Fitness management is an interdisciplinary field that blends scientific knowledge of exercise physiology and fitness studies with practical business skills. Nowadays, people are living longer than ever before and are increasingly concerned about maintaining their health and physical fitness. This course is especially developed to provide the individual a blend knowledge of fitness education and business principles in order to effectively serve, motivate, and counsel diverse clients.
Altogether the present course consists of three credits having thirty lectures. The content of the course is again divided into six chapters systematically covering various areas of fitness management like Concept of Fitness and Wellness and their significance in Modern times, Holistic approach to management of health and fitness including diet and exercise (Aerobic and anaerobic); Scope of Fitness Trainer And Health and Fitness Component, Alternative Systems for Health and Fitness; Effect of anaerobic exercise on musculoskeletal system, Endurance, Strength/Power, Speed, Coordination, Agility and Balance in chapter one. Physical Screening and General Principles of Training; Health Screening-Health Conditions that affect by the Physical Activity and Medication, Training consideration while selecting nature of exercise and Understanding suitability and forms of exercise for fitness, Client Preferences, Expectations and Life Style information and Code of Ethics; Professional Responsibilities of a fitness trainer towards clients in chapter two. Introduction of Cardio-respiratory System and Assessment of Cardio-respiratory fitness using Maximum aerobic capacity (VO2 max), Types of exercise: Calisthenics, Aerobics and Dance, Weight Training, Yoga and Other forms of Exercise; Similarly, chapter five will cover the important topics of nutrition and energy namely Introduction of Water and Electrolyte Balance, Regime of hydration and dehydration and Sports Drink, Nutrition- Caloric Consumption, Weight variation due to dietary habit, Physiological and Metabolic changes during exercise; Recommended nutritional intakes, Dietary guidelines and Nutrient needs for people with different life style and Sport; Lastly, the chapter six will be highlighted with the topics which is mainly focus on establishment and management of fitness centre, legal issues and partnership consisting of the following lectures Procurement of Equipments and their maintenance in Personal Management and Legal Responsibilities, Facilities, Equipments, Supervision, Instruction and Safety Guidelines.
Therefore, for the fitness professionals as well as for the person who wants to work for a fitness or recreation facility or start business in the field of fitness management, a thorough knowledge and skill to change and inspire the lives of others through a strong understanding of physical exercise techniques, proper nutrition etc. is required.
Course Status : | Completed |
Course Type : | Core |
Language for course content : | English |
Duration : | 8 weeks |
Category : |
Credit Points : | 3 |
Level : | Undergraduate |
Start Date : | 20 Jan 2020 |
End Date : | 03 Apr 2020 |
Enrollment Ends : | 08 Mar 2020 |
Exam Date : | 10 May 2020 IST |
Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.
30% for in-course Assessment & 70% for end-term Proctored Exam |