Week 1
Introduction to List
Array and Linked List - Stack Implementation using array and linked list - Applications of Stack
Week 2
Queue Implementation - Application of Queues
Trees and Terminologies - Tree Traversals
Week 3
In order Traversal-Binary Search Tree - Implementation of Search Algorithm
Week 4
AVL Tree Insertion, Deletion
Week 5
Graph representation, Shortest Path Algorithm
Week 6
Sorting, Heap Techniques, Hashing
Week 7
Sorting Algorithms, Divide and Conquer algorithms
Selection Sort, Brute force sort, Bubble Sort
Week 8
Insertion Sort, Quick sort applications
Prim's Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm
Week 9
Bucket Sorting, Radix Sort, Merge Sort
Week 10
Directories and Contiguous allocation, File maintenance
Week 11
External Sorting, Cascade Merge Sort
Week 12
B + Tree maintenance and efficiency, Construction of B-tree, B+tree insertion and deletion