Communication Technologies in Education

By Dr.Dhaneswar Harichandan   |   University of Mumbai
Learners enrolled: 2463
Given the tremendous response over the years when this course was launched in November 2017, August 2018, January 2019, January 2020,July 2020, January 2021,July 2021,January 2022 with more than 20,000 learners, CEC reruns this course in July 2022.. 

This four credit course on COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION has been designed as per the Model Curriculum Framework of UGC for learning at UG/PG Level. Any Graduates/Post Graduates can enrol in this couse.The students and teachers of B.Ed. /M.Ed. /M.A. Education programmes are also encouraged to enroll for the course.

The entire course shall be delivered in 15 weeks. It will have e-texts, self-learning video, self-assessment questions and list of texts with web references for further reading.

In the 8th week of the course there will be Assignments consisting of 30 MCQs and at the end of the course a Proctored examination of 100 MCQs.

Wishing you all the best and a fruitful learning experience through SWAYAM!
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Teacher Education
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 01 Jul 2022
End Date : 31 Oct 2022
Enrollment Ends : 15 Sep 2022
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week - 1

Basics of Communication, Models of Communication, Media of Communication

Week - 2

Communication Process,Barriers of Communication,Approaches to Effective Communication

Week - 3

Development and Significance of Communication Skills,reading,Speaking and Listening Skills

Week - 4

Technological Foundations of Education,Concept of ICT

Week - 5

Participatory Communication Methods,Technological trends in Communication,Social Networking Sites

Week - 6

Internet and Internet Tools,Networking System,Data Communication and Networking

Week - 7

Role of Technology in Education,Legal and Ethical Issues in using ICT

Week - 8

Psychological Principles of Using ICT in Education,Constructivist Approach to ICT in Education

Week - 9

Application of Technology in Non Formal Setting,ICT for Rural Development

Week - 10

Concept of e-Learning,Online Learning,Offline Learning and Blended Learning

Week - 11

LMS,Moodle:Features and Applications

Week - 12

Current Trends in e-learning,Mobile Learning

Week - 13


Week - 14

Computer Aided Learnig,Artificial Intelligent Tutoring System,Spoken Tutorial

Week - 15

Role of NCERT and CIET in Development of Educational Technology

Books and references

Agarwal, J. (2009). Essentials of Educational Technology. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.

Jung,Insung(Ed) (2020).Open and Distance Education Theory Revisited: Implications for the Digital Era. Springer Singapore

Garrison,D R (1989).Understanding Distance Education:A framework for the Future.London:Routledge.

J.S.Walia, D. (n.d.). Essentials of Educational Technology. New Delhi: Ahim Publications.

Kumar, D. (2004). Educational Technology. New Delhi: New Age International Publisher.

Kulkarni,Sharad S(1986).Introduction to Educational Technology. New Delhi: Oxford and IBH.

Mangal, S. M. (2009). Essentials of Educational Technology. New Delhi: PH Publishing house.

Sharma, Ram Nath(2003). Advanced Educational Technology. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributes.

Taori, S. (2001). Communication in Schools. New Delhi: Regency Publications.

Vanaja, D. (2001). Educational Technology. Hyderabad:NeelKamal Publishing house.

Barnlund, D. C. (2008). A transnational model of communication. In. C. D. Mortensen (Eds.), Communication theory (2nd ed.) New Brunswick, New Jersey:

Roy M. Berko, et al., Communicating. 11th ed. (Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc., 2010) 9-12

Ronghuai,Huang,J Michael Spector,Junfeng Yang (2019).Educational technology:A Primer for the 21st Century.Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Schramm, W. (1954). How communication works. In W. Schramm (Ed.), The process and effects of communication (pp. 3–26). Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois Press.

K.T. Basantani, A.H. Doctor, P.G. Shinde (2011) Human Rights, Communication Skills, Environment Studies, Sheth Publishing House, Mumbai.

Instructor bio

Dr.Dhaneswar Harichandan

University of Mumbai
Dhaneswar Harichandan (born on 11th October, 1960) has served as Professor cum Director (2008 to 2013), Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Distance Education from YCMOU, Nashik, M.Phil, and Master in Population Studies from International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai and Master of Arts in Education from Kurukshetra University after obtaining B.A. (Hons.) degree in Education from Utkal University. He has also Post Master’s Diploma in Adult and Continuning education from SNDT University and Diploma in Distance Education from IGNOU. 

He has more than three decades of experience as a teacher educator in face-to-face classroom teaching as well as distance education mode and has guided 10 students at M.Phil. and 7 students at Ph.D. level. He has published 5 books, edited 14 Self Learning Materials, 4 chapters in edited  books, 24 articles and research papers in National and International journals and has organised, participated and contributed papers in workshops, seminars & conferences. He is a member of OER Advocacy Committee of ICDE Norway, Oslo.

He has completed a Major Research Project sanctioned by Distance Education Council,IGNOU on Teacher Education programme through Distance Education Mode in Indian Universities and is life member of several professional bodies like IAEPA, IAEA, AIAET, AIAER, ISCA, IDEA & LATE. He is also associated with UGC, NAAC, NCTE, COL and UKOU in different capacities.

Course certificate

A minimum score of 40% in internal Assignment & in term end Proctored Examination separately will entitle you to get Course Completion Certificate and for Credit Transfer.

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