Physical Geography-Climatology and Oceanography

By Arun Das S   |   Department of Geography, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, Mysore
Learners enrolled: 1067

About Course :

This course is designed to provide the candidates a good understanding about the atmospheric and oceanographic phenomenon. 

The study of Elements of Climate and the factors influencing the distribution of temperature and pressure are the key aspects covered. Apart from that the Heat budget, Insolation, Air masses, Fronts, Ocean currents are other interesting topics which enlighten the candidates to have a complete picture about the atmosphere and hydrosphere. This paper also explains how closely these two are associated with each other to determine the world climate and there by the life on this earth. 

Learners outcomes:

• The students should be able to differentiate between weather and climate.

• The students should be able to understand the horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature.

• The students should be able to describe the relationship between air pressure and wind direction in cyclonic and anticyclonic movement.

• The students should be able to describe tropical air masses and how they move and to describe what happens when different air masses meet.

• The students should be able to explain how storms form, the relationship between jet stream position and storm movement, and make the distinction between warm fronts and cold fronts.

About Course Modules

There are totally 30 modules. Each module covers one topics, and three modules are completed in a week. Each topic consists of classroom Video with background graphics. Text material in the form of Power point and other material such as, Objectives, Summary, Glossary, FAQ, References, Transcript, Assignments and Quiz.

The candidates can easily learn through this material without any difficulty to understand. The greatest advantage in this learning process is at your time and at your place. No any form of compulsion. At your free will you can learn.  Candidates are also free to post questions through the swayam portal to get clarification about their doubts.

Advantage of MOOC Learning

In an online platform the candidates are having free will to read material any number of times anywhere as well listen to video any number of times until clearly understood. In a class room teaching once the class is over there is no scope to listen again.

Hence I feel the students of today's generation have a great advantage to learn any subject online. Hope this opportunity provided by the Ministry of India will be utilized.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 18 Jan 2021
End Date : 30 Apr 2021
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2021
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week I : 1.Nature and Scope of Physical Geography | 2.Climatology -an outline | 3.Weather and Climate |
Week II : 4.Atmospheric Temperature - Insolation and Global Energy Budget | 5.Atmospheric and its Temperature | 6.Horizontal and Vertical distribution of Temperature |
Week III : 7.Vertical & Horizontal distribution of pressure | 8. Atmospheric Pressure and Winds | 9. Air Masses and Fronts |
Week IV : 10. Cyclones and Anticyclones | 11.Tropical Cyclones, Thunderstorms & Tornadoes | 12. Hydro logical  Cycle |
Week V : 13.Atmospheric Moisture | 14.Clouds, their origin and types | 15.Precipitation | 
Week VI : 16. Oceanography-An Outline | 17. Physical Oceanography | 18. Origin of Ocean Basins |
Week VII : 19. Ocean Morphology and Relief | 20. Mid Ocean Ridges | 21. Giant Submarine Canyons |
Week VIII : 22. Deep Ocean Trenches | 23. Ocean Water Temperature | 24. Ocean Water Circulation |
Week IX : 25. Distribution of Salinity Density & Temperature of Sea water | 26. Ocean Currents | 27. Coral Reefs and Atolls |
Week X: 28. The World’s Oceans and Seas | 29. The Indian Ocean | 30. The Atlantic Ocean |

Books and references

      1)    Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong
2)    Physical Geography by Savindra Singh
3) Introducing Physical Geography by Alan Strahler
5) http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/chapter8.html
6) Physical Geography Made simple by Richard H Bryant, Rupa Publications

Instructor bio

Arun Das S

Department of Geography, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, Mysore
Dr. S. Arun Das was born and brought up in Mysore. At present he is working in the department of Geography, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, as Associate Professor.

He has Completed M.Sc(IT) M.Tech (IT), Ph.D, M.A, PGCCA, CCGIS.SERC (IIT Kanpur), NNRMS from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing Dehradun (IIRS), obtained PhD degree in 1998. He has got 25 years of teaching experience at PG department of Geography, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore since 1992. 
His area of Specialization is on, Climate Change, Spatial Analysis and Planning, Geomorphology, Urban Planning, GIS and Remote Sensing. To his credit he has published 35 research papers and 3 books. Another 30 research papers are unpublished. He has presented 68 research papers in international conferences and 21 research papers in National conferences. Under his successful guidance 8 candidates have been awarded Ph.D degree and another 6 candidates are pursuing research. He has also successfully guided 6 M.Phil candidates. Having realized his subject knowledge and research experience he has been invited to deliver 51 special lecture on different topics in various Institutions and Universities of India and abroad. To his credit he has organized 7 workshops for UG teachers to bridge the gap about the emerging technologies in Geography.
He has traveled twice to USA in 2017 and in 2018.  In 2017 he was invited for American Association of Geographers meeting held at Boston USA. In 2018 he visited, Boston University, Clark University, Boston Scientific Labs and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) USA.
He was sponsored by JSPS (Japanese Science Fund, Government of Japan) to attend Land use and Land Cover change IGU Commission meeting in Japan  2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 2014 and 2015. In 2015 he was invited to IGU Moscow meeting. That apart he has travelled to the following countries frequently North Africa, Sri Lanka, China, Singapore, Thailand, and Qatar.   
From 2009 till date He is a member of International Geographical Union. He was South Asia Team Head and a member of IGU commission on Land Use Land Cover for Sustainable Asia. He is also a member of IGU commission on Natural Hazards and Risk Management.
He has been associated with global academic bodies such as American Association of Geographers, Japanese Geo-science Union and International Geographical Union. At National Level  he his member of Indian Science Congress. Indian Society of Geomagnetic’, etc. 

Until today he has completed Four International projects and one UGC Major Research Project. He has mainly worked on Desertification process in Karnataka, He has Identified the Physio-graphic and agriculture status of villages in Karnataka to  eradicate the regional disparities existing in Karnataka at village level, in this direction he has Classified Physio-Agro Climatic regions and Re Classification of Relief features of Karnataka. He has worked extensively along with Prof. Koichi KIMOTO on Forest Fringe Management and Regional Governance in Karnataka. His future plan is to create awareness about the process of desertification among the schools children. 

Course certificate

Assessment/Assignment marks will be considered for Internal Marks and will carry 30 percent for overall Result.

End Term Exam- will have 100 questions and will carry 70 percent of  overall Result.

*All students, who obtain 40% marks in in-course assessment and 40% marks in end-term proctored exam separately, will be eligible for certificate and credit transfer.

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