Digital Marketing

By Dr. Tejinderpal Singh   |   Panjab University, Chandigarh
Learners enrolled: 11982
India has witnessed an exponential growth in the internet and mobile phones users during the recent decade. It has opened a wide range of communication tools for the individuals and organizations. Today, the communication through online platforms has become a key element of Integrated Marketing Communication strategy and changed the way how organizations communicate with their stakeholders. Organizations have started using internet and digital devices in their main marketing strategy in the form of digital marketing. Digital marketing is rapidly growing force in the present marketing domain and is set be the future of marketing. It has resulted in numerous opportunities and avenues for advertising and marketing both in domestic and international business environment. 
Therefore, there is a need to understand the fundamentals of Digital Marketing and to inculcate the skills of digital marketing among students. In this background, a course on Digital Marketing has been designed which aims to build conceptual foundation of digital marketing and to develop the students’ skills to plan, implement and monitor digital marketing campaigns in globalized environment. The target audience of this course is primarily students pursing MBA and other management related courses. However, anyone who wants to leverage the power of digital marketing in his business or profession may join this course.  
Prerequisites of the course are ; Basic Knowledge of internet and internet browsing Experimental and Analytical mindset , No Hardcore technical knowledge required to pursue this course.


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Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Management Studies
Credit Points : 4
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 25 Jul 2022
End Date : 15 Nov 2022
Enrollment Ends : 15 Sep 2022
Exam Date :

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Course layout

✅ Week 1 
1:Introduction to Digital Marketing and its Significance 
2: Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing
3:Digital Marketing Process
✅ Week 2 
4:Website Planning and Development : Types of websites
5:Website Planning and Development : Keywords
✅ Week 3 
6:Understanding Domain and Webhosting
7:Building Website/Blog using CMS WordPress
8:Using WordPress Plug-ins
✅ Week 4 
9:Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
10:Keyword P lanner Tools
11:On Page SEO Techniques-Indexing and Key Word Placement
✅ Week 5
12:On Page SEO Techniques- Content Optimization
13:On Page SEO : Yoast SEO Plug-in
14:Off –Page SEO Techniques
✅ Week 6
15:Email Marketing- Introduction and Significance
16:Designing e-mail marketing campaigns using Mail Chimp
✅ Week 7
17:Building E-mail List and Signup Forms
18:Email Marketing Strategy and Monitoring
19:Email –Automization
✅ Week 8
20:Pay Per Click Advertising: Introduction
21:Pay Per Click Advertising: Google Adword
22:Type s of Bidding strategies
✅ Week 9
23:Designing and Monitoring search campaigns
24:Designin g and Monitoring Display campaigns
✅ Week 10
25:Designing and Monitoring Video campaigns
26:Designin g and Monitoring Universal App Campaigns
✅ Week 11
27:Google Analytics : Introduction and Significance
28:Google Analytics Interface and Setup
29:Understanding Goals and Conversions
✅ Week 12
30:Monitoring Traffic Behavior and preparing Reports
31:Social Media Marketing : Introduction and Significance
32:Facebook Marketing : Introduction Types of Various Ad Formats
✅ Week 13
33:Setting up Facebook Advertising Account
34:Under standing Facebook Audience and its Types
35:Designing Facebook Advertising Campaigns
✅ Week 14
36:Working with Facebook Pixel
37:Twitter Marketing: Basics
38:Designing Twitter Advertising Campaigns
✅ Week 15
39:Introduction to LinkedIn Marketing
40:Developing digital marketing strategy in Integration form

Books and references

  1. The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns by Ian Dodson, Wiley; 1st edition (2016)
  2. Digital Marketing For Dummies by Ryan Deiss and Russ Henneberry, For Dummies.

Instructor bio

Dr. Tejinderpal Singh

Panjab University, Chandigarh
Dr. Tejinderpal Singh is an accomplished educationist, a researcher and an affiliate marketer having more than 13 years of teaching and research experience and 4 years of industry experience with specialization in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics.  Dr Singh has a rich experience in designing Websites/Blogs using WordPress and a practical knowledge of various Digital Marketing domains like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Display Advertising, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Social Media Marketing etc. 
He is presently associated with University Business School, Panjab University Chandigarh as an Associate Professor. He is also a professional trainer in digital marketing and has conducted number of workshops on digital marketing and social media marketing for students, academicians and business executives with focus on latest digital marketing tools. 
He is a post graduate from University Business School, Panjab University Chandigarh and Doctorate from Punjabi University Patiala. Dr. Singh is presently working on two research projects sponsored by UGC New Delhi and ICSSR New Delhi. He has many publications in national and international journals of repute. Dr Singh was recently invited by the Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom to deliver a series of lectures on the ‘Role of Social Media in Promoting Responsible Consumption’ during Global Responsibility Week, March 2019.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for external proctored examination

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