Cyber Crime Administration

By Adv. Jayashree Nangare   |   Savitribai Phule Pune University
Learners enrolled: 3767
Our work lives, personal lives, and finances have all begun gravitating towards the world of the internet, mobile computing, and electronic media. Unfortunately, this widespread phenomenon makes us more vulnerable than ever to malicious attacks, invasions of privacy, fraud, and other such unpleasantries. That’s why Cyber Security is such a vital part of a secure and well-ordered digital world. Cyber security keeps us safe from hackers, cyber criminals, and other agents of fraud. But how good is your Cyber Security knowledge? We’ll help raise your Cyber Security awareness with this course. We’ll explore such critical topics to why there’s a need for Cyber Security and Cyber Crime Preventive methods along with Law Protection aspects, the best security measures, and what you can do personally to be more secure when using the internet. 
Knowledge is power, so get ready to get empowered with Cyber Security tools for safety in Virtual World. In this course students learn the basics and advanced information of Cyber Security, in both management aspects and technical aspects. Students understand the various types of security incidents and attacks, and learn methods to prevent, detect and react to such incidents and attacks. Students will also learn basics of application of Cryptography which is one of the key technology to implement security functions. At the last session, teams of students will make presentation of their study project for a topic related to information and Cyber Security.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Law
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 30 Jan 2023
End Date : 30 Apr 2023
Enrollment Ends : 15 Mar 2023
Exam Date :

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 01 : Introduction of Cyber Crime and Security - I
Week 02 : Introduction of Cyber Crime and Security - II
Week 03 : Cyber Crime Threats
Week 04 : E-Communication
Week 05 : Network Security
Week 06 : System Security
Week 07 : Ethical Issues in Information Security & Privacy
Week 08 : Information Security and Cryptography
Week 09 : Cyber Crimes & Legal Framework - I
Week 10 : Cyber Crimes & Legal Framework - II
Week 11 : Cyber Laws and Standards
Week 12 : Penalties and Compensation

Books and references

  • Cyber Laws by Pawan Duggal 
  • Cyber Laws by Dr. Gupta &  Agarwal.
  • Cyber Law and Cyber Crimes 
  • Cyber Crime in India by Dr. M. Dasgupta 
  • Cyber Crime and Fraud Management by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance 
  • Prevention of Cyber Crime and Fraud Management by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance/ M.K Geeta and Mr. Swapna Raman 
  • Intellectual Property Law in India by Justice P.S Narayana’s
  • Cyber Law by Justice Yatindra Singh 
  • Kali Linux - An Ethical Hacker’s Cookbook by Himanshu Sharma

Instructor bio

Adv. Jayashree Nangare

Savitribai Phule Pune University
  • Successful cyber law expert in National and International matters
  • Leveraged entrepreneurial orientation and characterized as a visionary, expertise in the field of Cyber Law for the past 18+ years
  • Experience of handling and solving recent international cyber fraud of Rs. 100Cr and also the biggest cyber fraud of the country
  • Trained almost 1000 banks on Cyber Security & Cyber Law awareness
  • Trained IT sector from Industrial, Corporate and Manufacturing Companies, Government Officials, Police Officers, Heads of IT companies, MD's & Heads of Import Export companies, Manufacturing companies, Travel Companies and various other organizations like TIAA & is also a Legal counsel to IT Dept. of Maharashtra State Government
  • Taken immense efforts to safeguard the customer interest and provide strong litigation support for reimburse of siphoned money
  • Assisted many organizations and Cyber Police to comply with various International Treaty Law and Cyber Law provisions

Course certificate

Dear Learners,
For getting the certificate and credits, you are required to attempt a minimum of 5 weekly assessments and appear for the end course proctored examination in person. The announcement of the proctored examination will be done separately in due course of time.

The Swayam Board considers marks for best of 5 assessments. You have to secure a minimum of 40% marks average in all the assessments to be eligible for the end course proctored examination. 

The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). Announcement will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.

Average assignment score = 30% of average of best 5 assessments out of the total assessments given in the course.
Exam score = 70% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100

Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR A CERTIFICATE ONLY IF AVERAGE ASSIGNMENT SCORE >=12/30 AND EXAM SCORE >= 28/70. If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.

Note: Only the e-certificate will be made available. Hard copies will not be dispatched.

Happy learning.

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