
By Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir   |   University of Kashmir
Learners enrolled: 2167
The course “Immunology” is a Discipline Specific Elective Course in B.Sc. Zoology under the Choice Based Credit System (CBSE). The course is specially designed to supplement and enhance the understanding of students about different dimensions of Immunology starting from defense systems of the body, immunity, antigens, antibodies, hypersensitivity, cytokines, complement system, vaccines and how our body continuously defends us from various pathogens and maintains homeostasis against many environmental challenges.
The objectives of this course are to give the target students/audience an understanding of:
  • Fundamentals of the immunology and how our body responds to different environmental challenges. 
  • Early theories of Immunology, Cells , organs and molecules of the Immune system.
  • Different types of immunity (innate and adaptive) employed by the immune system to defend us from foreign pathogenic attacks.
  • Organization and functioning of the immune organs, cells and molecules like antibodies, cytokines and chemokines.
  • Structure and functions of different classes of immunoglobulins, Antigen-antibody interactions
  • Immune dysfunctions (Rheumatoid Arthritis and AIDS) 
  • Immunoassays (ELISA, RIA, immunoblotting and Hybridoma technology) Monoclonal antibodies in therapeutics and diagnosis  
  • Hypersensitivity and complement system Vaccines and their developmen

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Biological Sciences & Bioengineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 27 Jan 2020
End Date : 11 Apr 2020
Enrollment Ends : 08 Mar 2020
Exam Date : 10 May 2020 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

1 Historical Perspective of Immunology 
2 Early Theories of Immunology
3 Cells of the Immune System
4 Organs of the Immune System

WEEK 2                                                
5 Anatomical barriers of Immune system
6 Inflammation
7 Cells and Molecules of Innate Immunity
8 Cell Mediated and Humoral Immunity
9 Passive and active Immunity (Artificial and Natural)
10 Immune Dysfunction  (Rheumatoid Arthritis and AIDS)
11 HIV-AIDS a Global Health Emergency
12 Antigenicity and Immunogenicity
13 Immunogens (Factors influencing immunogenicity)
14 Adjuvants and Haptens
15 Types of Antigens
16 B and T-cell Epitopes
17. Types of Immunoglobulin’s
18. Antigen antibody interactions
19 Immunoassays
20 Hybridoma Technology
21 Monoclonal Antibodies in Therapeutics and Diagnostics
22 ELISA, RIA and Immunofluorescence 
23 Alexa floure tagging of antibodies and Flow cytometry   
24 Structure and function of MHC Molecules
25 Endogenous and Exogenous pathways
26 Antigen Presenting cells
27 Antigen processing 
28 Antigen presentation
29 B Cell and T cell Signalling in antigen presentation
30 Costimulation and reverse costimulation in presentation
31 Cytokines and their types
32 Properties and Functions of cytokines
33 Therapeutic cytokines
34 Chemokines and cytokines in infectious diseases                                                                                                          
35 Complement System and its components
36 Pathways of Complement system
WEEK 10                                                                     
37 Hypersensitivity and Allergy
38 Gell and Coombs classification of Hypersensitivity
39 Aeroallergens and their control
40 Various types of hypersensitivities
41 Vaccines and their properties
42 Live Vaccines
43 Attenuated and Heat killed Vaccines
44 DPT, Influenza and Polio vaccines

Books and references

At the End of every module reference materials are given in quadrant 3

Instructor bio

Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir

University of Kashmir
Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir
e-mail ID: drmanzoor@kashmiruniversity.ac.in
Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir holds master’s degree in Life Sciences (Zoology) from HNBG Central University Srinagar after qualifying prestigious National level CSIR-JRF-NET examination and completed his Ph. D at Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi and CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology Chandigarh in the field of Immunology. He currently teaches at the Department of Bioresources, University of Kashmir, and has been a Research Scientist at SATCAS Stroke Research Chair University of Majmaah KSA. He has attended many courses and conferences on immunology at USA, UK, Kuwait, China, UAE, Scotland, Korea and Saudi Arabia.  His basic research interests include molecular immunology, Cancer and Stroke immunology. He is presently working on DST funded project on Tuberculosis Drug resistance. He has published more than 50 high-impact research papers and book chapters. Dr. Manzoor has authored 10 books with international publishers like Elsevier USA, Nova Science Publisher USA and OMICS international. He is currently receiving Royalty from Academic Press USA for his book in the field of Immunology entitled “Developing costimulatory molecules for immunotherapy of diseases”. Dr. Manzoor is on the editorial board of many prestigious journals and has been an invited speaker at various scientific meetings/conferences within India and abroad. He is member of many scientific organizations and societies like International Immunology Association, Indian Association of Immunology, CHASCON, Indian National Science Association, IMMUNOCON etc. Dr Manzoor is presently the MHRD course coordinator for the MOOC courses on Immunology and Endocrinology. 

Course certificate

30% for in-course assessment and 70% for end term proctored exam

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