
By Dr. K. R. MARUTHI,   |   SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, 574 240
Learners enrolled: 950
Virology provides information on viruses, which are associated with several emerging infectious diseases in both animals and plants. Most of the viral diseases are not curable and developing treatment strategy for these diseases is the real tough challenge for the researchers. It is possible only when all the information on its structure, replication, mode of transmission and especially methods of cultivating viruses are easily available. This will pay the way for understanding pathogenicity and targets for drug development. Prevention is better than cure suits better with the viral infections. Hence this course is developed to provide knowledge on nature, host and replication of different group of viruses, spread and management of viral diseases. The course also provides information on beneficial aspects of virus, especially its use in medicine and agriculture. The syllabus is designed keeping in mind the recent developments in virology and will be useful to all those who want to learn and update their knowledge on viruses.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Biological Sciences & Bioengineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 09 Jan 2023
End Date : 30 Apr 2023
Enrollment Ends : 15 Mar 2023
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Weekly Plan




Weekly Lecture Topics

First Week

Day 1

Discovery, nature, origin and evolutionary importance of viruses

Day 2

Structure of Viruses

Day 3

Isolation, purification and cultivation of viruses

Day 4

Viral taxonomy: Classification and nomenclature of different groups of viruses

Day 5

●       MCQ           ●       Assignments


Second Week

Day 1

Diversity, classification and one step multiplication curve

Day 2

Lytic and lysogenic phages

Day 3

Regulation of transcription in lambda phage

Day 4

Phage phenotypes, phenotype mixing and phage therapy

Day 5

●       MCQ     ●       Assignments


Third Week

Day 1

Principal events involved in replication: Adsorption, penetration and uncoating.

Day 2

Viral nucleic acid and protein synthesis

Day 3

Intracellular trafficking, assembly, maturation and release

Day 4

Host response to viral infection

Day 5

●       MCQ       ●       Assignments


Fourth Week

Day 1


Day 2

Herpes, Polio and Influenza virus

Day 3

SV40 and Adeno Virus, Poxviruses

Day 4

Hepatitis and Retroviruses

Day 5

●       MCQ       ●       Assignments

Fifth Week

Day 1

Visualization and enumeration of virus particles

Day 2

Physical and biological methods of detection of viruses

Day 3

Immunological and molecular methods detection of viruses

Day 4

Characterization of viral product expressed in the infected cells

Day 5

●       MCQ     ●       Assignments

Sixth  Week

Day 1

General methods of propagation of plant viruses

Day 2

Purification of plant viruses using centrifugation, chromatography and electrophoresis techniques

Day 3

Methods employed in identification of plant viruses

Day 4

Viruses as biopesticides

Day 5

●       MCQ      ●       Assignments


Seventh  Week

Day 1

Common cold, SARS, Influenza

Day 2

Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Human papilloma

Day 3

Herpes, Polio, Rabies, Small pox

Day 4

HIV, Hepatitis, Dengue, Yellow fever

Day 5

●       Quizzes   ●       Assignments  ●       Paragraph and essay questions


Eighth Week

Day 1

Introduction to oncogenic viruses

Day 2

Concepts of oncogenes and proto-oncogenes

Day 3

Understanding human carcinogenesis by using tumor viruses as experimental tools

Day 4

Prevention and treatment of virus induced cancer

Day 5

●       MCQ   ●       Assignments


Ninth  Week

Day 1

Host specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms involved in resistance to and recovery from virus infections

Day 2

Role of interferon in viral infections

Day 3

Viral Chemotherapy: Nucleoside analogs, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors

Day 4

History of vaccines especially smallpox and polio. New methods: subunit vaccines, anti-idiotype and DNA vaccines

Day 5

●       MCQ     ●       Assignments

Tenth Week

Day 1

Use of viral vectors in cloning and expression

Day 2

Gene therapy and Phage display

Day 3

Emerging and re emerging viruses

Day 4

Viruses and future

Day 5

●       MCQ        ●       Assignments


Eleventh   Week

Day 1

Exam preparation and assessment of assignments

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Twelfth   Week

Day 1

Assessment at the end of the course, which comprises of 40% of Online or In-term assessment and 60% Proctored end term exam.

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5



Books and references

  1. Carter J.B. and Saunders V.A. 2007. Virology: Principles and applications. John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  2. Cheng R.H. and Miyamura T. 2008. Structure based study of viral replication. World Scientific Co. Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Dimmock N.J., Easton A.J. and Leppard K.N. 2007. 6th edition. Introduction to modern virology. Blackwell Publication.
  4. Wagner E.K., Hewlett M.J., Bloom D.C. and Camerini D. Basic virology. 3rd edition. Blackwell Publication. 

Instructor bio


SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire, 574 240
Dr. Katenahalli Rudrappa Maruthi is an academician who graduated from Kuvempu University with a Doctorate in Biotechnology 2002. He works as an Assistant Professor at Sri Dharmasthala Maanjunatheshwar College's Department of Biotechnology, with a total of 20 years of intensive teaching, research, and administrative experience. He is also the institution's Nodal Officer for NIRF ranking and coordinator for the NTC of NTA.

Dr. Maruthi served in the DRDO's (Defence Research and Development Organization) Field Research Laboratory in Leh, Ladakh, as a Research Associate. He was a part of two Biotechnology projects that focused on the indigenous flora of Ladakh. He spent seven years as a Principal in both Bangalore and Tirupati. He had organized two UGC sponsored and One Management sponsored National Conference. Published 25 peer-reviewed research articles in national and international publications. He had given the keynote address at several national and international conferences. He had led one Ph.D. and ten M.Phil. students to success. He is a member of three professional societies as a Life Member.

Course certificate

Assessment/Assignment marks will be considered for Internal Marks and will carry 30 percent for overall Result.

End Term Exam- will have 100 questions and will carry 70 percent of  overall Result.

*All students, who obtain 40% marks in in-course assessment and 40% marks in end-term proctored exam separately, will be eligible for certificate and credit transfer.

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