Creative Painting

By Dr. Alka Chaddha   |   Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) | Dayalbagh, Agra
Learners enrolled: 2677
Creating a composition is an experience of intensification, clarification and interpretation, in various degrees. The merging contours and cropped spaces create myriad dimensions in mind’s eyes and change the perception of the viewer. Possibilities are unlimited. The outer reality merges with imaginative manipulation. Creative composition is a fusion of the sensuous and the intellectual. The artist enters a substitute world in which he dwells imaginatively and tries to express aesthetically as per his personal realizations. There is exploration of new forms by creative mind, with an urge to step out and form new equations. The creative process of is an aesthetic interweave with the creative imagination. Jean- Jacques- Rousseau aptly said, “The world of reality has its limits…the world of imagination is boundless.”

This course of Creative Painting will be consisting of thirty five modules, covering various aspects like meaning and technical theory of composition, taking along the elements and principles of art like line, colour, form, texture, space, harmony, rhythm, contrast, balance, movement, rule of odds, focal point and then leading to the significance of subject, idea and feeling and imagination. Further on, the modules will include technical base like methods, process and styles in which a creative composition can be made. Learning to express and communicate, one can experiment using various styles like 2D, 3D, realistic, traditional, cubistic, expressionistic, surrealist, decorative, constructive, minimal approach, symbolic, thumb nail, illustrative, idealistic, free and then sketching. When one knows the intricacies of creating an appealing composition, one can exploit the elements in different ratios and give birth to something unique. Like Edgar Degas said, “Painting isn’t so difficult when you don’t know…but when you do, it’s quite a different matter.”
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Arts
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 25 Jul 2022
End Date : 30 Oct 2022
Enrollment Ends : 15 Sep 2022
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Module Name
1 Meaning and Technical Theory of Composition Rule of Thirds
2 Focal Points in Composition
3 Rule of Line in Composition
4 Rule of Space in Composition
5 Rule of Form, Shape in Composition
6 Importance of Colors in Composition
7 Rule of Harmony in Composition
8 Rule of Rhythms in Composition
9 Rule of Textures in Composition
10 Rule of Contrast
11 Balance in Composition
12 Movement in Composition
13 Rule of Odds in Composition
14 Importance of subject, idea and feeling in painting
15 Importance of imagination expression in Composition
16 Role of Medium, Method, Process, Technique and Style in Composition
17 Expression and Communication Using the Visual Arts 
18 2-dimensional composition
19 3-dimensional composition
20 Traditional Composition
21 Realistic Composition, Part 1
22 Realistic Composition, Part 2
23 Cubistic composition
24 Expressionistic Composition
25 Surrealistic composition
26 Decorative composition
27 Constructive Composition
28 Minimal composition
29 Symbolic Composition
30 Thumbnail Composition
31 Illustrative Composition
32 Idealistic Composition, part 1
33 Idealistic Composition, part 2
34 Free and Creative Composition
35 Outdoor  Sketching

Instructor bio

Dr. Alka Chaddha

Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) | Dayalbagh, Agra
Artist & Writer, Bangalore, Email: acart2009@gmail.com
Alka likes to ‘mix my magics.’ She tries to merge boundaries of different mediums whether it is mixed media, digital, assemblage or installation. Her art is an amalgamation of images, textures and calligraphy that acts as a design in background. The act of bringing out ideas on paper, computer or canvas, is a psychological or emotional effort for her. She has made her name on ‘Art’-scape as a painter, poet, and researcher and formed her own signature. “I use mixed media to integrate sensations into coherent painterly forms, where one can see intensification, clarification and interpretation of experiences in various degrees. The brushwork is declaration of my personal freedom where mixed media supports me in creating visual variety. In a few words, it’s a correspondence between feeling, form and technique, where my painting continues to change and grow at every step.” Born and brought up in Punjab, Alka did BFA in Painting from College of Arts Chandigarh, and bagged her Master’s Degree and PhD from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. Alka has worked as an Asso Professor for almost fifteen years. And now she is settled in Bangalore and is a freelancer, involved in e-papers and content writing of demonstrations of renowned artists. She has carved her niche with her regular articles and write-ups on trends in art, artists, competitions and exhibitions in numerous art newspapers like Art amour, Art Observer, Delhi; Art Affairs, Belgaum and Royal Art Times, Gulbarga. Alka is an editor of a journal and member of editorial board of Anu Books Publication, Meerut. Her research papers, reviews and articles have been published in numerous reputed journals, magazines, catalogues and art newspapers too. 
 She has many National and International exhibitions, seminars and workshop too her credit. Her portfolio has been featured in International magazines. Besides all this, she has won many awards, naming a few like those by Indian Academy of Fine Arts, Amritsar, 2019, 2020; Honour for dedication and contribution in the field of art, Kausa Kala Trust, Amritsar, 2019; ICAC-International Creative art Centre, Mumbai, 2019 & 2020; Bindaas Artist group;; Indian Royal Academy of Art and Culture, Gulbarga; ALL VISUAL ARTS, www.allvisualarts.com; Gallery ARTOZ, Udaipur; IOAS Astrophilia, SriLanka; International studio art symposium, www.studioartsy.org and IWD Women Achievers’ award for achievement in the field of art 2020; Prathap Institute of painting, Hyderabad, 2020; Biennale IVOPA; Mellow Arts, Japan; Raphael award- Creators Collective Mumbai2022;The Art Platform, Germany; Graphics print in the invite of an exhibition Centro del grabado Valparaíso-Chile Convocatoria: Homenaje a Marco Molina2021; Sampurna award Bangia Kala Kendra 2022; She has been a member of many organizing committees, panel expert board of studies; guest faculty and content writer for e-lectures and Faculty Development programmes. She has been appointed Consultant for Jammu and Kashmir Centre for Creative Arts, Jammu too; Art critic, National Printmaking Camp by LKA in Bangalore 2022;  

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for external online examination

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