Social Psychology

By Dr. P. Swathi   |   The English And Foreign Languages University ( Host University )
Learners enrolled: 3734
 This course is designed to give students a broad overview of Social psychology, emphasizing on significant   concepts,  theory, and research.

 The main objectives of the course are:

Develops an understanding of the social psychological concepts like attitudes,attributions and significance of communication in social situations.
Inculcate in the students, prosocial behaviour, helps in understanding the steps in developing prosocial  behaviour  and emphasizes on the determinants of prosocial behaviour.
Helps to develop an understanding on group structure and group functioning and about the concepts related to group dynamics like  obedience, conformity, cooperation and competition.
Focuses on learning about group performance, decision-making in groups and group leadership.
Enlightens on the concept of aggression, theoretical perspectives and personal, social and situational determinants 
Facilitates techniques to prevent and control aggression in contemporary society. 

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 08 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 15 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift :

Shift -2

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout


  1.  Nature and Scope of Social Psychology
  2.  Theoretical Perspectives - Role Theory, Reinforcement Theory, Cognitive Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory,  Evolutionary Theory -1
  3.  Theoretical Perspectives - Role Theory, Reinforcement Theory   Cognitive Theory, Symbolic Interaction Theory, Evolutionary Theory -2
  4.   Research Methods in Social Psychology

  1.     Attribution- Theories of Attribution and Basic Sources of Error  
  2.     Nature, Components and Characteristics of Attitude, Formation of Attitudes, Influence of Attitudes on Behavior     
  3.     Attitude Change –Cognitive Consistency, Cognitive Dissonance, Self – Perception and Self – Reactance Theories 
  4.     Measurement of Attitudes – Bogardus Scale, Likert scale, Thurstone’s Method of Equal Appearing Intervals,      Semantic Differential Scale and Congruity Technique 


  1.     Nature and Types of communication
  2.     Basic Channels of Non-Verbal Communication 
  3.     Communication Models - Process of Communication  
  4.     Barriers in Communication 


  1.      Effective communication 
  2.      Concept of Pro-social Behavior and Bystander Effect 
  3.      Essential Steps in the Process of Providing Help
  4.      Determinants of Pro-social Behavior 

  1.        Causes of Prosocial Behavior
  2.        Nature, Types and Functions of Groups
  3.        Group Formation and Group Structure – Position/ Rank, Status, Roles and Norms   
  4.        Group Dynamics – Conformity and Group Cohesiveness


  1.     Group Dynamics - Obedience, Cooperation and Competition 
  2.     Social Influence and Group Performance –Social Facilitation 
  3.     Decision making by Groups: Contributing factors and Potential Dangers, Concepts of Polarization and Risky Shift
  4.    Types of leaders – Traditional, Autocratic, Democratic, charismatic and Transformational


  1.      Theoretical Approaches to Leadership - Interactional and Contingency  
  2.      Leadership Effectiveness      
  3.      Theoretical Perspectives - Instinct and Drive Theories, Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis, Social Learning, General       Affective  Aggression Model
  4.      Social, Personal and Situational Determinants of Aggression   


  1.       Aggression in Society – Sexual Assault, Pornography and Violence, Media violence and Aggression.  
  2.       Prevention and Control of Aggression

Books and references

  1. Baron,R.A., Branscombe.N.R,Byrne.D., and Bhardwaj.G. (2009). Social Psychology (12th Edition). Pearson Publications.
  2. David G. Myers (2007). Social Psychology (8th edition). New Delhi: Tata-McGraw Hill
  3. John W. Berry., Mishra R.C. and Tripathi, R.C. (2003). Psychology in Human and Social development, Sage Publications
  4. Oskamp, S. & Schultz, P.W. (1998). Applied Social Psychology.Prentice.
  5. Saundra K. Ciccarelli and Glen E. Meyer. (2008). Psychology, Sage Publications
  6. Worcel, S., Cooper, J., Goethals, G.R. & Olson, J.M. (2000). Social Psychology. CA Wadsworth.

Instructor bio

Dr. P. Swathi

The English And Foreign Languages University ( Host University )
  1. Dr. P. Swathi, Principal Investigator has 15 years of teaching experience in UG, PG, M. Phil and Ph. D courses in Psychology.
  2. Practicing Counselling psychologist. 
  3. Published many research articles and author of chapters in edited books.
  4. Supervised many M.Phil and Ph.D Scholars at OU, Bharathiyar and S.V. University.  
  5. She is a Trainer to various government, Private and educational Institutes. She also prepared Written course material and also audio- visual Material for IGNOU, OSMANIA, BRAOU and UOH.
  6. She is a resource person to AIR and various regional TV Channels on psychological issues.
  7. She was also a columnist in Regional Newspapers.
  8. Member of various Professional organisations.

Course certificate

30 per cent for in course Assessment And 70 Per cent for end term proctored exam.

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