Agrarian Sociology

By Prof .C Ganesh   |   Arts College Osmania University Department of sociology
Learners enrolled: 654
Given below are the objectives of the course

To understand the social, economic and power structure of Rural Indian society
To examine the changing trends in Indian villages
To analyze the rural development, strategies, policies and programmes.
To analyze the various social and economic issues persisting in Indian society.
To understand the methods and approaches for the study of rural development in India
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2024
End Date : 16 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 15 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift :

Shift - I

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

"MOOC - Rerun - July - Dec 2024 Course: Agrarian Sociology start Date: 15th July 2024 & End Date : 16th Oct 2024" Sl.No Title Date Day 1 Origin and Growth of Rural Sociology 15-07-2024 Monday 2 Characteristics of Rural Communities 16-07-2024 Tuesday 3 Conceptualisation of Peasantry Peasant v/s farmers 17-07-2024 Wednesday 4 Rural -Urban Continum - Rural Urban Differences 18-07-2024 Thursday 19-07-2024 Friday Assignment 5 Lenin's Agrarian Capitalist Development 22-07-2024 Monday 6 Chayanov's Theorizing Peasantry 23-07-2024 Tuesday 7 Marx's on Peasantry.mov 24-07-2024 Wednesday 8 Approaches to the study of Peasants.mov 25-07-2024 Thursday 26-07-2024 Friday Assignment 9 What is Agrarian Society.mov 29-07-2024 Monday 10 Agrarian Social Structure 30-07-2024 Tuesday 11 Changing Rural Family -Structure and Functions 31-07-2024 Wednesday 12 Caste System Characteristics and Changing Trends 01-08-2024 Thursday 02-08-2024 Friday Assignment 13 Rural Economy 05-08-2024 Monday 14 Rural Polity - Changing Rural Power Structure After 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment 06-08-2024 Tuesday 15 Agrarian Questions and The Agrarian Economy 07-08-2024 Wednesday 16 Agrarian Commodity System 08-08-2024 Thursday 09-08-2024 Friday Assignment 17 Themes in Agrarian Sociology 12-08-2024 Monday 18 Agrarian Class Structure 13-08-2024 Tuesday 19 Land Reforms Green Revoloution and Agricultural Transformation 14-08-2024 Wednesday 20 Land Tenure System in Inda 15-08-2024 Thursday 16-08-2024 Friday Assignment 21 Land Reforms in India and Its Consequences 19-08-2024 Monday 22 Land Reforms in India- A Critical Evaluation 20-08-2024 Tuesday 23 Green Revolution and Social Implications 21-08-2024 Wednesday 24 Democratic Decentralization and Emergence 22-08-2024 Thursday 23-08-2024 Friday Assignment 25 Structure and Functions of Panchayati Raj Institutions 26-08-2024 Monday 26 Commercialization and Mechanization of Agriculture 27-08-2024 Tuesday 27 Feminization of Agriculture 28-08-2024 Wednesday 28 Food Security in India 29-08-2024 Thursday 30-08-2024 Friday Assignment 29 Sustainable Agriculture 02-09-2024 Monday 30 Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation Programmes 03-09-2024 Tuesday 31 ICT in Rural Development 04-09-2024 Wednesday 32 Globalisation -GATT,WTO,IPR 05-09-2024 Thursday 06-09-2024 Friday Assignment 33 Agricultural Growth, Productivity Trends and Crop Patterns 09-09-2024 Monday 34 Issues and Concerns of Indian Agriculture 10-09-2024 Tuesday 35 Agrarian Movement 11-09-2024 Wednesday 36 Agrarian Distress and Farmer's Suicides 12-09-2024 Thursday 13-09-2024 Friday Assignment 37 Agriculture Extension Services 16-09-2024 Monday 38 Rural Society in Transition - Nature and Dimension 17-09-2024 Tuesday 39 Agents of Change 18-09-2024 Wednesday 40 Agricultural Productivity and Regional Disparity 19-09-2024 Thursday 20-09-2024 Friday Assignment 41 New Agricultural Stragety 23-09-2024 Monday 42 Peasant Movements in Pre- Independent India 24-09-2024 Tuesday 43 Peasant Movements at the Eve of Independent and Afterwards 25-09-2024 Wednesday 44 Irrigation and Agriculture Development 26-09-2024 Thursday 27-09-2024 Friday Assignment 45 Agrarian Economy in India 30-09-2024 Monday 46 Agrarian Policies in India 01-10-2024 Tuesday 47 Agricultural Labour 02-10-2024 Wednesday 48 Agricultural Marketing In Indias Part-1 03-10-2024 Thursday 04-09-2024 Friday Assignment 49 Agricultural Marketing in Indias Part-2 07-10-2024 Monday 50 Market, State and Technology 08-10-2024 Tuesday 51 Credit System In Rural India 09-10-2024 Wednesday 52 Agrarian Relations and Market Linkages in Rural India 10-10-2024 Thursday 11-10-2024 Friday Assignment 53 Market Economy, Agrarian Crisis and Migration 14-10-2024 Monday 54 Prospects for Future Research in Agrarian Sociology 15-10-2024 Tuesday 16-10-2024 Wednesday Assignment

Books and references

A.R. Desai (2005) Rural India in Transition, 2nd ed Popular Prakashan Mumbai
S.C Dube (1955) Indian Village Cornell University Press, Ithaca. 
Singh Kartar (1999) Rural Development in India Sage Publications. 
S.L. Doshi, (1999)  Rural Sociology, Rawat Publishers

Instructor bio

Prof .C Ganesh

Arts College Osmania University Department of sociology
Prof C. Ganesh is the coordinator for this
course. He is a senior professor in the
Department of sociology teaching Rural
Sociology and Rural Development for
the past three decades. He has also
published number of articles in the field
of rural development. He has delivered
many lectures in National level
institutions in the field of rural
development. He was  the
Director, Centre for Distance Education
in Osmania University. As a Director of
the centre he has the experience of
developing new online courses and
producing the quality material for
various courses offered by Osmania
university through distance mode. Presently he is Principal of University college for Arts and Social Sciences, Osmania University , Hyderabad. He is engaged with developing
MOOCs courses for Sociology for
under-graduate courses

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