Week- I
1. Introduction to graphs
2. Basic properties of graphs
3. Complete and bi-partite graphs
Week - II
4. Isomorphism of graphs
5. Paths and circuits
Week - III
6. Eulerian Graphs
7. Hamiltonian cycles
Week - IV
8. Matrix representation of graphs
9. Chordal graphs
10. Weighted graphs
Week - V
11. Matchings in graphs
12. Hall's 'marriage' theorem and its application
13. Travelling salesman’s problem & Chinese postman problem
Week - VI
14. Distances in graphs
15. Shortest path and Dijkstra’s algorithm
16. Floyd – Warshall Algorithm
17. Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Week - VII
18. Trees
19. Spanning tree in graphs
Week - VIII
20. Minimum spanning tree algorithms
21. Kruskal’s algorithm
22. Independence sets and covering in graphs
Week - IX
23. Planar graphs
24. Euler's formula
Week - X
25. Cut vertices and Cut edges
26. Edge connectivity
Week - XI
27. Vertex Colouring of graphs
28. Edge Colouring of graphs
29. The four-colour and five-colour theorems
Week - XII
31. Applications of graphs in switching theory
32. Directed Graphs (or Digraphs)