Tourism and Travel Management

By Mr N. ROOPESH KUMAR   |   DoS in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana PG Centre.
Learners enrolled: 847
Tourism and travel industry are the significant contributors for the development of a country’s economy. There are many countries around the world which are solely depending on tourism for their survival. Tourism is seen from the point of view of both business and leisure and travel is the mode through which a tourist moves from one place to another. So, both the tourism and travel are interrelated. Tourists wish to visit far off places to experience the nature, adventure and in seek of health. There are various types of tourism existing around the world to fulfill such wishes and these wishes are mostly fulfilled by physically traveling to the desired destinations where means of travel comes into play.

When it comes to travel, there are travel agents, tour operators, tourist guides, travel desks in hotels, etc., who provide and manage travel and other services to their customers and generate revenue both for themselves and for their country. This makes both the tourism and travel industries to be interdependent on one another. A person who wishes to study tourism and have a career in tourism is expected to have good amount knowledge about the various means transport around the world.

I welcome you to this course and hope that by studying this course you will enrich yourselves about the various aspects of tourism and travel management and I wish you all the very best.
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 31 Jul 2023
End Date : 31 Oct 2023
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2023
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week – 1 | 1. Meaning and definition of travel & Tourism | 2. Travel during Ancient times | 3. Travel during Medieval & Modern period period |

Week – 2 | 4. Cultural heritage resources | 5. Tourism Resources-Natural | 6. Types of tourism | 7. Adventure tourism |

Week – 3 | 8.  Basic minimum Standards of adventure tourism | 9 . Eco and urban tourism | 10. Heritage tourism -1 | 11. Heritage tourism -2 |

Week – 4 | 12. Sports  Tourism | 13. Medical tourism | 14. Rural tourism  | 15. Wildlife tourism |   Week – 5 | 16. History and evolution of travel agency | 17. IATA Recognition of travel agents | 18. Functions of travel agency | 19. Itinerary preparation and tour costing |

Week – 6 | 20. tour operators and their types | 21. Tour operators brochure | 22. Role and responsibilities of tourist guide |23. Code of conduct and behaviour of tourist guide |

Week - 7 | 24. Communication in Guiding  | 25. Body Language and Commentary | 26. Importance of tourism transport |27. transport costing and pricing |

Week – 8 | 28. Air transport in India | 29. Major Airports of the world | 30. Land transport - Railways | 31. Land transport - Automobiles | 

Week – 9 | 32.Water transport- Sea routes | 33.Inland water transport | 34.Transport in India - Railways | 35. Other means of transport in India | Week – 10 | 36. Tourism Motivation | 37. Organisation for tourism promotions | 38. Guideline for protection, conservation of   environment | 39. Fairs and festivals |

Week – 11 | 40. Tourism planning and development | 41. Impact of Tourism | 42. Social and cultural impact of tourism | 43. Ethics in tourism |

Books and references

Reading material

Author & Year

Type of publication (article/notes)

Content Abstract

Number of pages

Tourism principles and practices

Sampad Kumar Swain

Jitendra Mohan Mishra


Text Book

Tourism concept

Travel motivation

Travel agency

Tour operation


Tourism impacts

Modern tourism business


Tourism Products of India: A National Perspective

Robinet Jacob, P.Mahadevan, Sindhu Joseph


Text Book

A fresh perspective on the various tourism resources of India.


Tourism: operations and Management

SunetraRoday (2009)

Text Book

Various types of tourism, tourism infrastructure and sustainable tourism


Business of Travel Agency and tour operations

A.K. Bhatia


Text Book

Different aspects of tourism operations


Tourism in India: Planning and Development

Iqbal and Ashraf (2006)

Text Book

Tourism planning and policies of India and in the states of India


Guide to start a Travel Agency and tour operation business

Xcess’ Board of Editors



Relevant aspects of sustainable tourism management and development


Ecology, Environment And Tourism

L.K. Singh


Text book

Relationship between environment and tourism , carrying capacity


Instructor bio


DoS in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana PG Centre.
N. Roopesh Kumar, Course Co-coordinator for Tourism and Travel Management course under Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), in SWAYAM platform. He is an M.COM Graduate, KSET qualified and completed  certification programme in Airport Operations and Management from IATA, Montreal, Canada. At present, he is working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana PG Centre, Metagalli, Mysuru, since August 2011. He was a resource person and a member for BOS in MTM programme at KSOU, Mysuru between2012-2014. He is also a member for BOE in Master of Tourism and Air Travel Management, MTTM/MTA and other PG programmes. He has 12 Years of Teaching and Industry experience in Commerce, Tourism and Hospitality Management. 

He has been teaching Commerce and Air travel management related subjects and has collaboration with tourism industry activities. He has published 6 research papers in international peer reviewed journals and presented many papers at national level conferences.

He is also a subject expert and has developed e-contents for various subjects in Tourism under the NME-ICT project of CEC-UGC and MOOC through the Educational Multimedia Research Centre, University of Mysore.   

Course certificate

Assessment/Assignment marks will be considered for Internal Marks and will carry 30 percent for overall Result.

End Term Exam- will have 100 questions and will carry 70 percent of  overall Result.

*All students, who obtain 40% marks in in-course assessment and 40% marks in end-term proctored exam separately, will be eligible for certificate and credit transfer.

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