Human Resource Management

By DR.PRAKASH PILLAI R.   |   Loyola College of Social Sciences
Learners enrolled: 1651
Human resource management (HRM) is a critical functional domain in any successful business organisaiton.  HR professionals do the most crucial work in a business because, ultimately, success of a business depends on its people. This course will give an overall understanding about the concept and practices related to Human Resource Management in Indian Context. This will cover the practical nuances of main functions of Human Resource Management in organisations. It will give a comprehensive understanding of the need and relevance of Human Resource systems in Indian organisations. The learner will also get a basic understanding of the Strategic Human Resource Management.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 11 Jan 2021
End Date : 30 Apr 2021
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1
Module 1: Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Module 2: Role of HR Managers
Module 3: Functions of HRM

Week 2
Module 4: Competencies of HR managers
Module 5: Changing context of HRM
Module 6:  Strategic HRM

Week 3
Module 7: Human Resource Planning
Module 8: Introduction to Job Analysis
Module 9: Job Description and Job Specification 

Week 4  
Module 10: Recruitment
Module 11: Employee Selection
Module 12:  Selection Interviews

Week 5
Module 13: Interviewing Techniques
Module 14: Induction and Onboarding
Module 15:  Employee Training-Process

Week 6
Module 16: Training-Methods
Module 17: Executive Development
Module 18: Performance Management

Week 7
Module 19: Performance Appraisal Methods 
Module 20: Compensation Management
Module 21:  Performance Counselling

Week 8
Module 22: Employee coaching
Module 23: Career Management
Module 24:  Succession Planning

Week 9
Module 25: Job Evaluation
Module 26: Benefits and Services
Module 27: Employee Health and Wellness

Week 10
Module 28: Employee Relations
Module 29: Ethics at work
Module 30:  Employee Separation 

Books and references

Armstrong, Michael. (2017). Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London : Kogan Page. 
Aswathappa, K. (2008). Human Resource Management (5th edition).Tata McGraw Hill 
Rao P.S. (2008). Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Text Cases and Games. Himalaya Publication. 
Dessler, Gary and Varkkey, Biju. (2015). Human Resource Management (14th edition). New Delhi: Pearson education.

Instructor bio


Loyola College of Social Sciences
Dr. Prakash Pillai R is a post graduate in HRM and holds a doctorate in HRD. He has 19 years of experience in teaching HRM at PG level and four years of research experience.  He has undertaken several research projects in the areas of Happiness, Social Responsibility and Labour Movements for reputed Government agencies in India. He is a member of the Academic Council of the University of Kerala.  He is an approved research guide for Ph.D. in the faculty of Management Studies in the University of Kerala and Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu. He has a couple of books and several research papers in his credit of publications in reputed national and international journals. Dr. Prakash is a member of AIMS International, USA. He is currently the Joint Secretary of 3 E Innovative Foundation, a not-for- profit organization based in Gurgaon. 

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