Developing Life Skills

By Prof. M. N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa   |   Central University of Kerala
Learners enrolled: 3287
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with basic aspects of life skills and its conceptual treatment, theoretical perspectives and practical strategies of life skills education. The course aims to provide systematic understanding of the theoretical basis of life skill education, application of life skill to the present day complicated contemporary living system and Professionalization of life skill education. The course can be well utilized for all prospective teachers as an inevitable course at any level. The structural frame work of the course will benefit to other fields. After completing the course, the learner is expected to master in developing life skills and applying it in various spheres of life.
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 08 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 15 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift :

Shift 1

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1
Day 1 : Module 1- Introduction to Life Skills and life Skills Education
Day 2 : Module 2 -Conceptual Basis of Life Skills: Definition, Need and significance.
Day 3 : Module 3 -Evolution and Development of the Concept of Life Skill Education 
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 2
Day 1 : Module 4 - Important Reports and Declarations related to Life Skill Education  
Day 2 : Module 5 - Contributions of  Various International organizations to life skill education
Day 3 : Module 6 - Classification of Life Skills - Generic, Problem Specific and Area Specific Skills
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 3
Day 1 : Module 7- Life Skills Approach in Education and Training
Day 2 : Module 8 - Theoretical Foundations of Life Skills :  Social Learning Theory:   Albert Bandura
Day 3 : Module 9 - Problem- Behaviour Theory: Richard Jessor
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 4
Day 1 : Module 10 - Social Influence Theory: Herbert Kelman
Day 2 : Module 11- Core Life Skills: Social & Negotiation Skills
Day 3 : Module 12- Self-Awareness - Definition, Importance, Dimensions, Components
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments
Week 5
Day 1 :  Module 13 - Methods and Strategies for nurturing Self-Awareness
Day 2 : Module14 - Exploration: Jo-Hari Window, SWOT Analysis
Day 3 : Module15 - Empathy: Sympathy, Empathy & Altruism
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 6
Day 1 : Module16 - Effective Communication: Assertiveness, Effective Listening, Negotiation Techniques & Process, Barriers of Communication, Presentation Skills
Day 2 : Module 17 - Interpersonal Relationship: Definition, Factors Affecting Relationships
Day 3 : Module 18-Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking: Analytical Thinking, Strategies to enhance Critical Thinking
Day 4 : Discussion
Day5 : Assignments

Week 7
Day 1 : Module 19 - Creative Thinking: Out-of-the box thinking, Stages of Creative Thinking, Factors    hindering creative thinking, Characteristics of Creative thinkers
Day 2 : Module 20 - Problem Solving: Definition, Steps in Problem Solving
Day 3 : Module 21- Decision Making: Definition, Informed Decision Making, Consequences of Decision Making and Models of Decision Making
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 8
Day 1 : Module 22 - Coping with Emotions: Basic Emotions, Models of emotion
Day 2 : Module 23 -  Coping with Stress:  Definition, Types, Sources of Stress, Strategies to Manage Stress
Day 3 : Module 24 - Life skills work in combination- thinking skills, social skills, and coping skills
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 9
Day 1 : Module 25 - Life Skills for Personal Effectiveness 
Day 2 : Module 26 -Values: Punctuality, Honesty, Loyalty, Dependability, Reliability
Day 3 : Module 27-Skill of building Self-confidence and Self-Motivation 
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments
Week 10
Day 1 : Module 28 - Skill of goal Setting: Types, Steps, Personal vision and goal
Day 2 : Module 29 -Skill of time management 
Day 3 : Module 30 -Study Skills and Memory Techniques
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 11
Day 1 : Module 31- Skill to Overcome Eating Disorders and obesity, Skills to prevent Abuse- physical, sexual and emotional.
Day 2 : Module 32 - Application of Life Skills in day - to- day life 
Day 3 : Module 33 - Concept and strategies to promote Area Specific Skills 
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Week 12
Day 1 : Module 34 - Concept and strategies to promote Healthy Life Style Skills
Day 2 : Module 35 - Life Skills for Adolescents and Youth
Day 3 : Module 36 - Life skill Education for Teachers
Day 4 : Discussion
Day 5 : Assignments

Books and references

1. Adolescence and Life Skills (2003) Commonwealth Youth Programme Asia Centre, Tata Mc Graw- Hill
2. Darkar Framework for Action, Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments, (April 2000), Dakar, Senegal.
3. Family Health International, NACO, USAID (2007), Life Skills Education tool kit for Orphans and vulnerable children in India
4.  Hilgard, E, Atkinson R C & Atkinson R L (1976), Introduction to Psychology (6th Ed), IBH Publishing Co.,Pvt Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Life Skills Resource Manual, Schools Total Health Program, (2006), Health Education and Promotion International Inc., Chennai.
6. Global Evaluation of Life Skills Education Programmes Final Report, United Nations
7. Children’s Fund, New York, 2012
8. Kumar .J. Keval, (2008), Mass Communication in India, Jaico Publication India Pvt. Ltd
9. Mangal S.K. (2008), An Introduction to Psychology, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.  
10. Morgan and King,(1993)Introduction to Psychology ,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi.
11. Nair VR(2010). Life Skills Personality and Leadership. RGNIYD, Tamilnadu
12. Rao P.L. (2008) Enriching Human Capital Through Training and Development, Excel Books, Delhi.
13. RGNIYD. (2008).Facilitators Manual on Enhancing Life Skills. Tamil Nadu
14. Singh Madhu, (2003), Understanding Life Skills, Background paper prepared for Education for All: The Leap to Equality
15. Stella Cottrell, (2008), The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. (3rd Ed), New York
16. UNESCO and Indian National Commission for Co-operation with UNESCO(2001): Life Skills in Non-formal Education: A Review
17. Wallace R. Masters, (2001) Personal Development for Life and Work: UK, South Western.
18. YUVA School Life Skills Programme: Handbook for Teachers, Vol. I – IV, (2008), Department of Education and State Council of Educational Research and Training, Delhi.

Web Sites:
    • UNESCO – http://www.unesco.org/
    • UNFPA - http://www.unfpa.org/
    • UNICEF - http://www.unicef.org/
    • United Nations - http://www.un.org/
    • WHO - http://www.who.int/en/
    • India Portal - www.indiaportal.gov.in
    • http://hhd.org/sites/hhd.org/files/paho_lifeskills.pdf
    • http://www.who.int/school_youth_health/media/en/sch_skills4health_03.pdf
    • http://wikieducator.org/Introduction_to_life_skills_education
    • https://www2.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/AdultEd/OCE/LifeSkills/intro.html
    • https://www.britishcouncil.gr/sites/default/files/life-skills-developing-active-citizens-en.pdf 
    • http://www.macmillanenglish.com/uploadedFiles/wwwmacmillanenglishcom/Content/Campa
    • igns/life-skills/The-Life-Skills-Handbook.pdf
    • https://www.unodc.org/pdf/youthnet/action/message/escap_peers_07.pdf

Instructor bio

Prof. M. N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa

Central University of Kerala
Prof. M. N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa is an esteemed faculty member in the Department of Education at the Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod. With an impressive 27 years of teaching experience, he has established himself as a distinguished teacher educator, researcher, academician, and administrator. He also serves as Director for E. Sreedharan Center for Life Skills Education (ESNCLSE).Prof. M. N. Musthafa has demonstrated exceptional expertise in various aspects of education, particularly focusing on psychological and sociological perspectives. His research and academic interests span a wide range of topics, including the training of faculties and students on different dimensions of education, psychological perspectives on learning, emotional intelligence, life skills education, and the pedagogy of higher education. He also serves as a valuable resource person for Orientation and Refresher courses conducted by various Human Resource Development Centres (HRDCs) across the country. He had served as NRC Coordinator, Central University of Kerala and offered Two ARPIT MOOCs. In his role, Prof.M.N. Musthafa actively engages in extension activities, conducting diverse training programs for teachers at all levels, as well as for parents and students. His commitment to enhancing the educational experience is reflected in his multifaceted approach, combining teaching, research, and training to contribute to the advancement of education in India. Prof. M. N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa is a prominent figure in the academic community, known for his exceptional teaching abilities, research contributions, and leadership in the field of education.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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