Course Status : | Completed |
Course Type : | Core |
Language for course content : | English |
Duration : | 12 weeks |
Category : |
Credit Points : | 4 |
Level : | Undergraduate |
Start Date : | 15 Jul 2024 |
End Date : | 31 Oct 2024 |
Enrollment Ends : | 31 Aug 2024 |
Exam Date : | 07 Dec 2024 IST |
Shift : | 1 |
Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.
Week 1: Planning the Computer Program: Concept of problem solving, Problem definition, Program design, Debugging, Types of errors in programming, Documentation.
Week 2: Techniques of Problem Solving: Flowcharting, decision table, algorithms, Structured programming concepts, Programming methodologies viz. top-down and bottom-up programming.
Week 3: Introduction to Python: Structure of a Python Program, Elements of Python, Python Interpreter, Using Python as calculator, Python shell, Indentation. Atoms, Identifiers and keywords, Literals, Strings and Operators.
Week 4: Conditional Statements and Looping: Branching, Looping, Conditional Statement, Exit function, Difference between break, continue and pass.
Week 5: String Manipulation: Understanding string, Accessing Strings, Basic Operations, String slices, Function and Methods.
Week 6: List: Introduction to list, Accessing list, list operations, Working with lists, Function and Methods.
Week 7: Tuples: Introduction to tuple, Accessing tuples, Operations, Working, Functions and Methods.
Week 8: Dictionary: Introduction to dictionaries, Accessing values in dictionaries, Working with dictionaries, Properties, Functions.
Week 9: Python Functions: Defining a function, Calling a function, Types of functions, Function Arguments, Anonymous functions, Global and local variables, Organizing python codes using functions.
Week 10: Python Modules: Organizing python projects into modules, Importing own module as well as external modules, Understanding Packages, modules and external packages.
Week 11: Input-Output: Printing on screen , Reading data from keyboard , Opening and closing file , Reading and writing files , Functions.
Week 12: Exception Handling: Introduction to Exception, Exception Handling, Except clause, Try ? finally clause, User Defined Exceptions.