Course Layout:
Week – 1
1: Micro Economics
2: A Partial Equilibrium Model
3: Need of the study of economics or why study economics
Week – 2
4: Scarcity and choice
5: Scope and methods of economics
6: Economic problems
Week – 3
7: Question of what to produce
8: Production possibilities curve
9: Economic systems
Week – 4
10: Consumption or Utility theories (Theories of consumer behavior)
11: Indifference curve analysis
12: Revealed preference theory
13: Law of Demand schedule and demand curve
Week – 5
14: Demand Forecasting
15: Elasticity and its application
16: Law of Supply schedule and curve
17: Production theories- Linear programming
Week – 6
18: Pricing And Pricing Techniques
19: Markets and competition determinants of individual demand supply
20: Pricing under competitive markets
21-Consumers optimum choice
Week – 7
22 -Income and substitution effects
23 -Labour supply and savings decision
24 -Choice between leisure and consumption
25 -Behaviour of profit maximising firms
Week – 8
26 -The production process
27 -Short run costs and output decisions
28 -Costs and output in the long run
Week – 9
29 -Monopoly and anti-trust policy
30 -Government policies towards competition
31- Perfect competition and imperfect completion
32 -Price discrimination
Week – 10
33 -Labour and land markets
34 -Basic concepts ; derived demand productivity of an output
35 -Marginal productivity of labour, marginal revenue product
36 -Demand of labour
Week – 11
37 -Input demand curves
38 -Shifts in input demand curves
39 -Competitive labour markets
40 -Labour markets