Sociology of Religion

By Dr.C.Justin Selvaraj   |   Assistant Professor & Head Department of Fine Arts and Aesthetics School of Performing Arts | Madurai Kamaraj University
Learners enrolled: 525
This course on Sociology of Religion is as old as human societies have been in some form or the other; and human beings have reflected on the nature of religion for thousands of years. Human's quest for understanding nature and its forces with effects on his pursuits both in the positive and negative dimensions which have been a part of his ways of feeling, thinking and acting for centuries. These have been worked upon elaborately and processes of religious practices developed in various forms. The understanding of religion that it has to do with the esoteric, the other worldly and with that which is not primarily material in nature, indicates that symbolism, representations and abstract thinking, all of which are necessary for anything like religion to exist were present in humans from the very beginning. It also provides an account of the major criticisms on religion. Religion as it has the potential to play a key role in social institution, this course may help the readers to develop skills in interacting with different kinds of people from various society, cultural background. Thus this course will enable the students to learn as well as create the new platform in scientific approach in the study of religion.
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 10 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 07 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift: :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week - 1

1. Sociological Understanding of Religion
2. Intellectual Theories of Religion
3. Religion in Pre-Modern Societies

Week - 2

4. Religion and Magic - I
5. Religion and Science
6. Religion, Economy and Power

Week - 3

7. The Protestant Ethics
8. Spirit of Separatism and Idea of Secularism
9. Religion and Magic - II

Week - 4

10. Debate - Science and Religion
11. The Domain of the Profane
12. Sacred Religion

Week - 5

13. Sacred Magic
14. Myth and Story
15. The Role of Myth in Life

Week - 6

16. Community and Political Emancipation
17. Emancipation and Equality
18. Judaism
19. On the Jewish Question

Week - 7

20. Emancipation and Counter Emancipation
21. Bhakthi Tradition
22. Sufism
23. Bkakthi and Sufism Comparison

Week - 8

24. Notion of the Sacred
25. Myth
26. Origin of Ritual
27. Myth and Ritual as Coexistence

Week - 9

28. Significance of Religion in Society
29. Remembrance in Religious Activities
30. The Concept of Sacred Groves
31. Sacred Groves in History

Week - 10

32. Time - Practice and Structure
33. Space - Practice and Structure
34. Symbolism and Phenomenology
35. Relation and Constants

Week - 11

36. Religion and Culture
37. Totemism
38. Religion and the World
39. Notion of Magic in Society

Week - 12

40. Magic as Meaningful Performance
41. Religion in Modern Science
42. Multiple Orderings of Reality
43. Oral Tradition

Week - 13

44. Folk Religion and Rituals
45. Prayer
46. Shamanism

Week - 14

47. Witchcraft and Religious Activities
48. Characteristics of Right and Left
49. Body as Sacred

Week - 15

50. Kinship and Religion
51. Regional Influences and Religious Practices
52. Gender and Religion

Books and references

E. E. Evans-Pritchard. 1963 (1940). "Time and Space." In The Nuer. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Emile Durkheim. 1995. The elementary forms of religious life. Translated by Karen E. Fields. New York: The Free Press. Book one and Conclusion.

Emile Durkheim. 1995. The elementary forms of religious life. Translated by Karen E. Fields. New York: The Free Press, Book one.

Ginzburg, Carlo.1991. Ecstasies. Translated by Raymond Rosenthal. New York: Pantheon Press 

Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1948. Magic, science and religion and other essays. Selected, and with an introduction by Robert Redfield. Boston: The Free Press.

Marx, Karl. 2008/9 [1843] . “On the Jewish Question” in Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher. Proofed and Corrected: by Andy Blunden, Matthew Grant and Matthew Carmody. www. marxists. Org

Mauss, Marcel.2008 (2003). On prayer. USA: Berghahn Books

Max Weber. 2001. The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. Translated by Stephen Kalberg. England: Roxbury Publishing Press.

Max Weber.1978. Economy and society. Edited by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich. California: University of California Press. Volume Two.

Robert, Hertz. 1973 (1909). "The Pre-eminence of the Right Hand." In Right and Left: Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification, edited by R. Needham. Chicago

Srinivas, M. N. 1952. Religion and society among the Coorgs of south India. Clarendon : Oxford.

Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja. 1990. Magic, science, religion and the scope of rationality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Instructor bio

Dr.C.Justin Selvaraj

Assistant Professor & Head Department of Fine Arts and Aesthetics School of Performing Arts | Madurai Kamaraj University

Dr. C. Justin Selvaraj is working as an Assistant Professor and heading the Department of Fine Arts and Aesthetics at the Madurai Kamaraj University in Madurai. He received his doctoral degree from University of Hyderabad (2020). His research interests are Social and Cultural Anthropology, Sociology of Religion, Folk Culture Studies, Kinship Studies, Visual Ethnography, Community Development Studies, and Folk Arts and Aesthetics. He is being invited for lectures at state/national/international conferences/workshops and seminars. Also he has published more than twenty research articles in peer reviewed and UGC Care journals at national and international level. As his dynamic participation in academic events at state and national level, he plays a key role in most of the academic and professional bodies namely Folklore Society of South Indian Languages (FOSSILS), Indian Folklore Researchers’ Organization (IFRO), Indian History Congress (IHC), Dravidian Linguistics Association (DLA), Ethnographic and Folk Culture Society, Indian Sociological Society, ‘Research Committee-2: Studies on Family, Marriage and Kinship’ in Indian Sociological Society, Member in The London Folklore Society, International Society for Folk Narrative Research. As an academician, he conducted various research programs with state and national level agencies as an additional dimension of research. He is currently holding research projects estimated to cost more than thirty lakhs. Apart from that he extends his service through academic responsibilities such as subject experts in Board of Studies, Academic Council of various Universities and Institutions, consultancy service provided for qualitative analysis for assessment and academic writing etc.

Course certificate

30% for in course Assessment & 70% of end term Proctored Exam

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