Earth System Science

By M. S. Sisodia   |   J.N.V. University, Jodhpur Rajasthan
Learners enrolled: 232

Earth System science: The course includes the Earth, the Universe and the Solar System, The Earth and Its relation to the Universe, its origin, shape, size, age etc. How the Earth acquired the present shape and why it is different from other planets in the solar system. What causes Earthquakes and Volcanoes on the Earth. How the Mountains, continents and plateaus evolve. The concept of Plate tectonics. The course also includes the weather system and how it is caused. Land-Air-Ocean interaction and its effects. Introduction to the Atmosphere, the Hydrosphere and the Biosphere, Soils and their formation and chemistry of the Earth. It also includes tectonic history of India, the geological history of India and the stratigraphic scale.

Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Core
Language for course content : English
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 08 Jan 2024
End Date : 30 Apr 2024
Enrollment Ends : 29 Feb 2024
Exam Date : 18 May 2024 IST
Exam Shift: :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Weekly Plan



                   *tentative Weekly Lecture Topics

Assignments (No. & Type)*




1. Introduction to various branches of Earth Sciences


Objective and Subjective



2. General characteristics and origin of the Universe, Solar System and its planets. The terrestrial and Jovian planets – 1




Objective and Subjective



3. General characteristics and origin of the Universe, Solar System and its planets. The terrestrial and jovian planets – 2

 Objective and Subjective



4. Meteorites and Asteroids

 Objective and Subjective



5. Earth in the solar system - size, shape, mass, density, rotational and revolution parameters.

Objective and Subjective



6. Earth in the solar system - origin, age of the earth.

Objective and Subjective 



7. Earth’s magnetic field. Formation of core, mantle, crust, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere

Objective and Subjective



8. Convection in Earth's core and production of its magnetic field. Mechanical layering of the Earth (Interior of the Earth).

Objective and Subjective



9. Concept of plate tectonics, sea-floor spreading and continental drift


 Objective and Subjective



10. Geodynamic elements of Earth- Mid Oceanic Ridges, trenches, transform faults and island arcs


 Objective and Subjective



11. Origin of oceans, continents, mountains and rift valleys


Objective and Subjective



12. Earthquake and earthquake belts – 1


 Objective and Subjective



13. Earthquakes and earthquake belts – 2


Objective and Subjective



14. Volcanoes- types, products and their distribution.

Objective and Subjective 



15. Oceanic current system and effect of Coriolis force


Objective and Subjective



16. Concepts of eustasy and Land-air-sea interaction


 Objective and Subjective



17. Wave erosion and beach processes


Objective and Subjective



18. Atmospheric circulation


 Objective and Subjective



19. Weather and climatic changes


Objective and Subjective



20. Earth's heat budget.


 Objective and Subjective



21. Soils- processes of formation, soil profile and soil types – 1


Objective and Subjective



22. Soils- processes of formation, soil profile and soil types – 2


 Objective and Subjective



23. Understanding the past from the stratigraphic records. Nature of stratigraphic records. History of development and concepts of uniformitarianism, catastrophism and neptunism. Laws of superposition and faunal succession.


Objective and Subjective



24. Standard stratigraphic time scale and introduction to the concept of time in geological studies.


 Objective and Subjective



25. Introduction to geochronological methods and their application in geological studies


Objective and Subjective



26. Introduction to geomorphology of the Indian subcontinent


 Objective and Subjective



27. Introduction to geology of the Indian subcontinent – tectonic history


Objective and Subjective



28. Introduction to geology of the Indian subcontinent – Precambrian Geology


 Objective and Subjective



29. Introduction to geology of the Indian subcontinent – Phanerozoic geology


Objective and Subjective



30. Cosmic abundance of elements


 Objective and Subjective



31. Distribution of elements in solar system and in Earth


Objective and Subjective



32. Chemical differentiation and composition of the Earth


 Objective and Subjective



33. General concepts about geochemical cycles and mass balance, isotopic fractionation


Objective and Subjective



34. Mass conservation of elements and energy changes in the geochemical cycle


 Objective and Subjective



35. Biosphere


Objective and Subjective



36. Geochemical behavior of major elements


 Objective and Subjective

Books and references

1. Duff, P. M. D., & Duff, D. (Eds.). (1993). Holmes' principles of physical geology. Taylor &


2. Emiliani, C. (1992). Planet earth: cosmology, geology, and the evolution of life and environment.

Cambridge University Press.

3. Gross, M. G. (1977). Oceanography: A view of the earth.

4. Valdiya K S (2010). The Making of India, Geodynamic Evolution. Macmilan Publishers India Ltd.


5. Mason Brian (1986). Principles of Geochemistry. 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons. New York.

Instructor bio

M. S. Sisodia

J.N.V. University, Jodhpur Rajasthan
Prof. M S Sisodia, former Dean, Faculty of Science, and Head Department of Geology J N V University, Jodhpur retired as professor of Geology. He has 40 years of teaching and research experience. He has published more than 120 research papers in international and national journals on Meteorites, Impact craters, K/T boundary, Barmer Basin and its hydrocarbon prospects, Phosphorites etc. He is a widely travelled person. He visited many countries like USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, China etc. on invitation to give talks and present his research findings. He also has experience of making 15 education documentaries/films (with EMMRC, JNV University, Jodhpur) that are being telecast on education channels of Doordarshan. He is Fellow of GSI and DAAD alumnus.

Course certificate

70% of end term exam and 30% of internal assignments 

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