Geography of Tourism

By Prof. A. Balasubramanian   |   University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Learners enrolled: 804
As Tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world and its study encompasses over a wide array of course subjects. Among them, is one of the important course subjects, i.e., Tourism Geography. This subject will enable the students to have an idea about the various destination countries, their unique weather and climatic conditions which attract tourists. This course subject includes the relationship between geography and tourism, geography of various continents and countries such as North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and so on. For better understanding, this course subject is divided into four parts, namely, overview of Tourism Geography, Tourism in Europe, Tourism in South East Asia and Africa, Tourism in Australia, New Zealand and USA. 

Further, to facilitate the students to understand and bring to mind, this course subject is further divided into part 1 and 2 wherever necessary to bring about all the information needed to acquire sufficient knowledge about the destinations in the respective countries. 
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2019
End Date : 30 Sep 2019
Enrollment Ends : 10 Sep 2019
Exam Date : 10 Nov 2019 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week – I 1. Introduction to Geography | 2.Geography  and  Tourism | 3.Geography  of  Travel | 4.Classification of Resources |

Week –II  5. Conservation of Biodiversity | 6. Tourism in Africa – Introduction: Part – I | 7.Tourism in Africa – Introduction: Part – II | 8. Tourism Attractions in Singapore and Indonesia |

Week – III -9. Tourism Attractions in Thailand and Malaysia |10. Tourism in Gulf Countries: Part I |11. Tourism in Gulf countries Part - II |12. Tourism in South East Asia: Part – I |
Week - IV -13. Tourism in South East Asia: Part – II |14.Tourist attractions and activities in Egypt, Kenya and Uganda | 15.Tourist attractions in South Africa and emerging Tourist Destinations in Africa |16. North America |

Week – V -17. Central & South America |18. Europe |19. Africa | 20. Asia |

Week – VI - 21. Australia | 22. New Zealand | 23. Antarctica |

Week – VII - 24. Cultural Geography | 25. Outline of Urban Geography | 26. Island Biogeography |

Week - VIII - 27. Tourism in India - Arunachal Pradesh | 28.  Tourism in India - Assam | 29. Tourism in India - Goa |

Week – IX - 30. Geography of Kerala | 31. Geography of Goa | 32. Geography of Karnataka | 33. Geography of Gujarat |

Week - X - 34. Geography of Odisha | 35. Sustainable Development | 36. Geography of Himachal Pradesh |

Week - XI -37. Geography of Madhya Pradesh | 38. Geography of Tamil Nadu | 39. Geography of Puducherry | 40. Career in Geography|

Books and references

Reading material

Author & Year

Type of publication (article/notes)

Content Abstract

Number of pages

A Geography of World Tourism

Milton Rafferty (1993)

Text Book

Geography around the world and its impact on tourism


Worldwide destinations: The Geography of Travel and Tourism

Boniface and Coopers (2006)

Text Book

A brief explanation of well known destinations around the world based on geographical conditions


Worldwide destinations Casebook: The geography of Travel and Tourism

Boniface and Coopers (2009)

Text Book

Comprehensive Case studies on 38 international tourism destinations.


Tourism Geography

Geethanjali (2010)

Text Book

Fundamentals of geography and its linkages with tourism


National Geographic Learning's Visual Geography of Travel and Tourism

Harssel, Jackson and Hudman (2014)

Reference book

Geography of important tourist destinations around the world


Geography of Travel and Tourism

Dr. Chaturbhuj Mamoria and Komal Singh


Geography and Tourism linkages explained in simple words.


India -  A comprehensive Geography.

D.R Khullar

Reference book

Comprehensive information about Indian geography


Instructor bio

Instructor Bio

Prof A Balasubramanian

Prof. A. Balasubramanian, Course coordinator is serving as Professor of Earth Science at the DOS in Earth Science at the University of Mysore. He developed various documentary films on Tourism, Geography and socio economic originated programs for UGC's Higher education channel. He did his Ph.D in Hydrogeology and water resources evaluation with digital numerical simulation methods, by developing useful Software. He conducted his advanced numerical and experimental modelling research on Dense Contaminant Transport, at the Dept. of Civil and Systems Engineering, James Cook University of North Queensland, Australia. His computer programs like, HYCH (Hydrochemicalfacies analysis, FLOMOD - for two-dimensional groundwater flow analysis, AQPARM (APE) for aquifer parameter evaluation, PRINCI for principal component analysis,  RMULT- for multiple regression, TIMESER- for time series analysis, POLYNOM  and MORPHO were used during the last three decades, by several scholars. He has authored seven books, published over 150 research papers, 175 e-learning lessons, 400 documentaries in  Earth Science, Geography, Tourism  and other subjects. He is the recipient of Vikram Sarabhai Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008 and Dr. Abdul Kalam National Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2017. 

 He served as Dean, Faculty of Science & Technology, and Director of Centre for Information Science &Technology (CIST), Educational Multimedia Research Centre (UGC) at the University of Mysore, and also as Director of Culture and Cultural Relations (Statutory Position) at Pondicherry University, during the last two decades. He has 37 years of teaching, research and administrative experience. He developed curriculum for Master Degree courses, taught computer applications, conducted a dozen major projects and participated in hundreds of academic ventures, in several institutions.  

He has developed e-contents for more than 200 topics, for CEC in Geography, Tourism and allied subjects. 

Course certificate

30% for in course Assessment  & 70% of end-term Proctored exam. The Certificates will be available after Qualifying in the end-term online Proctored exam.

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