Corporate Law

By Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur   |   National Law University Delhi
Learners enrolled: 3197

About the Course: 

The course on Corporate Law is a core course in almost all National Law universities and other State universities. This course is taught to both UG and Master courses. In LL.M, course is mandatory for Business Law (Private Law) specialization. This course is also important for professional courses like Chartered accountants, Company secretary, Masters in Commerce, Masters in Business Administration as well as Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration.

The course is a full credit course for universities. Generally, law universities offer this course as a 4-credit full course which is taught over one semester.The course is certification ready and looking into its importance for persons associated with business and law, it will be able to meet the needs of lifelong learners. Professionals who may not be enrolled for a regular degree or who only wish to understand corporate laws, their need will be served by the course. 

The course has proctored examination at the end of the semester and gives credits to students.

Course Objectives: 

India has witnessed tremendous growth in the corporate sector in the last few decades. In view of this, it becomes important for students of law and commerce to understand the legal dynamics of the corporate sector. The course covers all important recent developments in this area. The course of Corporate Law has been specifically designed to provide not only an overview but also an in-depth knowledge about incorporation, raising capital by companies, borrowings and investments by companies, foreign direct investment in Indian companies, corporate restructuring, corporate insolvency and other related important issues.

Learning Outcomes: 

• In-depth understanding about different business organisations and comprehend importance of      company     form of business organisation with its incorporation and administration

• Learning about raising of capital by companies in compliance with SEBI regulations

• Comprehension of corporate management and governance

• Learning legal aspects of accounts and audit of companies with role of auditors

• Understanding different restructuring methods for companies

• Understanding business rescue proceedings and compromises

• Knowledge about investigations and adjudicatory machinery of companies 

• Knowledge about remedies available to shareholders and other in a company 

• Understanding corporate insolvency

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Law
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 14 Jan 2022
End Date : 29 Apr 2022
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2022
Exam Date :

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Course layout

Week 1 Business Organisation, Corporate personality and Registration of companies

Module 1 Business organisation and corporate personality: its nature, advantages, disadvantages and types
Module 2 Registration, incorporation and commencement of business by companies
Module 3 Objects, powers of companies and their internal administration

Week 2 Kinds of meetings and other applicable law

Module 4 Kinds of companies
Module 5 Meetings of companies
Module 6 Other laws affecting companies

Week 3 Raising of capital by companies

Module 7 Share capital and its nature, kinds, rights and liabilities of shareholders
Module 8 Alteration of capital and its implications
Module 9 Raising of capital by companies by issue of securities
Module 10 Listing and de-listing of securities and their implications

Week 4 SEBI- issue of capital and disclosure requirements

Module 11 Issue of capital and disclosure requirements of Indian companies: Part 1
Module 12  Issue of capital and disclosure requirements of Indian companies: Part 2
Module 13 Insider trading and fraudulent and unfair dealings in securities and their implications

Week 5 Borrowings and investments by companies

Module 14 Corporate borrowings and investments
Module 15 Foreign Direct investments in Indian companies

Week 6 Corporate Management and Governance: Part 1

Module 16 Governance structure of companies
Module 17 Directors, their appointment, qualifications, position, powers, duties and liabilities
Module 18 Types of directors and other managerial personnel companies

Week 7 Corporate Management and Governance: Part 2

Module 19 Corporate governance in Indian companies
Module 20 Corporate Social Responsibility
Module 21 Promoters, their position, power, duties and liabilities

Week 8

Week 9 Accounts of companies

Module 22 Dividend and accounts of companies
Module 23 Director's responsibility statement and other duties in lying accounts before shareholders

Week 10 Auditing of companies

Module 24 Audit of companies
Module 25 Auditors, their duties and liabilities

Week 11 Business rescue proceedings and compromises

Module 26 Compromises, Arrangements, Reconstruction, Amalgamation and Mergers of companies 
Module 27 Take over and Acquisition of companies
Module 28 Recent cases on Mergers and Acquisition 

Week 12 Investigation and adjudicatory machinery

Module 29 Investigation of companies, its need and procedure
Module 30 Company Law board/ National Company Law Tribunal/ National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, their constitution, powers and duties
Module 31 Special courts, their constitution, powers and duties

Week 13 Remedies to shareholders and others

Module 32 Shareholders and creditors remedies of personal actions, derivative actions or class action suits including cases of oppression and mismanagement
Module 33 Winding up, its need, grounds and effect on shareholders, creditors and other stakeholders

Week 14 Corporate Insolvency and Bankruptcy

Module 34 Corporate Insolvency
Module 35 Insolvency and Bankruptcy code,2016

Week 15 Revision, assessment and evaluation.

Books and references


1. Company Law: Dr. Avtar Singh, EBC
2. Guide to Companies Act: Ramaiya, Lexis Nexis
3. Principles of Modern Company Law: Gower, Sweet & Maxwell 

Instructor bio

Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur

National Law University Delhi
Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur Professor (Law) National Law University Delhi, India. Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Kaur is Professor of Law at National Law University Delhi where she has been teaching corporate laws, securities regulations, business laws and competition law. She has specialized in commercial laws and completed her Doctor of Laws on the topic of Corporate Liability. Her research interests include corporate law, corporate governance, securities regulations and competition law. She is the Director, Centre for Corporate Law and Governance at NLUD.She is a Fulbright Scholar in Residence and also participated in US State funded International Visitors Leadership Programme. She served as Rotating Chair Professor of Indian Studies at Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany for one semester. She has co-authored seven books with Dr. Avtar Singh and authored one book on Business and Corporate Laws. She has extensive work experience in teaching and research. She has conducted many training programmes for companies on company law, competition law and contract management. She was a Professor and Dean at Institute for Integrated Learning in Management- Graduate School of Management, Greater Noida, India before joining National Law University Delhi.

Course certificate

The course certification will be in the fulfillment of obtaining passing marks 40% in the proctored exam.

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