Weeks Weekly Lecture Topics (Module Titles)
1 Day 1 Module 1 : Module 1 Introducing Educational Psychology
Day 2 Module 2 : Introduction to Development and Principles of Development
Day 3 Module 3 : Biological Aspects of Development
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
2 Day 1 Module 4 : An Introduction to the Concept of Developmental Tasks
Day 2 Module 5 : Adolescence- video
Day 3 Module 6 : Personality: Concept and Definition
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
3 Day 1 Module 7: Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory
Day 2 Module 8: Gordon Allport: A Trait Theory of Personality
Day 3 Module 9: Carl Jung’s Analytic Theory of Personality
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
4 Day 1 Module 10: Personality Theories of Cattell and Eysenck
Day 2 Module 11: The Psychology Of Adjustment
Day 3 Module 12: Mental Health
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
5 Day 1 Module 13: Characteristics of integrated personality
Day 2 Module 14: Projective Techniques
Day 3 Module 15: Theories of Intelligence
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
6 Day 1 Module 16: Gardners’ Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Day 2 Module 17: Aptitude
Day 3 Module 18 : Creativity
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
7 Day 1 Module 19 : Exceptional Children
Day 2 Module 20 : Gifted and Mentally Retarded Children
Day 3 Module 21 : Learning Disability
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
8 Day 1 Module 22 : Types of Learning Disabilities
Day 2 Module 23: Introduction to Learning and Factors Affecting Learning
Day 3 Module 24: Motivation
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
9 Day 1 Module 25: Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchical Theory of Motivation
Day 2 Module 26: Behaviourist Theories of Learning – Pavlov And Thorndike
Day 3 Module 27: Behaviourist Theories of Learning – Skinner
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
10 Day 1 Module 28: Cognitive Theories of Learning - Gestalt Theory, Lewin’s Field Theory
Day 2 Module 29: Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Theory
Day 3 Module 30: Learning Theories of Bruner, Ausubel and Gagne
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
11 Day 1 Module 31: Social Learning Theory and Social Constructivism
Day 2 Module 32: Transfer of Learning
Day 3 Module 33: Remembering/ Memory
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments
12 Day 1 Module 34: Forgetting
Day 2 Module 35: Introduction to Counselling
Day 3 Module 36: Introduction To Guidance
Day 4 Interaction based on the three Modules covered
Day 5 Deadline for submitting assignments