Components And Applications Of Internet Of Things

By Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Parida   |   Indian Institute of Technology Patna
Learners enrolled: 10317
Decades ago, we connected computers and got today’s powerful Internet. Now we have started to connect everyday objects using internet, to create the Internet of Things. World will have 50 bilion connected devices by 2020. As these IoT devices come online, the industry will face some formidable challenges, such as ensuring the security of its devices, powering billions of sensors and analyzing the data generated by these devices. Therefore it is important to understand underlying components and the entire eco- system and integration issues , various use cases or applications of IoT and its data analytics.

The objectives of this course is to learn about Basics of IoT, Components of IoT including Sensors and actuators, computing and communication systems. It will also cover IoT Protocols, Security of IoT, Cloud based design and AI/Deep learning based analytics.

Intended Audience: Post-Graduate Students, and final year undergraduate students

Prerequisites: Basic courses on communication, computer networks and signal processing

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching (ARPIT)
Credit Points : 3
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 01 Sep 2019
End Date : 31 Dec 2019
Enrollment Ends : 30 Nov 2019
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1:

Unit I – Basics of IoT
Introduction to Internet of things, Various sensors and sensing techniques. Technological trends in IoT. impact of IoT on society.  Review of various IoT application domain   including agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, device management, and  vehicle to vehicle communication and wearable computing devices.

Week 2:

Unit II – Microcontroller and Interfacing Techniques for IoT Devices
Introduction to IoT and architecture layers, IoT smart devices, Typical embedded computing systems, Introduction to ARM architecture and programming method, Embedded system development: a case study, Introduction to interfacing techniques.

Week 3:

Unit III – IoT Protocols & Security
Networking and basic networking hardware. Networking protocols, Interaction between software and hardware in an IoT device.   IoT components and technologies to secure systems and devices.
Various security issues related to the IoT and  security architectures. Hardware security threats and security vulnerabilities;  protecting physical hardware

Week 4:

Unit IV – Location Tracking
Introduction to device localization and tracking; different types of localization techniques: time-of-arrival (TOA) based, time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) based, angle-of-arrival (AOA) based, received signal strength (RSS) based, Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) based and fingerprinting based; Monte-Carlo tracking; Kalman filter based tracking; Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for device location estimator; Device diversity/heterogeneity issue in IoT networks.

Week 5:

Unit V – Deep learning for IoT
This topic will focus how to build good model from the past data so as to predict correctly when the system is provided with a data-point. In this course mostly, supervised learning will be considered. Basics of neural network, activation functions, back-propagation, etc. will be covered. At the end some of the challenges in the context of IoT will be mentioned.

Week 6:

Unit VI - IoT Applications: 
Smart grid: Introduction to smart grid, Integration of IoT into smart grid, Standardization activities for IoT aided smart grid, Applications of IoT aided smart grid, Architectures for IoT sided smart grid, Prototypes, Applications of big data and cloud computing, Open Issues and challenges.

Week 7:

Unit VI - IoT Applications:
IoT-based Smart Home and Nano-grid Monitoring System
Sensor-Controller Coordination of a DC Microgrid in IoT Platform, Cyber physical system, dc microgrid, dc–dc power converter, distributed energy generator, sensor control and controller design. Low Cost DC Nano-grid with Smart Remote Monitoring Unit, DC-DC converter modeling, closed loop control, placement of IoT devices, sensors, micro grid, solar energy, low cost communication system design.
Introduction, objective, components of home monitoring system, control and management, Zigbee, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT).

Week 8:

Unit VI - IoT Applications:
Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT): Introduction to stationary and mobile robots;  Brief introduction to localization, mapping, planning, and control of robotic systems; Introduction to cloud-enabled robotics; Applications of IoT in robotics; Architectures for IoRT; Examples and case studies; Open issues and challenges.

Books and references

It will be provided in each of the lecture sessions.

Instructor bio

Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Parida is presently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Patna. He has completed his PhD in Power Systems Group in the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur in the year 2009. During his PhD program, he was awarded the senior research fellowship (SRF) by Power Management Institute, NTPC Ltd. Noida in the year 2007. In this program, has devised a novel frequency regulation mechanism based on frequency linked free governor mode of operation for Indian electricity supply industry. He has received Young scientist award by DST, Govt. of India in the year 2010 for the project Integration of Distributed Generation System to Improve the System Reliability. Also, he has received Bhaskar Advanced Solar Energy (BASE-2015) Research Fellowship awards by Indo US Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF), DST, Govt. of India in the year 2015. In this program, he has worked on Cost based dynamic load dispatch in parallel converter based microgrid. Above these, he has handled four major projects as PI or Co-PI sponsored by DST, DietY etc. Presently, he is one of the PI in the teaching and learning center (TLC) on internet of things (IoT) sponsored by MHRD. In TLC, he has experience of developing Smartgrid and Smart building laboratories. Recently, in January 2019, he was awarded Young Faculty Research Fellowship (YFRF) by Digital India Ltd., MEITY. He has authored many papers in many of the international journals and presented lot of his works in many international conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE; and is working as reviewer and technical advisor in many international journals and conferences.

Dr. Sriparna Saha received the M.Tech and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, Kolkata, India, in 2005 and 2011, respectively. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India. She is the author of a book published by Springer-Verlag. She has authored or co-authored more than 140 papers. Her current research interests include machine learning, text mining, pattern recognition, multi objective optimization and biomedical information extraction. Her h-index is 22 and total citation count of her papers is 3100 (according to Google scholar). She is also a senior member of IEEE. She is the recipient of the Lt Rashi Roy Memorial Gold Medal from the Indian Statistical Institute for outstanding performance in MTech (computer science). She is the recipient of the Google India Women in Engineering Award,2008, NASI YOUNG SCIENTIST PLATINUM JUBILEE AWARD 2016, BIRD Award 2016, IEI Young Engineers' Award 2016, SERB WOMEN IN EXCELLENCE AWARD 2018 and SERB Early Career Research Award 2018. She is the recipient of Humboldt Research Fellowship, Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM (WISTEMM) Women Overseas Fellowship program 2018 and CNRS felloship. She had also received India4EU fellowship of the European Union to work as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the University of Trento, Italy from September 2010-January 2011. She was also the recipient of Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia (EMMA) fellowship of the European Union to work as a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Heidelberg University, Germany from September 2009-June 2010. She had visited University of Caen, France as a visiting scientist during the period October 2013, December 2013, May-July, 2014 and May-June, 2015; University of Mainz, Germany as a visiting scientist from April-September 2016, April-August 2017; University of Kyoto, Japan as a visiting professor from June-July 2018. She won the best paper awards in CLINICAL-NLP workshop of COLING 2016, IEEE-INDICON 2015, International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2012).

Dr. Sudhir Kumar is currently an Assistant Professor in Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India. Prior to this, he was an Assistant Professor in Department of ECE, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur, India. He has worked as a Scientist at TCS Research Kolkata, India and Sensor Networks lab at Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, UK as an Erasmus Mundus fellow. He is the recipient of several awards and fellowships like National Award from L & T - ISTE for having guided the Best M.Tech. Thesis (2nd Prize), SERB Indo-US post-doctoral fellowship, India-EU Namaste fellowship, TCS research scholarship, MHRD scholarship, IEEE ICC student travel grant award and COMSNETS travel grant. He obtained his PhD degree from the EE department, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2015 and B.Tech. degree in ECE from West Bengal University of Technology Kolkata in 2010. His broad research interest includes wireless sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, internet-ofthings (IoT) and pervasive mobile computing. He published more than 35 research articles in prestigious journals and conference proceedings. 

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