient wisdom). When decision makers in society follow righteous conduct, it prevents social problems (disorder, chaos, unethical and immoral behavior, falsehood, crime, corruption etc.) and economic problems (economic recessions). The appropriate use of the human mind actualizes human potential. Education must help students use the full potential of the human mind.

Course Objective:
ng the 2030 education goal of OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – an intergovernmental economic organization to stimulate economic progress, world trade). It should outline the basis of a curriculum to create Well Being and remove social pain. This goal was created after the 2008 recession, which caused much social pain. OECD concluded that despite the industrial and digital revolutions, the spread of technology and education – which led to prosperity in the last 150 years - social pain was created. It now seeks Well Being, not prosperity, as education’s goal.

Course Structure: Ideas that can create such a curriculum are researched during this course: Research Ethics using Research Methodology. Their validation is sought and found in evidence of four decades.

Course Hypothesis: Social Pain is not a natural calamity.  It must have been caused by human actions. What guides them? The use of the mind guides actions. Can we analyze how its use caused social pain?

Course Methodology: The methodology of the course traces the journey of the mind. How did it travel to cause social pain in last 150 years? Can evidence, even in a microcosm of society, show if education ideas can create Well Being in a sustainable manner - over many decades? The Course finds such ideas -that transformed social pain and created Well Being. These emerged from ancient wisdom’s practices.

Course Findings: The Course concludes that more than transforming curricula, transforming the human mind (that comprehends and applies them) is a solution. The transformation of the human mind comes through practices. The first among such practices is ‘Speak the Truth, follow Righteous Conduct’. Other practices, identified at the conclusion, follow naturally. When we apply this approach to the real world, we find that 2008’s recession occurred because the truth of derivatives in USA housing was not told. The 2020 crisis occurred because the truth, of how deadly the virus is, was not revealed initially. Righteous conduct could not be indulged in, creating a global crisis. This helps us identify the Course requirement.

Course Requirement: To transform all, we start with students. Each student must try to speak the truth and follow righteous conduct. He/ she should voluntarily maintain a daily dairy to record progress. This dairy may record if assignments given plagiarized ideas. It is not necessary to share the dairy’s content. A mirror helps check the body’s hygiene. A dairy serves as the mind’s mirror. It checks mental hygiene. Self-analysis is a requirement of the course. Without self-analysis human transformation is not possible.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Level : Postgraduate

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Course layout

re-searching RE-SEARCH: using Ancient Wisdom’s Sahana Vavtu Approach

Lecture 1 for PhD students –

Ab initio: the mind interacts with matter (the world) – re-examining the beginnings…

Lecture 2:

The Sahana Vavtu Approach – (A different Application of the Mind) – Identifying the Research Problem

The mind gathers information about the world’s biggest problem

Lecture 3:

 From Research Problem to Research Hypothesis – A Research Ethics Curricula can reduce social pain

The mind wonders: Why social pain despite education, prosperity?

Lecture 4, 5, 6,7:

The Mind Explores: its Research Hypothesis and a right methodology Part 1,2,3,4

Part 1:How has it done till now and created social pain?

Part 2: The mind explores 3 basic questions throughout this Course form now:

Can there be Re-search without Search? Research Ethics without Ethics? Can there be Research Methodology without a Method? The right method: Find the root of the problem before you start…

Part 3: The exploratory journey of the Mind continues…

Disclaimer: The next 2 sessions extensively use quotations of scholarly work. No opinion or judgement is offered on any institution, individual or academician. Yet research of past scholarly work will be used with an Inner Search to fulfill the objective of creating an education curriculum that prevents social pain.

Lecture 7:

Researching the ‘spirit’ of work is the core of ethics in education: Research Ethics starts here)

Lecture 8:

The Mind has explored philosophy, physics, chemistry and education in last 4 parts

What should the ‘spirit’ lead to? What is the evidence of Well Being that validates results?

Lectures 9, 10:

The Sahana Vavatu Approach –

The Mind changes its exploration in 2008: Part 1, 2

Research Hypothesis and Research Methodology of exploring 4 Human Values:

Truth, Righteous Conduct, Peace & Love - to create Well Being, not social pain…

Lectures 11, 12,13,14:

The Sahana Vavatu Approach –

Evidence of how well-being is created by ancient wisdom’s education: Part 1,2,3,4

Lectures 15, 16, 17, 18: 

The Sahana Vavatu Approach – The Well Being curriculum, Part 1,2,3,4.

Part 1: Well-Being curriculum is a Gestalt of philosophy and practices that give society a sense of security

Part 2: The role of the essence, the spirit. Disclaimer: No academic work is criticized as all seek their idea of what is the essence. However, Wisdom’s idea is different…

Part 3: Transforming Neural Networks with practices, not theory.

Theory, without practices, led to social pain…

Part 4: Part 4 takes a skeptical approach to ideas of all 17 Lectures…and gives answers.

About the Course - Its lectures, evolution and logic 
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Detailed Outline: Lecture-wise
Click here to get lecture-wise detailed Outline 

Questions to Ponder: Lecture-wise
Click here to get lecture-wise Questions to ponder

Books and references

Satya Saurabh Khosla, “How to Prevent Recession - Using Ancient Wisdom and Management Ideas”, Partridge Penguin, 2015. Supplementary Readings, lecture-wise, are enclosed in a pdf.

List of readings: Lecture-wise
Click here to get lecture-wise list of readings 

Instructor bio

Satya Saurabh Khosla

Satya Saurabh Khosla, a businessman, holds an Honours in Economics from St. Stephens College, Delhi and is a post graduate from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He predicted the 2008 and 2020 recessions. The prediction of the 2008 recession was published in Business Times, Singapore in Oct, 2007. It gave a mathematical calculation that a global recession (caused by misuse of derivatives, leveraging etc. esp. in USA housing) will start in end 2007. The National Bureau of Economic Research, USA (NBER, USA - the only body authorized to declare a recession), later, found that the recession started in December 2007.

His book ‘How to Prevent Recession’ is referred to in ‘The Future of Government Report’ of World Economic Forum. His prediction of the 2020 recession was made on March 8/9,2020 at an International Academic Conference organized by a USA University. It gave the way to prevent future recessions. These ideas are expanded upon in this lecture series. The NBER, USA finds that the 2020 recession started in March, 2020 – as predicted. Its recorded video was sent to the CEO, Niti Ayog and link of the book to Chairman of Prime Minister’s Advisory Council, India. Both evince interest in the work. The media, too, appreciates the concept.

The new goal of education is to reduce social pain; which is maximum during recessions. He does not claim an ability to predict recessions. Instead, he credits ancient wisdom’s perspective for revealing them as also answers to two questions: ‘Why do they occur?’, ‘What can prevent them?’. This perspective is shared here.

In 1980’s he was on the Course Design Committee of IGNOU (the world’s largest Open University) and the National Management Programme, Government Of India. He has taught students and executives, concretized ideas like marketing of police services at academic conferences (bringing academicians and practitioners together), contributed to a book on marketing of services etc. He has made communication strategies for better government understanding of industry issues in textiles, sugar, electronics etc. He was joint venture partner and Vice-Chairman Suzuki Motorcycle India (P) Ltd after 2004 and sold his stake before the 2008 recession. He was on the Advisory Committee of the National Conference on Government Policy and Corporate Strategy: Interlinkages – organized by IIM, Ahmadabad, India in ‘90s.

The World Bank Magazine Urban Age covered his public service campaign to control vehicle pollution in India’s capital in the ‘90s. Over 250,000 students participated, monitoring pollution of at least 5 vehicles each in their neighborhood to reduce pollution levels. Another public service campaign involved introduction of ‘Neighborhood Watch Scheme’ in the capital city of India. Over a million residents visited their local police station to get free home security devices and learn strategies for self-protection and collective protection.

He is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Quantitative Methods. This 18-lecture series was delivered to PhD students at the Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala, India. Academicians and global Well Being experts have reviewed his work. Nobel Laureates appreciate it. His Holiness the Dalai Lama concludes in the Foreword of his book: “This is a very profound concept”. The Chairman of LTWA (which created a Social, Emotional and Ethical academic curriculum for K12 students with Emory University, USA – Emory calls it ‘The Future of Education’) wants all universities to read his work seriously; and wants its ideas to be incorporated in all Masters programs - in all subjects.

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