Law of Torts

By Dr. Aneeda Jan   |   University of Kashmir
Learners enrolled: 2169
In this era of globalization and liberalization law of torts has evolved and grown as a full-fledged separate branch of law. The courts and the governments have realized the importance of law of torts  in their rulings by awarding the exemplary damages in the cases of negligence, providing compensation to the victims of rape and recognizing the torts committed by the governmental actions. Keeping into consideration the importance of law of torts it is  designated and identified by the experts as one of the core papers in the prescribed syllabi of various law programmes throughout the globe. The need of the hour in this covid-19 Pandemic is to minimize the academic loss caused to the student community in general and make the education available at their door steps. Devising this 02 credit Mooc Programmee on law of torts is a humble step towards this desired goal. The whole Mooc comprises of 21 audio-visual e-contents including FAQ’S, MCQ’S, Assignments etc. This Mooc covers important topics including; origin, nature  & development of law of torts, general and specific defences, important and  specific torts like negligence, nuisance, trespass, defamation, malicious  Prosecution, various doctrines like, strict liability, absolute, liability, vicarious liability etc.  This two credit Mooc Programmee of 06 weeks duration will be of immense importance to students, scholars, legal practitioners and Academicians. We wish all the prospective learners best of luck.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 6 weeks
Category :
  • Law
Credit Points : 2
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 31 Jan 2022
End Date : 12 Mar 2022
Enrollment Ends : 28 Feb 2022
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

1. Introduction to Law of Torts
2. Origin and Development of law of Torts in India & England
3. Nature of Law of Torts
4. Doctrine of Strict Liability
5. Doctrine of Absolute liability
6. Volenti non-fit injuria
7. Vicarious Liability
8. Act of God & nuisance
9. Nuisance in Law of Torts
10. Justification in Tort; Private Defence
11. Capacity in Law of Torts
12. Malicious Prosecution
13. Nervous Shock
14. Wrongful Act; Remedies & Damages: Law of Torts
15. False Imprisonment
16. Defamation
17. Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity
18. Negligence
19. Trespass
20. Assault & Battery
21. Principles on which Tortious liability is based

Books and references

1. R.K. Bangia; Law of Torts, Allahabad Law Agency.
2. Minfield & Jolonics; Tort.
3. Winfield; Law of Torts.
4. Avatar Singh; Law of Torts.
5. Rattanlal & Deerajlal; Law of Torts, Lexis Butterworths, Wadhwa, Nagpur.
6. Annual Survey of Indian Laws; Indian Law Institute.

Instructor bio

Dr. Aneeda Jan

University of Kashmir
Dr. Aneeda Jan holds master’s degree in Law completed her PhD in the Department of law in year 2016, University of Kashmir. She is a faculty member and currently teaches at DDE, University of Kashmir. Dr. Aneeda Jan enjoys the distinction of being first JRF Candidate from the Department of Law University of Kashmir she qualified JRF & NET in 2010 and SLET, in year & 2011. Dr. Aneeda Jan also worked against the post of Assistant Regional Director IGNOU Her basic research interests include Gender Justice, Social Welfare Legislations, Euthanasia, Honour Killings, and Surrogacy etc. She has published good number of research papers with impact factors. She has a couple of research books to her credit as well. She is an author of 17 e- content modules. Under her supervision many LLM scholars have completed their research degrees. Presently she is also supervising the PhD Scholars. Besides academics she is also involved in the administrative work of university and is presently proctor and a member of Internal Complaints Committee of University.
 Dr. Aneeda is on the editorial board of some journals and has been an invited speaker at few conferences/reputed institutions, TV & Radio educational & academic Programmes. Dr. Aneeda developed 12 weeks MOOC on Constitutional Law which received overwhelming response from the students/learners.

Course certificate

30% for in-course assessment and 70% for end term proctored exam

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