Energy Literacy

By Prof Chetan Singh Solanki   |  
Learners enrolled: 13743
Energy is the key driver of social and economic growth. Access to reliable energy has enabled communities and countries to grow technologically and economically faster than others who lack such access. But, current energy generation and supply systems are mainly centralised and heavily dependent on fossil fuels. This results in dependency on energy imports, the financial burden on governments, loss of energy in transmission and distribution. Moreover, currently, 80-85% of the world's energy needs are being fulfilled with fossil energy, the main cause of global warming and climate change. Its impacts can be seen in the form of forest fires, floods, heatwaves, and cyclones with increasing intensity and frequency. Renewable energy technologies have evolved to become viable alternative options, but adaption is slow. In general, there is a lack of widespread awareness on energy supply issues, climate change issues, and the availability of alternative solutions.

The Energy Literacy Training aims to educate the masses on an understanding of energy generation and consumption, and its impact on the environment in the context of self, state, and country. In wake of climate change, sustainable living, and sustainability of life. Energy Literacy training would enable individuals and institutions to make informed decisions on sources of energy to be used and appropriate amounts to be used.

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Level : Certificate

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Course layout

Module-1 Realising we use lot of energy
Module-2 Where does the energy come from?
Module-3 Understanding units of energy
Quantifying energy use in simple terms
How much is your carbon footprint
Module-6 Climate change has happened
Module-7 Energy as a problem and as a solution
Module-8 Avoid use of energy by 1/3rd
Module-9 Minimize the use of energy by 1/3rd
Module-10 Generate remaining 1/3rd energy locally

Module-11 Misconceptions about solar energy
Pledge for action

Instructor bio

Prof Chetan Singh Solanki

A renowned solar scientist, a professor of IIT Bombay, Dr. Solanki has been referred to as “Solar Man of India” by Times of India, The Hindu and India Today. Some people also call him “Solar Gandhi”. Known for his remarkable work in the field of Solar, he is an educator, innovator, researcher, author and and loves to talk about the philosophy of life. He is the author of 8 books and over 100 research papers. 

Following Gandhian ideals, he has coined the word ‘Energy Swaraj’. His Energy Swaraj Movement is a stepping stone towards energy access, energy sustainability, and climate change mitigation. Currently he is on an 11 years long Energy Swaraj Yatra through a solar bus to bring awareness about climate change to masses and encourage them to switch towards 100% solar powered life. During this 11 years of yatra he has pledged to live on a bus and not go home until the goal is achieved. Prof. is Solanki believes in practising yoga, breathing exercises and meditation for physical and mental well-being as a teacher of Art of Living.

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