NIeCer 103: Scientific Writing in Health Research

By Multifaculty   |   Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR) - NIE
Learners enrolled: 40908
About the course
Indian Council of Medical Research [ICMR], National Institute of Epidemiology [NIE], has been offering online programs on bio-medical and public health research, the ‘NIE-ICMR e-Certificate’ – NIeCer courses since 2016. The third in this series, NIeCer 103: Scientific Writing in Health Research, is a self-paced course on scientific writing for health researchers.  Communicating research findings to the scientific community is the responsibility of every researcher.
Our course will explain the fundamental concepts in drafting a scientific manuscript to effectively communicate research findings. It will provide an overview of the steps and principles involved in organizing a manuscript logically and sequentially within a structure. It will also introduce writing styles and formatting guidelines to be adhered to while drafting a scientific manuscript. We expect this course to be useful to individuals interested in improving their scientific writing skills and enhancing their publication profile.
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Level : Certificate

Page Visits

Course layout

Course syllabus

Argument matrix & Background
Argument matrix
How to set the background of your article 

Reference management & Methods
Referencing using Zotero
How to write methods section?

Results & data sharing
Tables and figures
How to write results section?
Data sharing policy

Discussion & Additional information
How to write a discussion?
How to write a title, abstract & list keywords?
Additional information

Publication ethics &Submission of manuscript
Publication ethics
How to choose a journal for submission?
Responding to peer review
Scientific writing style

Course process

Note: Name as entered during enrollment will appear in the e-certificate

Books and references

2. Guidance on Scientific Writing- Equator Network. https://www.equator-network.org/library/guidance-on-scientific-writing/

3. Kotz D, Cals J. Scientific writing and publishing in medicine and health sciences: A quick guide in English and German. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter; 2021.

Instructor bio

Course certificate

Attempting all assignments is mandatory. Participants who obtain a minimum score of 50% in each assignment will be awarded an e-certificate of completion. e-certificate will be sent to the registered email id of successful participants on the last working of every month.

Note: Name as entered during enrollment will appear in the e-certificate. No further changes will be entertained in the e-certificate.

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