Molecular Biology

By Dr Bashir Ahmad Ganaie   |   Kashmir University
Learners enrolled: 1185

The course “Molecular Biology” is a core course in B.Sc. Medical sciences ad M.Sc Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Biotechnology. M.Sc Zoology, M.Sc Bio resource, M.Sc Botany and M.Sc Microbiology under the Choice Based Credit System (CBSE). The course is specially designed to supplement and enhance the understanding of students about different dimensions of molecular biology.

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Biological Sciences & Bioengineering
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 01 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 15 Dec 2024 IST
Shift :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

1. DNA Structure Miescher to Watson and Crick-Historic Perspective               
2. DNA as carrier of Hereditary Information
3. DNA Double Helix, Genetic Code And Central Dogma
4. DNA and different types of DNA

5. Types of Genetic Material
6. Chemistry of DNA Synthesis
7. Chromatin Structure: Euchromatin heterochromatin- constitutive and facultative heterochromatin
8. Regulation of Chromatin Structure

9. Organisation of DNA- Prokaryotes, Viruses, Eukaryotes
10. DNA topology- Linking number and Topoisomerases      
11. Eukaryotic Transposable Elements
12. RNA Structure, Organelle DNA- Mitochondria and chloroplast DNA

13. General Principles of DNA Replication
14. Enzymes involved in DNA Replication
15. Proteins involved in initiation, elongation and termination of  polypeptides 
16. Replication of Linear Double Stranded DNA

17. Various Models of DNA Replication
18. DNA Damage Replication Errors and their repair
19. Transcription in Prokaryotes
20. Transcription in Eukaryotes

21. Principles of Transcriptional Regulation
22. Transcription regulation in Eukaryotes
23. Spliceosome machinery and splicing pathways
24. Gene silencing, Riboswitches, Regulatory RNA , RNA interference, mi RNA and siRNA & X-inactivation

25. Signal transduction and control of transcriptional regulator
26. Translation and various steps in protein synthesis
27. Charging of tRNA, aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, Assembly line of polypeptide synthesis
28. Translation dependent regulation of mRNA and protein stability

29. Fidelity of translation, inhibitors of protein synthesis and protein targeting
30. Separation of proteins and determination of molecular weight by sds-page 
31. DNA isolation from E coli (Theory)
32. Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

33. Beer-lambert law
34. Estimation of RNA by Orcinol Method
35. Estimation of DNA by DPA method

Books and references

1. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter, Sixth edition ISBN: 978-0815345244
2. Molecular Cell Biology by Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser, Monty Krieger, Anthony Bretscher, Hidde Ploegh, Angelika Amon, and Matthew P. Scott, 7th edition ISBN: 978-1429234139
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox, Seventh edition ISBN: 978-1319108243
4. Genes XI by Jocelyn E. Krebs, Benjamin Lewin, Elliott S. Goldstein, Stephen T. Kilpatrick 11th edition ISBN: 978-1449659851
5. Molecular Biology: Principles and Practice by Michael M. Cox, Jennifer Doudna, and Michael O'Donnell ISBN: 978-0716779988
6. Biochemistry by Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, and Gregory J. Gatto Jr., 8th edition ISBN: 978-1464126109
7. Molecular Biology of the Gene by James D. Watson, Tania A. Baker, Stephen P. Bell, Alexander Gann, Michael Levine, and Richard Losick, 7th edition ISBN: 978-0321851499
8. The Cell: A Molecular Approach by Geoffrey M. Cooper and Robert E. Hausman, 7th edition ISBN: 978-1605352909
9. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria by Larry Snyder, Joseph E. Peters, Tina M. Henkin, and Wendy Champness, 5th edition ISBN: 978-1555819750
10. Molecular Biology by Robert F. Weaver, 5th edition ISBN: 978-0073525327

Instructor bio

Dr. Bashir Ahmad Ganai, Professor (Biochemistry), Centre of Research for Development, University of Kashmir, Srinagar,190 006

e-mail ID: bbcganai@gmail.com

Prof. B. A. Ganaiborn on 4thFebruary, 1966 in Kathair Gund, District Budgam, J&K did his M.Sc (1988), M.Phil and Ph.D Biochemistry from University of Kashmir, Srinagar, qualified (CSIR-UGC) NET/JRF/SRF in the year 1989. He is Professor, Ex-Director, Centre of Research for Development (CORD) & Head, Department of Environmental Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar since 2013.

Professor Ganai has been significant teaching record of 23 years of teaching experience helping in teaching to various Science Departments of Kashmir University and other Sister Universities of the State especially in the field of Protein biochemistry/ molecular biology/Enzymology. He has been awarded best teacher Award number of times. Professor Ganai has obtained so far about 8 gold Medals and 15 other Awards from different scientific bodies and has delivered a number of invited lectures and his  lectures have been acclaimed by different scientists allover India and abroad.  Bashir Ahmad Ganai has so far guided about 50 Ph.D and M.Phil students for completion of their Degrees. He has also guided about 110 M.Sc students in their Project works in the field of Biochemistry, Environmental Sciences. Dr. Ganai is helping to other Departments of life sciences as a co guide of their Ph.D and M.Phil Students. Professor Ganai has written about 12 books in lucid and simple language in order to provide help to the students of Biochemistry and students from other fields.

Professor Ganai is the Pioneer Researcher of the State and has published so far 150 Research papers of both national and international repute. Some publications with good impact papers in the Journals like Genes, plos one, RSC, phytochemistry, tumor biology, European journal of cancer prevention, phytomedicine, Asian pacific Journal of cancer prevention,  Steroids, Pakistan Journal of pharmacy, Natural product Research  etc have been cited high. Dr. Ganai has handled a number of research projects from different funding agencies. Dr. Ganai has an expertise in isolation and Characterization of various Enzymes and bioactive principals and their validation of their activities like anti diabetic, anticancer, anti-arthritic activities, anti microbial and other biological activities.. 

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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