Week – 1
1.Fundamental concept of environmental economics
2.Meaning and subject matter of environmental economics
3.Nature and scope of environmental economics
4.Key environmental issues and problems
Week – 2
5.Market failure and externalities
6.Pigouvian taxes and subsidies
7.Pareto efficiency / optimality
8.Property rights and Coase theorem
Week – 3
9. WTO and Environmental issues
10.Environmental Kuznets Hypothesis
11.Approaches to the allocation of public goods and Tradable permits
12.Environmental quality : AIR, WATER, FOREST, LAND
Week – 4
13.Non market values and measurement methods
14.Sustainable policy approach to check environmental degradation
15.Cost benefit analysis of environmental regulations
16.Limits to growth and Social limits to growth model
Week – 5
17.Economics of Recycling and waste management
18.Sustainable development rules and principles
19.Green marketing and clean technology
20.Methods of environmental valuation
Week – 6
21.Poverty and environment
22.Land degradation and environment
23.Bio-Diversity conservation and environment
24.Environmental management systems and environmental auditing
Week – 7
25.Integrated environmental and economic accounting
26.Role of information in the health of the Environment
27.Policy instruments for environmental protection
28.Environmental education
Week – 8
29.Environmental laws in India
30.Economic approach and ecological approach
31.Environmental hazards and disaster management
32.India's Environmental Policy and Legislation
Week – 9
33.International environmental policy
34.Environmental Risk Analysis
35.Women, environmental human rights and ethics
36.Environmental pollution and policies
Week – 10
37.Air pollution and climate change
38.Pollution of water resources and their management
39.Deforestation and extinct of bio diversity
40.Economics of climate change
Week – 11
41.Risk Assessment and perception in Environmental Economics
42.Inter linkages between environment and e-governance
43.Waste (e- waste) management and environmental issues
44.Population, human health and environment linkages
Week – 12
45. Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) modern practices
46. Agro Economics and Environmental Science
47. Biophysical Foundations of Production
48. Environmental Damages
Week - 13
49. The Human Economy - Natural Environmental Interation
50. Global Pollution
51. Biodiversity in India
Week - 14
52. Soil Fertility
53. Rain Water Harvesting in India
54. Agroforestry in India
55. Weather Forecasting