Law and Justice in a Globalising World

By Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao   |   National Law University Odisha
Learners enrolled: 1267

This course is a course on applied justice. The law is an ongoing process in society. Through various legal theories, we understand and analyze the concept of law. Through this course, they will inquire and investigate law’s relationship to other political, economic and social institutions. We use law as a lens to better understand the society they live in. With the changes in the society, law is the best tool to understand the societal phenomena such as political movements, discriminatory practices etc. Justice is the outcome when the law is applied. In this course, we try and understand the relationship between law and justice. The debate on law and justice is an age old debate which is being increasingly interrogative in the contemporary times with the advent of globalisation. Globalisation is a complex process which is making the world more interdependent. Globalisation has stimulated a revival of debates about law and justice. This course will explore the challenges of globalisation to social, political and economic perspectives on law and justice. Globalisation has stimulated rethinking in several fields, especially in law and justice and the impact of globalisation is pervasive. In recent times, words like ‘global’, ‘globalisation’ and ‘globalism’ have entered common parlance in law as well as in other disciplines. This course will also consider the diffusion of law from a global perspective and the spread of legal ideas all over the world. In contemporary times, as the societies are witnessing rapid growth, there is an increasing debate about the concept of Law and Justice. These developments have the potential to impact the modern legal thought and all forms of governance. 
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Law
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 17 Jan 2022
End Date : 21 May 2022
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1: 
Concept and meaning of law, justice and globalisation

Week 2:
Globalisation of law and legal theory

Week 3:
Globalisation of law and legal theory

Week 4:
Utilitarian Justice

Week 5:
Robert Nozick’s Libertarianism

Week 6:
Amartya Sen’s Idea of Justice

Week 7:
MichealSandel’s Communitarianism and Civil Republicanism

Week 8:
Feminism and Justice

Week 9:
Economic theory of law and justice- Coase, Calbresi, Posner and Marx

Week 10:
Gandhi and Ambedkar’s Emanicipatory justice, and Jay Prakash Narayan, Ram Manohar Lohia’s socialism

Week 11:
UpendraBaxi’s conception of justice

Week 12:
William Twinning on Globalisation and legal theory

Week 13:
Impact of globalisation on human rights

Week 14:
Globalisation and its impact on administration of justice and access to justice

Week 15:
Global Justice and International Law

Books and references



1.      Andrew Heywood, Political Theory (3rd ed. 2004).

2.      Alison Brysk and Arturo Jiminez-Bacardi, The Politics of the Globalization of Law- Getting from Rights to Justice, (1st ed., Alison Brysk, 2014).

3.      AmartyaSen, The Idea of Justice, 20 (2011).

4.      Andrew Heywood, Global Politics, (2nd ed., Palgrave foundations, 2014).

5.      Amartya Sen and Jean Dreze, An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions (2013).

6.      AmitaiEtzioni, Communitarianism Revisited, 19(3) Journal of Political Ideologies (2014) 241-260.

7.      Andrew Kuper, ‘Rawlsian Global Justice: Beyond the Law of Peoples to a Cosmopolitan Law of Persons’, Political Theory, Vol. 28, No. 5 (Oct. 2018), <https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/192292.pdf>.

8.      Bruce Baum, J.S. Mill's conception of economic freedom, History of Political Thought, 494–530, (1999).

9.      Bruce Baum, Rereading Power and Freedom in J.S. Mill, (2000).

10.  B.R Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste(1936).

11.  BalrajPuri (ed.), JP on Jammu and Kashmir (2005).

12.  Coase, R., “The Problem of Social Cost’ 3 Journal of Law and Economics (1960).

13.  Catherine Audard, Defending Democratic Equality: The Argument fromthe Original Position, in John Rawls, (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007).

14.  Calabresi, G. And Melamed, A., ‘Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Inalienability: One View of the Cahedral’, 1089, 85 Harvard LR(1972).

15.  Collins, Hugh, Marxism and Law, (Oxford University Press, 1982).

16.  Constitutional Assembly Debates, Vol. 11.

17.  C.J Friedrich, Karl Llewellyn’s Legal Realism in Retrospect, 74(3) Ethics (1964), (Oct 2018) https://www.jstor.org/stable/2379249.

18.  David Morrice, The Liberal-Communitarian Debate in Contemporary Political Philosophy and Its Significance for International Relations, 26 (2) Review of International Studies (2000) 233-251.

19.  F Michelman, Reading Rawls (Norman Daniels Daniels ed., 1989).

20.  Gillian Brock, ‘Global Justice’, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2017 Edition Edward N. Zalta),(Oct. 2018) <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2017/entries/justice-global/>.

21.  GoranCollste, Globalization and Global Justice- A thematic Introduction, 3(1), De Ethica (2016).

22.  Hunt, Alan, Marxist Theory of Law, A Companion to Philosophy of Lawand Legal Theory, 350-360 (2nd ed, Dennis Patterson, 2010)

23.  Jay Prakash Narayan, A plea for reconstruction of Indian Polity(1959).

24.  JE Penner, McCoubrey& White’s,Textbook on Jurisprudence,209-227(4th edition, reprint 2002) page 209-227.

25.  JagdishBhagwati and Arvind Panagariya, Why Growth Matters: How Economic Growth in India Reduced Poverty and the Lessons for Other Developing Countries, (New York Public Affairs, 2014).

26.  John Rawls, Political Liberalism (Columbia University Press, New York).

27.  John Stuart Mill, Utilitarianism (1863).

28.  Jeremy Bentham, Anarchical Fallacies, 2 Works, 501(J Bowring, ed, 1838-43).

29.  John Rawls, A Theory of Justice(Cambridge, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971).

30.  John Rawls, The Law of Peoples (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1999).

31.  JesperRyberg, Higher and Lower Pleasures: Doubts on Justification, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 415-29, (2002).

32.  Kristin BrandserKalsem and Verna L. Williams, Social Justice Feminism, Faculty Articles and other Publications, University of Cincinnati School of Law, at <http://scholarship.law.uc.edu/fac_pubs/13>

33.  Keith Lehrer, Individualism, Communitarianism and Consensus, 5(2) The Journal of Ethics (2001) 105-120.

34.  Llyod’s Introduction To Jurisprudence

35.  Martin Luther King Junior, Stride Toward Freedom, 95-97(1958).

36.  Michael J. Sandel, Liberalism and the limits of Justice, (Cambridge University Press, 1982).

37.  Manfred B. Steger, GLOBALIZATION: A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION, Oxford University Press(3rd ed. 2013)

38.  Michael S. Barr and Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Globalization, Law and Development- Introduction and overview (Globalization, Law and Development Conference), Mich. J. Int'l L. (2004).

39.  M.V. Nadkarni, Interrogating the Idea of Justice, 58, IEJ, (2010).

40.  Manfred B. Steger, GLOBALIZATION: A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION, Oxford University Press(3rd ed. 2013)

41.  M.K. Gandhi, Hind Swaraj, The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, 47-48 (1999).

42.  Prof. UpendraBaxi, ‘Access to Justice in a Globalized Economy: Some Reflections’, ILI Golden Jubilee ,(2006)

43.  Prof. UpendraBaxi, The Future of Human Rights, (2006).

44.  Prof. UpendraBaxi, ‘Globalisation: A World Without Alternatives?’, ICES Annual Lecture (1992).

45.  Pierrick Le Golf, ‘GLOBAL LAW: A LEGAL PHENOMENON EMERGING FROM THE PROCESS OF GLOBALIZATION’, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies (2007) Vol. 14, Issue 1, Article 7, (25 Dec2018)<https://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1347&context=ijgls>.

46.  Ruth Gavinson and HLA hart, Issues in Contemporary and legal philosophy, the influence of HLA Hart and Hart’s Postscript to Concept of law (2008).

47.  Ramachandra Guha, Makers of modern India, (2010).

48.  R. Posner, “The Economic Approach to the Law, 757, 53 Texas Law Review (1975).

49.  Richard Posner, The Economics of Justice, 168 (1985).

50.  Ronald Dworkin, A Matter of Principle, 245 (1985).

51.  Ruth Anna Putnam, Why not a Feminist Theory of Justice, in Women, Culture and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities, Martha Nussbaum and Jonathan Glover (eds.) .

52.  Raymond Wacks, Understanding Jurisprudence (Oxford University Press, 2012).

53.  Rawls, J. (1971)A Theory of Justice, Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

54.  Sreelekha Mishra Feminism and Gender Justice, at <http://www.pragativadi.com/feminism-gender-justice/>

55.  Sandel, M. (2011)Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?,Penguin Publisher.

56.  Shapiro, Martin, ‘THE GLOBALIZATION OF LAW’, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies (1993) Vol. 1, Issue 1, Article 3, (25 Dec 2018)<https://www.repository.law.indiana.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=ijgls>.

57.  S.D Sharma, Administration of Justice in Ancient India (1988).

58.  Sen, A. (2009). The Idea of Justice. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

59.  SudarshanIyengar, Gandhi’s Jurisconscience: Evolution of his ideas on Justice at <http://dakshindia.org/Daksh_Justice_in_India/17_chapter_07.xhtml>

60.  SachchidanandSinha,Lohia's, Socialism: An Underdog's Perspective, Economic And Political Weekly, Vol. 45,51-55, (OCTOBER 2-8, 2010).

61.  Thomas Pogge, Realizing Rawls (Ithaca and London, 1989).

62.  Thomas Pogge, World Poverty and Human Rights (2nded, Polity Press 2008).

63.  The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, 573-574 (1999).



66.  Terence C. Halliday and Pavel Osinsky, ‘GLOBALIZATION OF LAW’, Annual Review of Sociology, (2006) Vol. 32, 447-70, (25 Dec 2018) <https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/29737747.pdf>.

67.  UpendraBaxi, ‘Justice as Emancipation: ‘The Legacy of BabasahebAmbedkar’ in UpendraBaxi and Bhiku Parekh (ed.), Crisis and Change in Contemporary India , 122-49 (1999).

68.  ValentinStoian, ‘Global or National Justice? An Analysis of Pogge’s and Buchanan’s Reply to Rawls’s Law of Peoples’, Public Reason 4 (1-2): 139 (2012), (Oct. 2018)<https://www.publicreason.ro/pdfa/65>.

69.  William Twining, General Jurisprudence: Understanding Law from a Global Perspective, (2009).

70.  William Twining, Have concepts, will travel: analytical jurisprudence in a global context, International Journal of Law, 1,1 pp. 5–40 (2005)

71.  William Twining, GLOBALISATION & LEGAL THEORY, Cambridge University Press New York (2000)

72.  Will Kymlicka, Liberalism and Communitarianism, 18 (2) Canadian Journal of Philosophy (1988), 181-203.

73.  William Twining, Globalization and Legal Scholarship, Montesquieu Lecture 2009, (Oct 2018) https://lapa.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/2011-0210_Twining_Paper.pdf

74.  Zygmunt Bauman, Globalization. The Human Consequences(Polity Press, 1998).




1.      Sabarimala and the quest for equality- The Hindu at <www.thehindu.com/op-ed/>

2.      Sabarimala Temple Imbroglio- The Women’s wall at <https://bangaloremirror.indiatimes.com/news/india/womens-wall-between-kasargod-and-thiruvananthapuram-spreads-message-of-resistance/articleshow/67337655.cms>

3.      ShaniShignapur Temple- A year after breakthrough, local women stick to entry ban, at <https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/shani-shingnapur-temple-a-year-after-breakthrough-moment-local-women-stick-to-entry-ban/story-klA7Cu1ry70yz1VFXVqSRP.html>





1.      Anuj Bhuwania, Courting the people: Public Interest Litigation in Post-Emergency India, (2016).

2.      Boaventura de Santos, Toward a New Common Sense: Law, Science and Politics in Paradignatic Transition(1995).

3.      B. Tamanaha, A GENERAL JURISPRUDENCE OF LAW AND SOCIETY(Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001)

4.      Chimni, B. S., “A Just World under Law: A View from the South”, American University International Law Review, Vol.  22, 2007, 199-220, (2007).

5. Cass Sunstein, Standing and the Privatization of Public Law, 88 Colum. L. Rev. 1432 (1988).

6.      Coleman, J.L, ‘Efficiency, Utility and Wealth Maximization’509 Hofstra L Review (1980).


8.      David B. H. Denoon,Cycles in Indian Economic Liberalization, 31 Comp. Pol. 43, 52–55 (1988).

9.      De Schutter, Olivier, "Towards a New Treaty on Businessand Human Rights", Business and Human Rights Journal, vol.1, no.1, pp. 41-67(2015).

10.  Discourse and Vision of Lohia’s Socialism, Economic And Political Weekly, Vol. 45, 71-77(OCTOBER 2-8, 20)

11.  Fredric Jameson and Masao Miyoshi (eds.), THE CULTURES OF GLOBALIZATION(6th ed 2004)

12.  Frank J. Lechner and John Boli (eds.), THE GLOBALIZATION READER(5th ed., 2015)

13.  Fraser, Nancy, Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World, in Nancy Fraser, Fortunes Of Feminism: From State-Managed Capitalism to Neoliberal Crisis, (London, New York: Verso, 2013)

14.  George Ritzer, GLOBALIZATION: THE ESSENTIALS, Wiley-Blackwell Chichester (2011)

15.  George Ritzer, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY, (8 ed.) McGraw Hill New York (8thed 2011)

16.  Hugo Adam Bedau, Anarchical Fallacies, Human Rights Quarterly (2000).

17.  H.L.A. Hart. Essays on Bentham, Jurisprudence and Political Theory, 51(1982).

18.  Jeremy Bentham. Morals and Legislation, 125-126(1781).

19.  Kim, Seunghwan, “Non-Refoulement and ExtraterritorialJurisdiction: State Sovereignty andMigration Controls at Sea in the EuropeanContext”, Leiden Journal of International Law,vol.30, no. 1, pp. 49-70 (2017).

20.  Manoj Mate, The Rise of Judicial Governance, Int’l L.J., 186–96 (2014)

21.  Manoj Mate, Globalization, Rights, and Judicial Review in the Supreme Court of India, 643 (2016).

22.  Madhavi Divan, Telecast Tussle: A Sorry Spectacle, 4 SCC (Jour) 52, 52–54 (2004).

23.  Mayur Suresh (ed.) & Siddharth Narrain (ed.), Shifting Scales of Justice, (2014).Martin Walker, GLOBALIZATION 3.0, 31(4) Wilson Quarterly (2007), 16-24.

24.  Nogales,Jaya Ramji, "Migration Emergencies", Hastings Law Journal, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 609-656 (2017),.

25.  Nita Rudra& Daniel C. Tirone, Trade, Politics, and the Poor: Is Sen Right and Bhagwati Wrong? 52 (1)Studies in Comparative International Development 1–22 (2016).

26.  P. Burrows and C J Viljanovski, The Economic Approach to the Law (1981).

27.  Posner, R, ‘Utilitarianism, Economics and Legal Theory’,103, 8 Journal of Legal Studies (1979).

28.  P.N. Bhagwati, ‘Judicial Activism and Public Interest Litigation’, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 561 (1985).

29.  P. Singer, ONE WORLD, THE ETHICS OF GLOBALIZATION, 2nd edn (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2004).

30.  Reuven S. Avi-Yonah and M. S. Barr, ‘GLOBALIZATION, LAW AND DEVELOPMENT: INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW (Globalization, Law and Development Conference)’, Michigan Journal of International Law, (2004) Volume 26(1), 1-12.

31.  Sills, David L., “Utilitarianism", International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 228, (1986).

32.  T. Pogge, REALIZING RAWLS (Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1989) and WORLD POVERTY AND HUMAN RIGHTS (Cambridge, Polity Press, 2002)

33.  Upendra Baxi, Taking Suffering Seriously, 127–28 (1985).

34.  U. Baxi. Bentham's Theory of Legislation, p.xxiv (Tripathi, 1986).

35.  Will Hutton and Anthony Giddens (eds.), GLOBAL CAPITALISM(Anthony Giddens, 2001)

36.  Wayne Morrison. Jurisprudence – From the Greeks to post modernism, (1995).

37.  William Twining, Montesquieu Lecture, ‘Globalization and Legal Scholarship’ (2009).

38.  William Twining, Law, Justice and Rights: Some Implications of a Global Perspective [Article]

Instructor bio

Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao is the Vice-Chancellor of National Law University Odisha. He is a renowned Academician in India in the field of Legal Education. Under his dynamic leadership NLU Odisha has attained greater heights and able to finds it’s place as a centre of Academic Excellence in the map of Legal education in India. Prof. Srikrishna Deva Rao holds a Master’s degree in Law from Kakatiya University, Warangal, Master of Philosophy in Law from National Law School, Bangalore and Ph.D. from Delhi University. Prof. Rao has actively involved with legal education and research in India at four National Law Schools: National Law School of India University, Bangalore (1990-1995 & 1997-98), NALSAR, Hyderabad (1998-2004), Gujarat National Law University, Gandhi Nagar (2004-2007) and National Law University, Delhi (2010-14) including short stint with Jawaharlal Nehru University (1995-96) and University of Delhi (1996-97). He was a member of the UGC Expert Committee in Law to transform legal education in India (2010-2012). He was a visiting fellow at School of Oriental & African Studies, SOAS, London (2013) and University of Washington at Seattle (2012), He has engaged with several research projects with UKERI, UNDP, Law Commission of India and Ministry of Law and Justice etc. He was a consultant to the Indian Medical Association (IMA), Swedish Development Cooperation (SDC), Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (SDTT), Child Rights and You (CRY) and Swedish National Science Foundation (SNSF). He has been teaching the subject ‘Law and Justice in a Globalising World’ to LL.M. students of National Law University Odisha for the past three years.

Course certificate

“30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for external proctored examination”

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