Food Safety and Quality Control

By Dr. V.Vijaya Lakshmi   |   The English and Foreign Languages University ( Host University )
Learners enrolled: 4149
Satisfactory food supply has always been a central problem for governments since the formation ancient societies several thousand years ago. Although many of the same foods are still produced and consumed, dietary preferences have changed over the centuries due to the development of the economy and the science of nutrition. Today every consumer requires a safe and healthy food supply. The primary role of our food is to provide enough nutrients to fulfill metabolic requirements, while giving us a feeling of satisfaction and well being. In addition recent investigations confirmed the hypothesis recognized even in 500 B.C. by Hippocrates, that beyond nutrition, diet may modulate various functions of the body. Consequently adequate food consumption may promote the state of well being, better health and prevention of diseases. So it is understandable that interest in healthy food and food quality and its regulation is growing worldwide. When a product is offered for sale, the purchaser expects the product to be what it is purported to be: genuine and wholesome, and free from adulteration and contamination. Correct information about the composition and nutritive value of a food product is designed to protect the consumer from adulteration and falsification, and requires a well organized quality control infrastructure and food regulations.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Agricultural and Food Engineering
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 31 Aug 2020
End Date : 14 Dec 2020
Enrollment Ends : 14 Oct 2020
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1. Food supplementation, substitution, fortification and enrichment
  2. Importance of the costing of the Product
  3. Quality control and Internal control in Food Industry
  4. Sensory evaluation of food samples and container evolution

Week 2                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1.  Food Analysis
  2. Waste control and sanitation Government regulations for quality standards
  3. Food Standards
  4. Primary Sources of Microorganisms in Food

Week 3                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1. Fundamentals of control of microorganisms in foods
  2. Food borne infections
  3. Transmission of food borne infections
  4. Microbes used in food biotechnology

Week 4                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1. Importance of sanitation and hygiene in food
  2. Bacteriological analysis of food
  3. Bacteriological analysis of water and milk
  4. Morphological identification of molds and yeasts in foods

Week 5                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1. Sampling to study the source of transmission of microorganisms in foods
  2. Laws governing food service establishments
  3. Laws concerning hygiene and safety
  4. Hygiene, sanitation and safety of quantity food production

Week 6                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1. Determinants of Health
  2. Role of agricultural production in food availability and consumption
  3. Post harvest handling, Marketing and Distribution of Foods
  4. Food Adulteration

Week 7                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1. Water pollution and its effects on food quality
  2. Industrial effluents and their impact on food quality, Pesticide residues in foods
  3. Food cost control in catering business
  4. Recording and Reporting control charts Production control

Week 8                                                                                                    Assignments (No. & Type)*

  1. Menu planning, purchasing and storage of food for quantity food production
  2. Acquisition of resources and organization

Books and references

Bhatti,S1995.Vame, Fruit and vegetable processing. CBS Publishers, Distributors, NewDelhi.
Coles, R., McDowell, D., Kirwan, M .J. 2003. Food Packaging Technology. Blackwell Publishing Co.
Dauthy, M. E. 1995. Fruits and Vegetables Processing- FAO Bulletin 119. International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow.
Devendra, K. B. and Priyanka, T. 2006. An Introduction to Food Science and technology and Quality Management. Kalyani 
        Publishers 81-272-2521-5.
FAO - Training Manual No.17/2. 2007. Prevention of post-harvest food losses: Fruits, Vegetables and Root crops. Daya Publishing 
        House, Delhi.
Fellows, P. J. 1998. Food Processing Technology – principles and Practices. Ellis Horwood.
Girdhari Lal, G.S. Siddappa and G.L. Tandon. 1959. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables. ICAR, New Delhi.
Girdharilal, Siddappa,G. S.andTandon, G. L.1998. Preservation of fruits and vegetables. ICAR, NewDelhi.
Gordon L. Robertson. 2014. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
Gosby, N.T. 2001. Food Packaging Materials. Applied Science Publication
James G. Brennan. 2006.  Food Processing Handbook. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany.
John, P.J. 2008. A Handbook on Food Packaging  Narendra Publishing House, 
Kalia, M. and Sood, S. 2010.  Food Preservation and Processing.  Revised Edition, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi. 
KaysandStanely,J.1998. Postharvest physiology of perishable plant products. CBS Publishers, Distributors, New Delhi
Mahadevia, M., Gowramma, R.V. 2007. Food Packaging Materials. Tata McGraw Hill
Manoranjan, K. and Sangita, S. 1996. Food Preservation and Processing. Kalyani Publishers 978-81-272-4262-6.
Monoranjam, K. and Sangita, S. 2008. Food Preservation and Processing. Kalyani Publishers 978-81-272-4262-6.
P. Fellows. 2000. Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice, 2nd Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
Robertson, G. L. 2001. Food Packaging and Shelf life: A Practical Guide. Narendra Publishing House.
Robertson, G. L. 2005. Food Packaging: Principles and Practice. Second Edition. Taylor and Francis Pub.
S. Rajarathnam and R.S.  Ramteke, 2011.Advances in preservation and processing technologies of fruits and vegetables. 
Salunkhe, D.K., Bolin, H. R. and Reddy, N. R. 1991. Storage, Processing and Nutritional Quality of Fruits and Vegetables. 2nd 
        Edition. Vol. II. CRC Press 0849356245
Siddappaa, G. S., Girdhari Lal and Tandon, G.L. 1998. Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables. ICAR, New Delhi
Sivasankar, B. 2002. Food Processing and Preservation. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
Srilakshmi. 2010. Food Science. New age International 978-81-224-2724-0.
Srivastava, R. P. & Sanjeev Kumar. 2002. Fruits and vegetable Preservation – Principles and Practice. International Book Distributing 
        Co., Lucknow.
Swaminathan, M. 1988. Hand book of Food Science & Experimental Foods. Bappco publishers, Bangalore
U.D. Chavan and J.V. Patil. 2013. Industrial Processing of fruits and vegetables. Astral International Pvt Ltd. New Delhi.
        Vijay, K. 2001. Text Book of Food Sciences and Technology. ICAR, New Delhi.

Instructor bio

Dr. V.Vijaya Lakshmi

The English and Foreign Languages University ( Host University )
Dr. V.Vijaya Lakshmi was a recipient of ICAR JRF for her M.Sc and ICSSR fellowship for her Ph.D. She has recently retired as the Dean for the Faculty of Community Science, in PJTS Agricultural University,Hyderabad. She was also Dean of PG studies i/c, PJTSAU.She has 36 years of experience in teaching, research and extension.She has 50 research papers to her credit.
Presented papers in National and International conferences

Presented an 8 weeks MOOC programme on Nutrition, Health and Therapeutics with IIT Kanpur, NPTEL and COL, Vancouver, Canada and a 12 weeks course on Food Science & Processing  and a n 8 week course on Diet management in health and Disease from EFLU. She was the course coordinator for the Dietetics programme in B.Sc. Home Science from EFLU with 160 lessons and presented 10 lessons. Was involved in teaching all the UG, PG and PhD courses Operated 12 research projects.

Course certificate

30 per cent for in course Assessment And 70 Per cent for end term proctored exam.

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