Marine Biotechnology

By Prof. V. Arul   |   Pondicherry University
Learners enrolled: 1092
Marine Biotechnology is a Curriculum-based course content of one of the graduate and post graduate programs of Life Science discipline. It is part of the approved curriculum being transacted in a few affiliated Colleges of Pondicherry University and similar course is being offered at many Universities/Colleges across India.

This course is to enable the students of life sciences to learn about the traditional culture of marine organisms fish, shrimp, lobsters, molluscs like edible oysters, mussels and pearl oysters, microalgae and sea weeds.

The course on Marine Biotechnology teach the student how to increase the food production especially fish which is depleting and also non conventional foods also can be cultured. It also teaches the student Drugs also being obtained from marine organisms for cancers and other neurological disorders.

This knowledge would equip life sciences students to think in terms of skill development and make in India theme and help them to get jobs or to start their own venture.
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Biological Sciences & Bioengineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 07 Dec 2024 IST
Shift :

Shift 2

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout


Marine Biotechnology - An Introduction 
Marine Ecosystem and its Functions


Values of Marine Biodiversity

Induced Breeding in Fish


Eel and Asian Sea Bass Culture
Culture of Brackish Water Fishes - Mullet, Milkfish, Etroplus 
Culture of Shrimps


Culture of Edible Oysters
Pearl Oyster Culture
Culture of Edible Mussels
Culture of Crab and Lobster
Culture of Live Feed Organisms - Artemia
Culture of Live Feed Organisms - Rotifer

WEEK 7  

Diseases of Fish and Shrimp
Diagnosis of Diseases of Fish and Shrimp
Culture of Marine Microalgae


Culture of Marine Macroalgae - Seaweeds
Marine Hydrocolloids
Hormonal Manipulation of Sex in Fish

Chromosomal Manipulation in Fish
Transgenic Fish 
Probiotics in Aquaculture 
Cryopreservation in Fishery Sciences
Marine Pharmaceuticals – Part I
Marine Pharmaceuticals – Part II
Sea Snakes

WEEK 12 

Marine Bioremediation
Aquatic Vaccines 
Marine By-products


Marine Natural Products and their Applications Part 1
Marine Natural Products and their Applications Part 2
Marine Protein

Books and references

1. Aquaculture –Principles and Practices, 1990 – TVR Pillay, Fishing Nets Boooks.

2. Aquaculture Biotechnology, First edition, 2012, Eds. Garth L. Fletcher and Mathew L Rise,  Wiley-Blackwell publication    
3. Aquaculture Biotechnology, V. Ramachandran, 2013, Black Prints 4. Marine Biology – An  ecological approach, 1988 – James W. Nybken, Harper Collins publication     
4. Bhakuni, D.S., and Rawat, D.S., (Eds.), 2005, Bioactive Marine Natural Products, Springer, Anamya Publications, New Delhi

5. Jefford, Rinehart, Sheld, 1988, Pharmaceuitcals and the Sea,. Technomic Publishing Co., AG Pensylvana, USA. 

6. Fishery by products, CIFT Manual, 2000, CIFT publications, Cochin, India

7. Edwards, C. 1990. (Ed) Microbiology of Extreme Environments. McGraw Hill, NewYork. 

8. Aharon Oren. 1998. Microbiology and Biogeochemistry of Hypersaline Environments, CRC Press, Boca Raton London, New York, Washington, D.C

9. Steven M. Colegate and Russel J. Molyneux. 2008. Bioactive Natural Products (II Ed.). CRC Press. 

10. Aquaculture: The farming and husbandry of Freshwater & Marine organisms by J.Bardach, Ryther J. Mclarhey.W. 1972. 

11. Advances in Fisheries Technology and biotechnology for increased profitability - Ed. Michael N. Voigt, J. Richard Botta. Technomic Publishing Co. Inc.(1990) 

12. Biotechnology in the Marine Science- Proceedings of the first Annual MIT Sea Grant Lecture and Seminar - Colwell R.R. 1982.

13. New Developments in Marine BiotechnologyEd. LeGal and H.O.Halvorson Plenum press 1998.

14. Aquaculture Technology and Environment Ujwala Jadhav,,PHI Learning Private LtD.2009

Instructor bio

Prof. V. Arul

Pondicherry University
Professor .V. Arul is with the Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry since September 1992. His areas of interest are Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology and Food Biotechnology.

He has 29 years of teaching experience and 33 years of research experience. He has guided 11 Ph.D students and has published 72 articles in peer-reviewed National and International journals Aquaculture, Aquaculture Research, Pharmaceutical Biology, Bioresource Technology, Journal of Functional Foods, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Royal Chemical Society Advances.

He has also published one book chapter and is also a member of the Editorial Board of Food Research International(Elsevier) and Frontiers of Nutrition. He has obtained his Master's in Integrated Biology and Ph.D in Biology from the School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University.

He has post-doctoral experience in Marine Biotechnology from premier institutes in India and abroad. He has visited Belgium as ABBOS fellow, NAGOYA University, Japan under INSA-JSPS, Nagoya University, Japan VBL Fellow.

He has also made three Documentaries with EMRC Pondicherry University. One Video on Weeds of Future won a special mention for Best Formative Research from UGC-CEC.

Course certificate

To obtain Course Certificate: 30 marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination. Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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