This course is created with an objective to introduce a very important area, that is intellectual property. After doing this course, learner will:
1. Know concept of intellectual property(IP)
2. Appreciate the nature, scope and different types of IPs, its different utilities and approaches followed to get various benefits
3. Understand the rationale and importance of IP in knowledge economy
4. Be introduced to practical aspects of intellectual property
Course Instructors
KAPILA IPR Committee
Instructors' Profiles
Prof. Gouri Gargate, IIT Kharagpur
Prof. Gargate has 24 years of experience as teacher, researcher, consultant, Patent Associate, information scientist. Her educational background is Ph.D.- IP management, IIT Bombay, LLM (IPR), University of Mumbai - Gold medal, LLB, University of Mumbai, M.Sc. (Industrial Microbiology) - Gold medal, B.Sc. (Microbiology), Registered Patent Agent (IN/PA/1930), TIFAC scholar, PGDMLT- University of Mumbai, PG Diploma in patent law - NALSAR, Hyderabad, UGC-SET, PET- University of Mumbai, DL101-WIPO. She has been recognized as the “WIPF Powerful Women in IP - INDIA 2021”, and “Successful TIFAC scientist-2021”. She has published her research work in reputed international journals. As an IP researcher, she has developed various tools and models for IP management. She has presented her research work in international conferences such as PICMET, Canada; IAMOT, England; AMRC, Dubai; IAMOT, France and a few more. She has conducted several workshops for IP awareness. She organised a few “IP clinics”. She has organised a few national and international conferences on IP & also worked as guest editor for special issue published by Elsevier in 2014- MIPS 2014. She has been resource person in various programmes such as FDPs, conferences, seminars and delivered 100 + invited talks. She has developed three NPTEL courses available on Swayam platform and benefitted 60,000+ learners.
Prof. P.V.M. Rao, IIT Delhi
P. V. Madhusudhan Rao is professor in department of mechanical engineering and department of design at IIT Delhi.
He obtained his Ph.D from IIT Kanpur. He was a guest researcher to US government's National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST, USA), visiting scientist to Massachusetts Institute of Technology and visiting faculty to Stanford University. His current teaching and research interests include product design & manufacturing with a special emphasis on design of medical & assistive devices.
As a coordinator of IIT Delhi Design Innovation Center (DIC), he is also responsible for initiating and driving multiple programs in design, innovation & entrepreneurship. He has several patents and design registrations to his credit many of which have been commercialized. He also serves as part-time director and scientific advisor to many start-ups and incubators.
Prof. H. Purushotham, IP Chair, Andhra University, DPIIT
Prof H Purushotham obtained his B.Tech degree in Chemical Engineering from Andhra University Visakhapatnam, M.Tech from IIT Kharagpur, MBA from IGNOU and PhD from Osmania University Hyderabad.He has about 37 years of diverse experience in R&D, Industry, IP Management, Technology Transfer, Incubation, Teaching, Consultancy, Venture Funding and Industry Academia Partnership etc. and worked in many institutions under CSIR, DSIR, DST of Ministry of Science & Technology Government of India. Currently he is working as DPIIT-IPR Chair Professor at Andhra University Visakhapatnam and teaching IPR to UG/PG and PhD students and helping the University in building and nurturing the IP culture.
He has authored/ co-authored 65 project reports, 5 book chapters, one book, published/ presented 100 research papers in various journals and conferences, filed three patents. Dr. Purushotham has been sphere heading Commercialization of Innovative Technologies developed by various public funded R&D Labs and Universities in the country and helped industry in commercializing more than 500 technologies/IPs in different sectors, like, Food & Agriculture, Healthcare, Engineering, Chemicals, IT&ITES etc and contributing significantly to Start-up India and Make in India Missions of Govt. of India.
He is a recipient of 18 national and international awards including “Meritorious Young Consultant Award 1991" Instituted by Consultancy Development Centre, Ministry of Science & Technology. BSE-SKOCH Award 2016, International Association of Advanced Materials Medal 2017, Sweden, ASSOCHAM and Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry Awards 2017 for promoting R&D and Innovation in the country. Under his leadership NRDC got “Best PSU Award” from Governance Now for bringing financial turnaround and he was awarded a “CEO of the Year 2017” from Indian Chambers of Commerce. He has also received an IP Academician of the year 2021 and IPTSE Academy & FICCI Award 2022 for IPR promotion in Academia. He has travelled extensively in India and abroad and delivered more than 100 invited keynote lectures.
Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, MoE
Since August 2018, Dr. Abhay Jere is the Chief Innovation Officer for Ministry of Education, Govt. of India. Before joining ministry, Dr. Jere worked as Chief Scientist- Life Sciences and R&D Head for Persistent Systems Ltd. He is also the brain and driving force behind annual initiative ‘Smart India Hackathon’ which has now evolved as ‘World’s Biggest Hackathon and largest Open Innovation Model’. His efforts have established Hackathon culture in India. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has personally applauded these initiatives and even proposed India-Singapore Joint Hackathon in 2019 which was even executed by Dr. Jere. Last year, ASEAN-India Hackathon and Toycathon were also organized under his leadership.
Dr. Jere is instrumental in conceptualizing first-of-its’ kind ‘Atal Innovation Ranking framework (ARIIA)’ for ranking all education institutions in India on their innovation achievements. To guide education institutions for establishing innovation ecosystem, Dr. Jere conceptualized ‘Institution’s Innovation Councils (IIC)’. Currently, IIC has been established in more than 2500 institutions involving 26+ lakh students and faculty and professionals. Dr. Jere designed ‘National Innovation and Startup Policy for Faculty and Students’ to help enable students and faculty of higher education institutions to work on their innovation, startup and enterprise.
Dr. Jere has conceptualized training program to convert 10,000 college faculty from across India into ‘Innovation Ambassadors’. Dr. Jere is committed to popularize need of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst Indians, hence he routinely writes columns in renowned English and vernacular newspaper and magazines. Recently, to systematically foster the culture of innovation at school level, Dr. Jere has designed ‘School Innovation Council’ program to promote creativity within student population.
Dr. Jere is also a very active scientist in field of biology and bioinformatics having worked in the US, Japan, Europe. He is the main brain behind ‘Human Atlas initiative-Manav’ and currently its National Coordinator. He has worked in cutting edge areas such vaccines, personalized medicine and personalized genomic. As Principal Investigator, Dr. Jere has received multiple research grants from prestigious government funding agencies like CSIR, DBT, etc.
Dr. Jere has published more than 20 research papers in very prestigious international journals and contributed to multiple book chapters. He also guides students for their thesis. Dr. Jere completed his Ph.D from National AIDS Research Institute (NARI), Pune. Dr. Jere received multiple awards like Digital Thought Leadership Award by World Assessment Council, Boston USA, Distinguished Alumni Award by ICT, Mumbai and Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee Award.
Dr. Mohit Gambhir, Innovation Director, MoE
Dr Mohit Gambhir, Innovation Director, Ministry of Education, Government of India is doing phenomenal work in promoting innovation ecosystem across the country through various path-breaking initiatives. He has vast experience in the IP and patents domain by virtue of channelizing companies from scratch and building them into a big corporation. In the past he has worked with organizations like CDAC, CPA global, Thomson Reuters and developed a lot of models across the innovation space.
Working as Innovation Director he has launched many path breaking programs having direct and indirect impact on more than million lives across the country. Even during the pandemic time, he along with his team implemented Worlds’ first virtual online hackathon which saw participation of more than 10000+ participants.
He is a senior member of IEEE and has also received multiple International and National awards in recognition of his contributions in the Innovation & entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Dr. Elangovan Kariappan, Assistant Innovation Director, MoE
Dr. Elangovan Kariappan is an Assistant Innovation Director, Innovation Cell, Ministry of Education, Government of India, New Delhi. In his current assignment, he is involved in promoting the culture of innovation in Schools and Higher Education Institutions. He has over 19 years of experience. He obtained his Full-Time Ph.D Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Anna University Chennai. He has published for seven patents and over 60 papers in National and International Journals. He had received 3 National Awards and One International Award from Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. He was awarded as Young Scientist Award from Department of Science and Technology. He has visited countries like Austria, France, Greece, Germany, Malaysia, Singapore, Srilanka, Switzerland, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, USA and UK.
Dr. Pooja Rawat, Innovation Officer, MoE
Dr. Pooja Rawat is Innovation Officer at Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell. At Innovation Cell, Dr. Rawat implements and monitor multiple projects and initiatives of Government in higher education and research institutes and also in school education across the nation. Her major projects at MoE include policy initiatives such as ‘National Innovation and Startup Policy (NISP)’ for higher education institutes; ‘National Policy for Promoting Innovations in Schools (NPPIS)’; IP Literacy; educators’ and students’ training, etc. Dr. Pooja is also a registered patent agent (IN/PA- 3991) and has expertise in patent writing, patent prosecution and well versed in interpretation of Indian Patent Act and the Patent Rules.
Earlier, Dr. Rawat worked with National Innovation Foundation, Ahmedabad, where she significantly contributed to the pre-clinical and clinical validation of grassroots innovations, product development with planning and management of 90+ validation and value addition research projects initiated and implemented during her tenure. She did her Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and has 9+ years of post-PhD experience working in the domain of technological and grassroots Innovations and Patent Prosecution. Dr. Pooja has published several research papers, book chapters, popular articles with reputed International and national publishers. Her interests include public policy, intellectual property and technological innovations.
Course Status : | Completed |
Course Type : | Elective |
Language for course content : | English |
Duration : | 12 weeks |
Category : |
Credit Points : | 3 |
Level : | Undergraduate |
Start Date : | 01 Jul 2024 |
End Date : | 31 Oct 2024 |
Enrollment Ends : | 31 Aug 2024 |
Exam Date : | 08 Dec 2024 IST |
Exam Slot : | Slot 1 (9 AM to 12 PM) |
Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.