Access to Justice

By Dr Bharti Yadav   |   National Law University Delhi
Learners enrolled: 3872

The connection between law and society needs to be understood for good governance of welfare society in a democratic setup. India being a democratic country owes a duty to maintain such a relation between law and society where law actually cater to the need of society. This duty makes equal access to justice by people of India an indispensable responsibility on the shoulders of all the four pillars of Indian democracy ie parliament, executive, judiciary and press. That is why the need of promoting equal access to justice has been highlighted tremendously in the recent past. All the four pillars of Indian democratic system has strongly advocated for ensuring equal access to justice but still much more needs to be done. People still are not aware of their basic rights and enabling provisions for eliminating impediments to access to justice. In view of this, it becomes important for people to understand the legal dimensions of the equal access to justice. The course covers all important recent developments in this area. The course of Access to Justice has been specifically designed to provide not only an overview of justice system in India but also an in-depth knowledge about basic rights promoting equal access to justices, mode of realization of such rights, remedies for its infringements and other related important issues.

Students of law, social sciences or any other discipline and any person interested in learning basic rights promoting equal access to justices, mode of realization of such rights, remedies for its infringements and other related important issues can register for the course. It’s a four-credit course for those interested in credits otherwise anybody can register for the course without availing credits.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Law
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate/Postgraduate
Start Date : 01 Jul 2022
End Date : 31 Oct 2022
Enrollment Ends : 15 Sep 2022
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1 Concept & Historical Background of Access to Justice Week 2 Formal Access to Justice And Impediments to Access to Justice Week 3 Access to Justice and Alternate Dispute Resolution Week 4 General Law for Access to Justice Week 5 Special Law for Access to Justice Week 6 Access to Speedy and Amicable Justice Week 7 Access to Justice and Administrative Adjudication Week 8 REVISION AND ASSIGNMENT WEEK Week 9 Access to Justice for Women Week 10 Access to Justice for Children Week 11 Access to Justice for Senior Citizens, BC,SC/ST and Disables Week 12 Access to Justice for Stakeholders of Justice Administration System Week 13 Access to Justice in commercial Transactions Week 14 Civil Society role in Promoting Access to Justice Week 15 REVISION, ASSESSMENT and Evaluation

Instructor bio

Dr Bharti Yadav

National Law University Delhi
Dr Bharti Yadav has been a faculty at National Law University Delhi since 2012. Her areas of interest and specialisation are Criminal Law, Research Methodology, Legal Aid and Clinical Legal Education. She has also supervised many LL.M. students for their dissertations. She has contributed in administrative reforms initiatives at prisons by conducting various empirical researches. She has actively collaborated with Delhi Legal Services Authorities in various Legal Aid initiatives. She has been a resource faculty at Haryana Institute of Public Administration in various training programs for HCS officers and law officers of Haryana. From 2015 to 2017, she also acted as an external member of complaint committee against sexual harassment at workplace of NABCONS and NABARD. She has contributed in e-pathshala Programme of UGC by writing modules on various aspects of access to justice. She has also been a resource person for Gyan Darshan TV channel for spreading legal awareness. She has offered seminar courses at University of Wurzburg, Wurzburg, Germany in the year 2016 & 2017. She was invited by Justice Academy Ankara, Turkey for address Judges and advocates on art of cross examination in the year 2017. She has presided sessions on promoting justice education in the international conference of Global Alliance of Justice Education at Turkey in the year 2015 and Mexico in the year 2017.

Course certificate

Course learners who qualify the course examination can obtain a passing certificate and a marks sheet for credit transfer.

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