Food Chemistry

By Dr Chandra Nayaka S   |   University of Mysore
Learners enrolled: 1422
This program focuses on providing an introduction to food science and nutrition in general and particularly stressing upon the chemistry aspects of different kinds of foods.  Food chemistry is the discipline that mainly deals with chemical composition of foods, basic bio molecules, with chemical structure and properties of food constituents, and with chemical changes food undergoes during processing and storage, techniques to identify and manage food spoilage. Food chemistry is an interdisciplinary subject and it encompasses some of the basic and advance science subjects like biochemistry, botany, microbiology, nutritional science, biotechnology, molecular biology and chemistry. The course covers a broad range of subjects related to foods including basic scientific principles to food systems and practical applications. The course is divided into different modules which are arranged systematically and gives the learner the basic information about chemical composition of main types of foods, bio molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins and enzymes, lipids, vitamins, pigments, flavours, minerals and other micro components, additives and contaminants. In addition, the course also covers aspects of novel product development and value addition of foods. 
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Agricultural and Food Engineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2019
End Date : 07 Oct 2019
Enrollment Ends : 10 Sep 2019
Exam Date : 10 Nov 2019 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week – I | 1. Introduction to food Chemistry | 2.Introduction to Food and Nutrition | 3. Colorimeter | 4. Introduction to Chromatography |

Week – II | 5. Electrophoresis | 6. Spectrophotometer | 7. Spectroscopy |

Week – III |8. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer | 9. Carbohydrate (Part I) | 10. Carbohydrates (Part II) | 11. Carbohydrates (Part III) |

Week - IV | 12.Lipids-(Part-I) | 13. Lipids (Part - II) | 14. Lipids (Part- III ) | 15. Lipids Part (IV) |

Week – V | 16.Sources of Fat and Oil | 17. Proteins ( Part-I) | 18. Proteins ( Part-II) |

Week – VI | Water Soluble Vitamin  (Part I) | 20. Water Soluble (Part II) | 21. Fat Soluble Vitamins ( Part- I) | 22.  Fat Soluble Vitamins ( Part 2) |

Week – VII | 23. Dietary Minerals | 24. Water | 25. Enzymes (Part 1) | 26. Enzymes (Part 1) | 

Week - VIII | 27. Flavours (Part I) | 28. Flavours (Part II) | 29.Food Pigments (Part I) | 30 Food Pigments (Part II)|

Week – IX | 31. Quality control and management Liquid Waste | 32. Trickling Filters | 33. Value addition to Fruits and Vegetables through Processing |

Week - X | 34.Treatment Method-Solid Waste |35. Biological Composting | 36. Drying and Incineration |

Week - XI | 37. Browning reactions in food Part I | 38. Browning reactions in food (Part 2) | 39. New Product Development |

Books and references

Reading material

Author & Year

Type of publication (article/notes)

Content Abstract

Basic Food Microbiology. Westport, Conn.: AVI. Chapter 4, Factors that affect microbial growth in food

Banwart GJ. 1979

Text Book

Food Microbiology

Food microbiology: fundamentals and frontiers. 2nd ed. Washington (DC): American Society for Microbiology

MP, Beuchat LR, Montville TJ, editors. 2001.

Text Book

Food Chemistry

The microbiological safety and quality of foods. Volume 1 & 2. Gaithersburg (MD): Aspen

Lund BM, Baird-Parker TC, Gould GW, editors. 2000

Text Book

Food Microbiology

Food Microbiology: Fundamentals and Frontiers, Third Edition, ASM Press

Doyle, M. P. and Beuchat, L. R. 2007.

Text Book

Food Microbiology

Food Microbiology by Westhoff, Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company Ltd.

William C Frazier and Dennis C. 1998.

Text Book

Food Microbiology

Instructor bio

Dr. Chandra Nayaka, Principal Investigator for Food Chemistry course under Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) currently am working as Professor/Principal Scientist in the Department of Studies in Biotechnology, University of Mysore, Mysuru, obtained Master’s and Doctoral degrees with distinction from the University of Mysore, Mysore. I have 19 years of teaching/research experience and my field of specialisation is Food and Agricultural biotechnology. I have experience in research including visiting scientist at Danish Government institute for seed pathology (Copenhagen University), Denmark, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid-Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India.

He is recipient of prestigious Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers 2017. Working as Professor - ICAR at University of Mysore in Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), responsible for research works in “Genome-wide analysis of Sclerospora graminicola the causal agent of downy mildew of pearl millet and characterization of effector candidates”.

My laboratory is one of the leading research laboratories on cereal downy mildew research in India. I have contributed significantly on Food Chemistry/mycotoxicology/seed health technology and Molecular plant pathology, biological control of plant pathogens and molecular detection and characterization of seed-borne pathogens. I have developed novel immunological and molecular tools for rapid and accurate detection of plant pathogenic and toxigenic fungi.

He has identified newer bio-agents and developed formulations for seed treatment to improve the seed quality, field emergence and disease management. I have published more than 90 research articles in International and National journals. My research findings will help the researchers/scientists/quarantine peoples/Private company personnel/ to understand the implication of novel molecular markers for accurate and rapid detection and characterization of food borne/plant pathogens. I have trained many scientists/company personnel from Vietnam, South Korea, Bangladesh, Nepal and Tanzania in the area of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology.

Course certificate

30 % for in Course Assessment and 70% of End term Proctored Exam

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