Weekly Plan
Week 1:
1. Sociology and Rural sociology, extension education, agricultural extension –
meaning and definitions.
2. Importance of rural sociology in agricultural extension and their interrelationship
3. Characteristics of Indian rural society differences and relationships between rural and urban societies
4. Social group(s) – classification – formation and organization of groups and role
of social groups in agricultural extension
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 2:
1. Social stratification – meaning – forms – class system and caste system.
2. Culture and different cultural concepts and their role in agricultural extension
3. Social values, social control and attitudes – types and their role in agricultural extension
4. Leadership – meaning – classification of leaders – roles of a leader and different methods in selection of a leader
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 3:
1. Training of leaders – lay and professional leaders
2. Leadership and agents of agricultural extension
3. Fundamentals of Educational Psychology and its relation to agriculture extension.
4. Intelligence – meaning – types – factors and importance in agricultural extension.
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 4:
1. Personality – meaning – types – factors and importance in agricultural extension
2. Perception, emotions and frustration – meaning – types – factors and importance in agricultural extension.
3. Motivation – meaning and its relationship to agricultural extension
4. Teaching, learning, learning experience and learning situation
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 5:
1. Principles of learning and their implications in teaching – steps in extension teaching
2. Communication and models of communication process
3. Elements of communication and their characteristics
4. Types of communication – Verbal, Written and non-verbal
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 6:
1. Some concepts relating to communication
2. Extension teaching method: Meaning and definition
3. Individual contact methods: Farm and home visit
4. Group contact methods: Farm and home visit
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 7:
1. Group discussion – meaning – purposes – procedure
2. Mass contact methods: Campaign – meaning – objectives – procedure advantages and limitations
3. Radio – meaning – purposes – advantages and limitations
4. Information Sources: Internet-Meaning-Purposes-Benefits and Limitations
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 8:
1. Call centres – Farmers Call Centre in Manipur and Kisan Call Centres
2. Adoption - Diffusion – Innovation
3. Innovation decision process – meaning– stages – concepts of dissonance and Rejection
4. Factors influencing adoption process – social, personal and situational
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 9:
1. Farmers’ Training Centre (FTC) – objectives and trainings organized
2. Visit to a village to list out the taboos, folkways, rituals and social values in the Village
3. Administering psychological tests by students to assess the personality types of human beings.
4. Conducting role play technique by the students to exhibit different leadership styles.
5. Interaction/Discussion
Week 10:
1. Exercise to create a learning situation under village conditions for a specific
teaching activity.
2. Exercise on training need assessment of farmers of a village
3. Visit to a village for conducting a training programme
4. Exercise on identification of potential agricultural technologies for enterprise set up.
5. Interaction/Discussion