Quantum Mechanics I in Hindi

By Prof. P. Ramadevi   |   IIT Bombay
Learners enrolled: 714

This course is a first level course in the Dirac’s bra(ket) notation which will set foundation to take up advanced level courses

INTENDED AUDIENCE : BTech Engineering Physics, B Tech Electrical Eng, MSc Physics, MSc – 5 year integrated Chemistry

PREREQUISITES : Must have done the sophomore course on quantum physics and applications where Schrodinger equation, wave function and expectation values are taught

Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : Hindi
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate

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Course layout

Week 1 : Introduction to Quantum Mechanics-I, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics-II, Review of Particle in Box, Potential Well, Barrier, Harmonic Oscillator-I, Review of Particle in Box, Potential Well, Barrier, Harmonic Oscillator-II
Week 2 : Bound States-I, Bound States-II, Conditions and Solutions for One Dimensional Bound States - I, Conditions and Solutions for One Dimensional Bound States - II
Week 3 : Linear Vector Space (LVS) - I, Linear Vector Space (LVS) - II, Linear Vector Space (LVS) - III, Basis for Operators and States in LVS - I
Week 4 : Function Spaces - I, Function Spaces - II, Postulates of Quamtum Mechanics - I ,Postulates of Quantum Mechanics – II
Week 5 : Classical Vs Quantum Mechanics - I, Classical Vs Quantum Mechanics - II, Compatible Vs Incompatible Observables - I, Compatible Vs Incompatible Observables - II
Week 6 : Schrodinger and Heisenberg Pictures - I, Schrodinger and Heisenberg Pictures - II, Solutions to Other Coupled Potential Energies-I, Solutions to Other Coupled Potential Energies-II
Week 7 : Hydrogen Atom Wave Functions, Angular Momentum Operators, Identical Particles-I, Hydrogen Atom Wave Functions, Angular Momentum Operators, Identical Particles-II, Identical Particles,Quantum Computer-I, Identical Particles, Quantum Computer-II
Week 8 : Harmonic Oscillator -I, Harmonic Oscillator -II, Ladder Operators -I, Ladder Operators -II
Week 9 : Stern-Gerlach Experiment-I, Stern-Gerlach Experiment-II, Oscillator Algebra Applications-I
Week 10 : Angular Momentum-1 -I,Angular Momentum-1 -II, Rotations Groups -I, Rotations Groups -II
Week 11 : Addition of Angular Momentum-I, Addition of Angular Momentum-II, Clebsch-Gordan Coefficient -I, Clebsch-Gordan Coefficient -II
Week 12 : Clebsch-Gordan Coefficient -III, Tensor Operators & Wigner-Eckart Theorem-I, Tensor Operators & Wigner-Eckart Theorem-II, Tensor Operators & Wigner-Eckart Theorem-III.

Books and references

Modern Quantum Mechanics by Sakurai.

Instructor bio

Prof. P. Ramadevi

IIT Bombay
My field of research is mathematical physics. I have been working on knot invariants from Chern-Simons theory and topological strings.

Course certificate

This is a Self-Paced course in different languages for learning purpose. There is no assignment, final exam and certificate for this course.

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