By Professor (Dr.) Harel Thomas   |   Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya Sagar (M.P.) (A Central University)
Learners enrolled: 726

I am going to offer you online course entitle Geochemistry. This is 2 credits course run online for 8 weeks and finally end with examination. This course is design for B.Sc. Geology studentsThis course is a basic introduction for the undergraduate students pursuing B.Sc. Geology degree.

Knowledge in the field of geochemistry is expanding rapidly. Students must understand the important chemical approaches used to study the Earth. The study of geology and earth sciences has become more environmentally orientated in recent years and, as a general trend, has also become more quantitative. In turn mathematics and chemistry are an increasingly important part of environmental sciences curriculum. Recognizing both of these trends essentials of Geochemistry bring an environmental and quantitative focus to the study of Geochemistry. In my view there are two basic ways to introduce geochemistry to students. 

The formation of elements approaches descriptively goes through the formation of earth and the elements in it. The present course is designed with a view to introduce a general concept and principles of Geochemistry; as per the syllabus of UGC the course emphasis the geochemistry, which cover the Introduction to geochemistry, basic knowledge about crystal chemistry, types of chemical bonds, coordination numbers, colloids in geological system, ion exchange and geological evidence for earlier colloids, elementary idea of periodic table along with cosmic abundance of elements, composition of planets and meteorite and along with geochemical cycle, the distribution of major, minor and trace elements in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and elements of geochemical thermodynamics,
 isomorphism and isotope geochemistry. 

The course definitely provides better understanding to students for the processes and principles involved during the origin and evolution of the rocks. The course contains video, text, assignments, quiz, case studies, references etc and I hope it will be useful for the geology students within and outside India. Last but not least, I highly accept any comments, questions, or suggestion for the improvement of this course.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Metallurgy and Material science & Mining Engineering
Credit Points : 2
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 19 Aug 2019
End Date : 25 Oct 2019
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Unit 1: W1D1 - Geology & its perspective, Assignment & Quiz,  W1D2Career in geology, Assignment & Quiz, W1D3 - Rock cycle,Assignment & Quiz, W1D4 -Structure and classification of the silicate minerals, Assignment & Quiz, W1D5 - Assignment and Interaction/Forum activity and W1D6 - Weekly test

Unit 2W2D1 - Structure and classification of the silicate minerals, Assignment & Quiz, W2D2- Interior of Earth, Assignment & Quiz, W2D3 - Formation of crust and mantle, Assignment & Quiz,  W2D4 –Formation of Core -1, Assignment & Quiz, W2D5 - Assignment and Interaction/Forum activity and W2D6 - Weekly test

Unit 3: W3D1 – Formation of core -1, Assignment & Quiz, W3D2- MineralogyAssignment & Quiz, W3D3 – Silicate Mineral – 1, Assignment & Quiz,  W3D4 – Silicate Mineral - 2, Assignment & Quiz, W3D5 - Assignment and Interaction/Forum activity and W3D6 - Weekly test

Books and references

Books, Reference and Links:

A Handbook of Minerals, Crystals, Rocks and Ores, Alexander, P.O. 2009. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, p.676

Glossary of Geology (2nd edition), Robert L. Bates & Julia A. Jackson, 1980 American Geological Institute, U.S.A.

Dictionary of Geology, Philip Kearey, 1996, Penguin Books ltd, London, p366

Mineralogy,  L.G. Barry, Brian  Masson & R.V. Dietrich, 2000, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi  p 561

Hoefs, J., 1980 Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Springer-Verlag.

Klein, C. and Hurlbut, C.S., 1993 Manual of Mineralogy, John Viley and Sons, New York.

Krauskopf, K.B., 1967 Introduction to Geochemistry, McGraw Hill.

Mason, B. and Moore, C.B. 1991 Introduction to Geochemistry, Wiley Eastern

Rollinson, H.R., 1993 Using geochemical data: Evaluation, Presentation, and Interpretation

Thomas, H. (2019) MOOC on Geochemistry. SWAYAM.GOV.IN


Instructor bio

Dr. Harel Thomas is Professor in the Department of Applied Geology, Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya; Sagar Madhya Pradesh. He obtained his B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc. in Geology and Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, U. P. India. His Ph.D. work involved in documenting the evolution of the Granulite (Metamorphic rocks)  in terms of Pressure, Temperature, and Tectonic Evolution. He has made significant contributions on the granulite of Rajasthan. He had  to his credit the Research Associateship and the Young Scientist Project Awards of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research [CSIR] and Department of Science and Technology [DST] New Delhi. He has developed several software's in diverse field of Earth Science including calculation of Pressure - Temperature and activity of metamorphic minerals. The software’s are using in different universities and research labs. He has published more than fifty research papers in National and International journals.  He joined the Department of Applied Geology, Sagar Vishwavidyalaya in year 1998 as an Assistant Professor and he also served as a Reader in the Department of Geology, Mizoram Central University, Aizawl in year 2004. 
He has been instrumental in the publication of one volume on Metamorphism and Crustal Evolution in year 2005, which contain a wealth of scientific data. He has developed nearly 30 E-content on Petrology (Metamorphic & Igneous) and Mineralogy through EMMRC, Sagar which are already available on CEC-UGC-MHRD, New Delhi web site. He also recorded more than 40 footage's on metamorphic and igneous petrology which are continuously telecast on SWAYAMPRABHA National Channels.
He has supervised many students for Doctorate Degrees. All are well established in different organization such as NIT, Central University, and Officers in GSI. He is a regular visiting Professor in the Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University; Kathmandu Nepal Since 2012. He is also engaged in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on petrology. The course had successfully completed third cycles (Nov. 2016, July, 2017 and July, 2018) with rating of 4.9 out of 5. He had also successfully completed first cycle (July, 2018) MOOC on Metamorphic Petrology for undergraduate students.
Since January 2019,  he is engagged in running the two MOOCs one on Metamorphic Petrology & Thermodynamics for post graduate students and another on Crystallographic & Mineralogy course for undergraduate students.
He has received Life Time Achievement Award-2018 for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Applied Geology on the Occasion of International Conference on Emerging Issue in Agriculture, Environmental & Applied Sciences for Sustainable Development at SHUATS, Allahabad.
Received Honour  from the Education, Science & Technology Minister, Government of Nepal at Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal on 11th, Feb.2019 in recognition to his distinct contribution to Scholarship as a Visiting Professor in the Department.
He is currently teaching metamorphic petrology, igneous petrology and mineralogy in the postgraduate and undergraduate students of the Department of Applied Geology Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar. The thrust area of his research interest is the metamorphic and tectonic evolution of the high-grade gneiss and granulite.

Course certificate


30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for external proctored examination.

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