By Dr. VIVEK P J   |   Sree Neelakanta Govt. Sanskrit College, Pattambi
Learners enrolled: 1261
The proposed course is framed for UG students in the life science or biological sciences domain.  Through this course, the students will be able to address some questions like, How do we find potentially harmful mutations in your genome? How can we reconstruct the evolutionary Tree of Life? How do we compare related genes from different species? These are just three of the major questions in modern biology that can only be answered using bioinformatics approaches. The course will delve into computational ideas used in biology as well as let students apply existing resources that are used in practice every day by bioinformatics professionals. The course offers an opportunity for students who possess a biological background to become more familiar with the biological process occurring within an organism at genetic level.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration :
Category :
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 18 Jan 2021
End Date : 23 Apr 2021
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Weeks Weekly Lecture Topics
Week 1
Day 1 Module 1: Origin, History, and Scope of Bioinformatics
Day 2 Module 2: Importance and Use of Bioinformatics
Day 3 Module 3: Applications of Bioinformatics
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 2
Day 1 Module 4: IT in teaching, Learning and Research
Day 2 Module 5: Open Access Bibliographic Resources
Day 3 Module 6: Basic Concepts of Copyrights and Patents
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 3
Day 1 Module 7: Central Dogma and Emergence of Omics Technologies
Day 2 Module 8: Genomics and Transcriptomics
Day 3 Module 9: Proteomics and Metabolomics
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 4
Day 1 Module 10: Introduction to Biological Databases
Day 2 Module 11: Sequence and Structural Databases
Day 3 Module 12: Functional and Other Databases
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 5
Day 1 Module 13: Basic Concepts of Sequence Similarity and Identity
Day 2 Module 14: File Formats for Sequences
Day 3 Module 15: Sequence – Patterns and Profiles
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 6
Day 1 Module 16: Scoring Matrices
Day 2 Module 17: Sequence – Pairwise alignments
Day 3 Module 18: Multiple Sequence Alignments
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 7
Day 1 Module 19: GenBank
Day 2 Module 20: BLAST
Day 3 Module 21: Protein Data Bank (PDB)
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 8
Day 1 Module 22: Taxonomy and Phylogeny
Day 2 Module 23: Phylogenetics – Methods
Day 3 Module 24: Phylogenetics – Tools
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 9
Day 1 Module 25: Molecular Modelling
Day 2 Module 26: Molecular visualization – Rasmol and Pymol
Day 3 Module 27: Molecular docking
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 10
Day 1 Module 28: Definition of Drugs and its Advances
Day 2 Module 29: Pharmacophore Identification and Novel Drug Design
Day 3 Module 30: Structure based drug design
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 11
Day 1 Module 31: DNA sequencing – Basic methods
Day 2 Module 32: Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Day 3 Module 33: Human Genome Project
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 12
Day 1 Module 34: Protein structure – Primary
Day 2 Module 35: Protein structure - Secondary
Day 3 Module 36: Protein structure - Tertiary and Quaternary
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Week 13
Day 1 Module 37: Protein Structure Prediction
Day 2 Module 38: Protein Interaction analysis
Day 3 Module 39: Gene Predication
Day 4 Interaction based on the three modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
Week 14
Day 1 Module 40: Mapping Populations
Day 2 Interaction based on the module covered
Day 3 Revision
Day 4 End term assessment

Books and references

Introduction to Bioinformatics, 5th Edition – Arthur Lesk; Oxford University Press
Bioinformatics-sequence and genome analysis, 2nd Edition – David W Mount; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics – Harisha S; I K International Publishing House
Introduction to Bioinformatics, 1st Edition – Attwood; Pearson Publications
Essential Bioinformatics – Jin Xiong – Cambridge University Press

Instructor bio

Profile photo


Sree Neelakanta Govt. Sanskrit College, Pattambi
Dr. Vivek P J., has more than 9 years of teaching experience in the subject of Botany, where he is dealing with topics including Biotechnology and Bioinformatics at UG and PG level.  His doctoral studies also involved huge volume of Bioinformatics, including Multiple alignment, Domain analysis using online tools against databases, molecular modelling, docking and also phylogenetic analysis.  Currently he is engaged research in the field of molecular biology, which involves good amount of Bioinformatics approaches

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