Yoga for Voice Culture

By Dr H R Nagendra | Prof M K Sridhar | Dr Arundhati Goley   |   Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana
Learners enrolled: 604

About the Course
This course provides an overview on role of Yoga in culturing Voice. As a component of total personality development voice culturing aims at training the participants in both eastern and western perspectives thus improving the quality, power and endurance of Voice. The course includes  both theory and practice components; the theory modules will give an overview of both eastern and western perspectives of  Anatomy and Physiology of voice, will enables students, adults and prospective singers to understand common disorders of  Speech such as stuttering, functional and organic causes of voice and other major voice related disorders, role of emotions in developing voice and cultivating right kind of emotional intelligence and  understanding the conceptual basis of yogic view in preventing and managing these disorders through guided practices. The other part of the course will give a detailed explanation and hands on practice sessions of various yoga techniques starting from breathing practices, specific voice culture techniques, asanas, pranayama, various meditative techniques useful for developing right kind of mindset, relaxation techniques to improve the quality, power and endurance of Voice and by the end of the Course, the participant will also be made aware of all the recent Evidence based Studies on yoga for Voice Culturing.

Intended Audience:

Both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students studying yoga or any other courses and prospective Singers

Course Status : Completed
Course Type :
Duration : 16 weeks
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate
Start Date : 11 Jan 2023
End Date : 30 Apr 2023
Enrollment Ends : 15 Mar 2023
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1

  • Module 1: Introduction to Yoga for Voice Culture
  • Module 2: Introduction to Voice Culture

Week 2

  • Module 3: Anatomy of Voice - Western Perspective
  • Module 4: Anatomy and Physiology of Voice - Eastern Perspective

Week 3:

  • Module 5: Physiology of Sound Production- Western Perspective
  • Module 6: Science of Sound- Eastern Perspective

Week 4

  • Module 7: Speech and Voice disorders
  • Module 8: Role of Emotions in Culturing Voice

Week 5
  • Module 9: Conceptual Basis of yoga for Voice Culture
  • Module 10:  Yoga Techniques for Voice Culture- 1

Week 6

  • Module 11:  Yoga Techniques for Voice Culture- 2
  • Module 12:  Yoga and Voice- An overview of Research Evidences


Week 7

  • Module 13: Breathing Practices- I (Hand stretch Breathing Hand in and out breathing, ankle stretch breathing)
  • Module 14: Breathing Practices – II (Shashankasana Breathing, Tiger Breathing, Dog Breathing)
  • Module 15: Tongue and mouth strengthening practices-I (Tongue Massaging, Tongue in and Out, Tongue Rotation)

Week 8

  • Module 16: Tongue and mouth strengthening practices-II (Laughter Exercise, Mouth Twisting, Tongue Twisting)
  • Module 17: Tongue and mouth strengthening practices-III (Lip Stretch, blowing cheeks, twisting lips)
  • Module 18:  Loosening of upper body I- (up and down + right and left twisting+ side Bending of neck, Neck rotation, Shoulder Movement)

Week 9
  • Module 19: Loosening of upper body II – (Elbow movement, wrist movement, wrist  rotation, finger stretching)
  • Module 20: Asanas- I (Ardha chakrasana , Padhastasana, Ushtrasana)
  • Module 21: Asana- II (Paschimottanasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana ,Vipareet karni )x
Week 10
  • Module 22: Asana- III (Bhujangasana, Sarala Salabhasana, Setu bandhasana)
  • Module 23: Asana IV (Single- leg pawanmuktasana, Sarvangasana, Matyasana)
  • Module 24: Pranayama- I (Sectional Breathing, Kapalbhati, Nadi Sudhhi Pranayama)

Week 11

  • Module 25:  Pranayama- II (Bhastrika, Ujjayi Pranayama, Bhramhari Pranayama)
  • Module 26: Pranayama- III (Nada Anusandhana, Cooling Pranayama, Simha mudra)
  • Module 27: Relaxation Technique- I (IRT & QRT)

Week 12

  • Module 28: Relaxation Technique – II (DTR)
  • Module 29: Mind Sound Resonance Technique- I
  • Module 30: Mind Sound Resonance Technique- II
Week 13
  • Module 31: Cyclic Meditation - I
  • Module 32: Cyclic Meditation - II
  • Module 33: Cyclic Meditation- III
Week 14
  • Module 34: OM Dhyana
  • Module 35: Nada Anusandhana and OM kara chanting for Voice
Week 15
  • Module 36: Bhajans for Developing Emotional Intelligence 
  • Module 37: Vedic chanting for Voice Culture

Week- 16
  • Module 38: Overall IAYT module for Voice culture- part I
  • Module 39: Overall IAYT module for Voice culture- part II
  • Module 40Overall IAYT module for Voice culture- part III

Books and references

  • Nagaratna, R & Nagendra H.R. (2008). Yoga for Positive Health. Bangalore. Swami Vivekanada Yoga Prakashana
  • Nagaratna, R & NagendraH.R. (1986). Self-Management of Excessive Tension. Bangalore. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana
  • Nagendra, H.R. (2005). Pranayama, the art and science (3rd edn.) Bangalore. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana
  • Pasa, G., Oates, J., & Dacakis, G. (2007). The relative effectiveness of vocal hygiene training and vocal function exercises in preventing voice disorders in primary school teachers. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 32(3), 128-140.
  • Roy, N., Gray, S. D., Simon, M., Dove, H., Corbin-Lewis, K., & Stemple, J. C. (2001). An evaluation of the effects of two treatment approaches for teachers with voice disorders.
  • Shirley, T. (1998). A glimpse of human body. Bangalore: Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana
  • RAO, T. I., & NAGENDRA, H. R. (2014). The role of yogasanas and pranayama techniques in correcting the functional disorders of voice production. International Journal of Research in Humanities, 2, 2321-8878.

Instructor bio

Subject Matter Experts

Dr H R Nagendra,
ME., PhD

Chancellor, S-VYASA, Bengaluru

Dr H R Nagendra holds PhD in Mechanical Engineering from IISc, Bangalore. After receiving his doctorate in 1968, he served as faculty of IISc in Department of Mechanical Engineering. Then, he went to Canada as Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the University of British Columbia, Canada in 1970. From there, he moved to NASA Marshall Space Flight Centre, USA as Post-Doctoral Research Associate in 1971 and moved to Engineering Science Laboratory, Harvard University, USA as a Consultant in 1972. He served as Visiting Staff at Imperial College of Science and Technology, London later. In 1975, he joined Vivekananda Kendra, a service mission as a whole-time worker.  Director of Training Centre, Vivekanandapuram, Kanyakumari. Between 1975 and 1993, he served as the All India Secretary, Yoga Shiksha Vibhag, Vivekanand Kendra, Kanyakumari. He is the founder and President of Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, Bengaluru.

Currently, He is the Chancellor of Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana, a Yoga University in Bangalore. He was also Chairman of Task force of AYUSH, Govt, of India, New Delhi. He has published 30 Research Papers in Engineering and more than 200 research papers on Yoga. He has authored and co-authored 40 books on Yoga. He has received several awards for his life time achievement in the field of yoga including Padma Shri award by Govt. of India in 2016.


Prof. MK Sridhar, PhD

Distinguished Professor, SVYASA, Bengaluru

 Currently he is Distinguished Professor, SVYASA, former Registrar of SVYASA university (JAN2019- SEP 2022) He is Hon. Adjunct Professor, Hindu University of America, Florida. He was Hon. Visiting Professor, Yoga University (Deemed), Bangalore (2009 onwards) and Hon. Director of Research, Sri Chidambara Institute for Research and Development, Gubbi.

He was the Registrar of Karnataka Samskrit University, Chamarajapet, Bangalore (June 07, 2014 to December 06, 2015), Deputy Director, Publications wing, Karnataka Samskrit University (March 2012 – July 2013) and Hon. Dean, Division of Yoga and Humanities, Yoga University (2011-16). He was an Associate Professor of Sanskrit, National Degree College (Autonomous), Basavanagudi, Bangalore - 560 004 and was HOD of Sanskrit, National Degree College (Autonomous), Jayanagar VII Block, Bangalore -70. He was a Fulbright Scholar (2000) with South Carolina University, USA (selected by the Indian and US Governments), Assistant Professor of Hinduism and Indian Philosophy at Hindu University of America, Orlando (2004 and 2005), an Adjunct Professor at Union University, Cincinnati, USA (2005 - 07). He has presented papers in 40 International conferences (USA, UK, Europe and South - East Asia), 40 National conferences and has participated in panel discussions on ancient thoughts and modern contemporary issues.

Course Coordinator & Subject Matter Expert

Dr. Arundhati Goley

Assistant Professor and Medical Officer, S-VYASA, Bengaluru

Dr. Arundhati is a specialist in Yoga and Naturopathy with an experience of 4 years. She has completed her BNYS, MD (Yoga Therapy) from SVYASA University. She has expertise in providing guidance, assessment, and treatments to diverse group of patients.  She aims in treating the patient with a holistic approach. Currently working as an Assistant Professor at SVYASA university. Her keen areas of studies are yoga physiology, psychoneuroimmunology and yoga therapy.

Course certificate

Grading Policy:

There will be (a) Internal Assessment and (b) Final Exam.


  • Internal Assessment: This will carry 30% weightage. MCQs for all the Weeks and one assignment on Yoga Practice 
  • Final Exam: This will carry 70% weightage.  The final exam will have questions from all the weeks.

Passing Marks:

  • You will be eligible for a certificate only if you score minimum 50% in  Internal Assessment and minimum 50% in Final Exam. 

Final Examination:

  • Type of exam: Computer based  proctored exam conducted by National Testing Agency
  • Exam Center: You will have to appear at the allotted exam centre and take the exam in person. (You can find the final allotted exam centre details in the admit card (hall ticket)).
  • Admit Card: You can download the Admit card (Hall ticket) around one week before the exam. 
  • QP Pattern: All the questions will be in the format of MCQs. 

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