Economic History of India from 1857-1947

Learners enrolled: 1242
The course envisages providing a broader perspective on the Indian economy from a historical point of view. The shifts that occurred from time to time in the structure of the Indian economy during the colonial phase and how the country had adjusted to such changes are discussed here. It helps to familiarize the terms like imperialism, colonialism, drain of wealth, land settlements like permanent settlements, zamindari system, economic nationalism etc. which created a mark on Indian economy and society.
The legacy of colonialism had a deep influence in molding many economic decisions and structural arrangements since the attainment of freedom. The British rule marked a great impact on the primary, secondary, and even the tertiary sector of the country. The demographic profile along with the hardships caused by famines and their consequences on the economic structure is detailed here. So, this course helps to gain knowledge on the historical dimensions and their interlinkages on the socio-economic and political framework and how all these enabled the Indians to adapt to these structural changes.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 10 Jan 2022
End Date : 17 Apr 2022
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2022
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1
Historical Background of India in the Pre-Colonial Phase
Advent of European Powers

Week 2
Expansion of the British Empire in India
Expansion of company under major governor Generals

Week 3
Commercial and trade policies of the East India company
The Economic Policies of the British and The Revolt Of 1857

Week 4
National Income of India under the Colonial rule
Methods of estimating National Income during the British period and after Independence

Week 5
Population of India during the British Rule
Occupational Structure of Colonial India
Urbanization in The Colonial Period

Week 6
Agrarian trends in India during the Colonial period- An introduction
Agricultural Techniques and Methods used in British India
Agriculture production and productivity in the colonial rule

Week 7
Land Revenue Settlement of India during the British Rule
Agrarian Credit in the Colonial Period
Commercialization of Agriculture

Week 8
Plantation in India
Famines in Colonial India

Week 9
Advent of Railways
Railways on market integration and trade in colonial India

Week 10
Industrialization in India
Characteristics of Indian Industries at the time of British rule

Week 11
Rise of Large-Scale Industries in Colonial India
Small Scale Industries in British India

Week 12
Entrepreneurship in Colonial regime

Week 13
Drain of wealth
Rise of economic nationalism
External and internal trade

Week 14
Foreign Capital
Monetary policy
Fiscal Policy

Week 15
Role of state in the imperialistic structure
Indian economy at the eve of independence

Books and references

    1. Tirthankar Roy (2011) The Economic History of India 1857-1947. OUP, India
    2.  R C Dutt (2000). The Economic History of India under Early British Rule. Routledge, London
    3. Sumit Sarkar (2014). Modern India 1885-1947.Pearson, India
    4. Dharma Kumar (2005). The Cambridge Economic History. Orient Longman, New Delhi. 

Instructor bio


Linda George, a Postgraduate in Economics, currently serving as Assistant Professor in the Postgraduate Department of Economics, St. Albert’s College (Autonomous), Ernakulam since October 2014.She successfully cleared the National Eligibility Test for Lectureship and received the Junior Research Fellowship in 2012. 
She is currently pursuing her PhD degree in the field of Banking and Finance. The area of specialization includes Financial markets, Banking, Microeconomics. 19 PG and 12 groups of UG students completed their dissertation/ projects of MA and BA under her guidance. 
She is a resource person on e- content development and has taken many sessions in various colleges. She has in her credit two chapters on multi-disciplinary areas in two books and two international publications. She also participated and presented papers in many national and international events. She is a member of Kerala Economic Association and World Economics Association.

Course certificate

30% for in Course Assessment & 70% of End-term Proctored Exam.

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