Psychology of Development and Learning

By Dr. A. Hameed, Prof. (Dr.) A. Hameed   |   Department of Education, University of Calicut, Kerala., University of Calicut, Kerala
Learners enrolled: 1032
This course is designed to orient the teacher students about the child development, personality and the process of Teaching and Learning. This course offers an overview of the study of childhood and adolescence. In the course, the concept of adolescence is situated in realistic and contextual frames.  The course is organized around student-teachers developing capacities to look at, understand, interpret the universal notions about children and childhood, about growing up in realistic contexts and arriving at a critique of the notions of childhood and children and adolescents. The course can be taken by anybody at any level of teacher education and it can help the students to master all the basic ideas of Educational Psychology. The course components detail various aspects of Child Development, Individual Differences, learning process and ways to facilitate learning, Personality of the Learner and Various theories on Personality, Adjustment and Maladjustment, Mental Health, Exceptional Children and the importnce of Guidance and Counselling to help the needy children. This course will enable student teachers to have a wider outlook on the realities of Classroom learning and Instruction. Once a student completes this course, he/ she can surely master in the Psychology of child development and Learning process.
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Teacher Education
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2024
End Date : 20 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 14 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift :

Shift 1

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Weeks Weekly Lecture Topics (Module Titles)

1 Day 1 Module 1 : Module 1 Introducing Educational Psychology
Day 2 Module 2 : Introduction to Development and Principles of Development
Day 3 Module 3 : Biological Aspects of Development
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

2 Day 1 Module 4 : An Introduction to the Concept of Developmental Tasks
Day 2 Module 5 : Adolescence- video
Day 3 Module 6 : Personality: Concept and Definition
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

3 Day 1 Module 7: Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Day 2 Module 8: Gordon Allport:  A Trait Theory of Personality
Day 3 Module 9: Carl Jung’s Analytic Theory of Personality
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

4 Day 1 Module 10: Personality Theories of Cattell and Eysenck
Day 2 Module 11: The Psychology Of Adjustment
Day 3 Module 12: Mental Health
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

5 Day 1 Module 13: Characteristics of integrated personality
Day 2 Module 14: Projective Techniques
Day 3 Module 15: Theories  of Intelligence
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

6 Day 1 Module 16: Gardners’ Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Day 2 Module 17: Aptitude
Day 3 Module 18 : Creativity
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

7 Day 1 Module 19 : Exceptional Children
Day 2 Module 20 : Gifted and Mentally Retarded Children
Day 3 Module 21 : Learning Disability
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

8 Day 1 Module 22 : Types of Learning Disabilities
Day 2 Module 23: Introduction to Learning and Factors Affecting Learning
Day 3 Module 24: Motivation
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

9 Day 1 Module 25: Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory of Motivation
Day 2 Module 26: Behaviourist Theories of Learning – Pavlov And Thorndike
Day 3 Module 27: Behaviourist Theories of Learning – Skinner
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

10 Day 1 Module 28: Cognitive Theories of Learning - Gestalt Theory, Lewin’s Field Theory
Day 2 Module 29: Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Theory
Day 3 Module 30: Learning Theories of Bruner, Ausubel and Gagne
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

11 Day 1 Module 31: Social Learning Theory and Social Constructivism
Day 2 Module 32: Transfer of Learning
Day 3 Module 33: Remembering/ Memory
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

12 Day 1 Module 34: Forgetting
Day 2 Module 35: Introduction to Counselling
Day 3 Module 36: Introduction To Guidance   
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments

Books and references

1. Aggarwal, J.C (1994). Essentials of Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
2. Bengale, M.D. (1984). Guidance and Counselling. Bombay: Sheth Publishers.
3. Chand, T (1993). Modern Child Psychology. New Delhi: Anmol Publications.
4. Chauhan, S.S (2006). Advanced Educational Psychology New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House. 
5. Ewen, R.B.(1980). An Introduction to theories of Personality. New York: Academic Press.
6. Ewen, R.B (1984). Psychology of Adolescence. New York: Prentice Hall Inc.
7. Feldman, R. S. (2004). Understanding Psychology. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill.
8. Fernald LD (2004). Introduction to Psychology. New Delhi: AITBS. 
9. Gates, A.S and Jersold, A.T (1970). Educational Psychology. New York: McMillian.
10. Hurlock E.B. (1995). Development Psychology: A Life Span Approach. New Delhi: Tata Mc Grow Hill Publishing Co.
11. Hurlock, E.B (1955). Adolescent Development. New York: MC Graw – Hill Co Inc,
12. Kakkar S.B (1992), Advanced Educational Psychology. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. 
13. Mangal, S.K. (2007). Advanced Educational Psychology. New Delhi.
14. Morgan TC, King RA, (1995). Introduction to Psychology, Mc. Graw. Hill, New Delhi. 
15. Musser, P.H, Conger, S and Kagar, P (1964). Child Development and Personality. New York: Harper Row.
16. Pillibury, W.B. (1990). The fundamentals of Psychology. New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publications.
17. Prentice Hall of India.
18. Rao S.N (1981): Counselling Psychology. New Delhi: Tata Mc Graw Hills. 
19. Suhail, S. and Bapat, A (1996). Developmental Psychology. Bombay: Himalaya Publishing House. 
20. Wolman, P.B (Ed) (1982). Hand Book of Developmental Psychology. New Jercy: Prentis Hall.

Instructor bio

Dr. A. Hameed

Department of Education, University of Calicut, Kerala.
    • Assistant Professor in the Department of Education, University of Calicut. 
    • Editor of ‘INNOVATIONS AND RESEARCHES IN EDUCATION’, the research journal of Department of Education, University of Calicut. 
    • Resource person in UGC-Academic Staff Colleges, Teaching Learning Centres & Expert in Doctoral Committee Meeting. 
    • Developed, edited and presented a number e-content module for CEC.
    • Developed Two MOOCs in Education.
    • Published a number of research articles in reputed International and National Peer reviewed Journals.
    • Presented more than 100 papers in International and National Seminars. 
    • Chaired International and National Seminars. 
    • Acted as resource person and Pilot Faculty in various programmes. 
    • Academic profile include MA (History), M.Ed (Social Studies),  MA (Sociology), M. Sc. Applied Psychology, PG Diploma in Guidance and Counseling, Ph.D. (Education) and NET (Education).

Prof. (Dr.) A. Hameed

University of Calicut, Kerala

Course certificate

Course Completion will carry 70% weightage of end term exam and 30% weightage of interal assessments. A minimum 40% in each is required to qualify for the Course Completion Certificate.

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