NIeCer 105: Basic Course in Vector-Borne Diseases for Health Professionals

By Multifaculty   |   ICMR-NIE & ICMR-VCRC
Learners enrolled: 4340
This self-paced course aims to provide the learners with an overview of the basic concepts of epidemiology, as applicable to vector-borne diseases. After introducing the learners to the fundamental concepts of designing, conducting, and interpreting epidemiological studies, the course focuses on the natural history, prevention, control, elimination, and eradication strategies for vector-borne diseases. Subsequently, there is a brief segment on the biology, behavior, and identification characteristics, of important vectors. The course concludes with an overview of the burden, program targets, epidemiological determinants, diagnosis, management, and control measures of the common vector-borne diseases in India.

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Students from medical/allied health courses, public health students, public health managers, and field supervisors.

PREREQUISITES: Any degree in medical/allied health courses

INDUSTRY SUPPORT: All Institutes under the Indian Council of Medical Research and Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Research institutes (public or private) or NGOs engaged in health research in humans or animals; State- and district-level disease control or health departments/authorities involved in vector-borne diseases
Course Status : Upcoming
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : Self Paced
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Level : Certificate

Page Visits

Course layout

Module i :Basic epidemiology :

Lec 1: Introduction to epidemiological concepts
Lec 2: Measures of disease frequency
Lec 3: Descriptive epidemiology
Lec 4: How to choose the appropriate study design for your research ?
Lec 5: Principles of disease surveillance
Lec 6: Approach for investigating an outbreak
Lec 7: Principles of data analysis
Lec 8: Principles of data presentation

Module ii :Concepts in VBD Epidemiology
Lec 1: Introduction to epidemiological concepts in VBDs
Lec 2: Dynamics and Modes of transmission (Natural history)
Lec 3: Agent-host-vector-environment interactions
Lec 4: Factors affecting vector-borne transmission and risk groups
Lec 5: VBDs Prevention, Control, Elimination & Eradication
Lec 6: Challenges in vector control strategies

Module iii :Entomology :
Lec 1: Biology of Disease Vectors
Lec 2: Practical design and intervention options
Lec 3: Vector control: Methods of implementation and indices
Lec 4: Tick and fleas: Biology and control
Lec 5: Mites: Biology, control, and indices
Lec 6: Vector surveillance
Lec 7: Integrated vector management
Lec 8: Social and Behaviour Change communication and community participation in VBD control

Module iv :Specific Vector Borne Diseases:
Lec 1: Malaria - Burden, program targets, epidemiological determinants
Lec 2: Malaria - Transmission dynamics, High risk groups, and related definitions
Lec 3: Malaria - Clinical features, Diagnosis and management
Lec 4: Malaria - Control measures, indicators for tracking progress
Lec 5: Dengue - Burden, program targets, epidemiological determinants
Lec 6: Dengue – Clinical features, diagnosis & management
Lec 7: Dengue – Definition of important terms, high risk groups, transmission dynamics
Lec 8: Dengue – Risk Factors, development of transmission risk maps, forecasting and a way forward for prevention/control
Lec 9: Epidemiology of vector-borne disease- Japanese Encephalitis
Lec 10: National Programme for Prevention and Control of Japanese Encephalitis/Acute Encephalitis
Lec 11: Filariasis - Definitions of important terms, Risk factors, Transmission
Lec 12: Filariasis - Clinical Features, Diagnosis and Management
Lec 13: Filariasis: Diagnostics & Xeno-monitoring
Lec 14: Elimination of Lymphatic filariasis - strategies, targets, new approach - monitoring and evaluation
Lec 15: Leishmaniasis - Burden, program targets, epidemiological determinants
Lec 16: Leishmaniasis - Transmission dynamics, High risk groups, definitions of important terms
Lec 17: Leishmaniasis - Clinical features, Diagnosis and management
Lec 18: Leishmaniasis – Control measures and Indicators for tracking progress
Lec 19: Chikungunya - Burden, epidemiological determinants, transmission
Lec 20: Chikungunya - Clinical features, diagnosis, management

Course Process

Books and references

1. Resources on VBDs. National Center for Vector Borne Diseases Control (NCVBDC), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
2. Vector-Borne Diseases: Understanding the Environmental, Human Health, and Ecological Connections: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/11950.
3. Takken W. Ecology and control of vector-borne diseases. Wageningen: Wageningen Acad. Publ; 2007.

Instructor bio

Course coordinator:
Dr. S. A. Rizwan MD, PhD,
ICMR - National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai - 77

Click here to view the instructor details.

Course certificate

  • A minimum of 80% in total assignment score is necessary for successful completion and certification.
  • Participants who obtain a minimum score of 80% will be awarded an e-verifiable course completion certificate at the given dates
Note: Name as entered during enrollment will appear in the e-certificate. No further changes will be entertained in the e-certificate.

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