Disaster Management

By DR. D.K.LAL DAS   |   Research Consultant , Osmania University
Learners enrolled: 2346
i. Understand the concepts of Disaster and Disaster management ii. Understand the meaning, nature, scope and importance of Disaster Management. iii. Know about the various approaches to Disaster Management iv. Know about the various types of disasters. v. Understand the Phases of Disaster Management. vi. Know about the Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies. vii. Know about the Stake Holders of Relief and Rehabilitation.
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 15 weeks
Category :
  • Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit Points : 5
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2024
End Date : 16 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 15 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift :

Shift - II

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

"MOOC - Rerun - July - Dec 2024 Course: Disaster Management start Date: 15th July 2024 & End Date : 16th Oct 2024" Sl.No Title Date Day 1 Disaster and Disaster Management - Concepts 7/15/2024 Monday 2 Issues Concerned with Disaster Management 7/16/2024 Tuesday 3 Phases of Disaster Management 7/17/2024 Wednesday 4 Bhopal Disaster : A Case Study 7/18/2024 Thursday 7/19/2024 Friday Assignment 5 Types of Disasters-An Introduction 7/22/2024 Monday 6 Natural Disaster 7/23/2024 Tuesday 7 Man-made Disaster 7/24/2024 Wednesday 8 Slow onset Disasters & Rapid onset Disasters 7/25/2024 Thursday 7/26/2024 Friday Assignment 9 Simple and Complex Disasters 7/29/2024 Monday 10 Tsunami : A Case Study 7/30/2024 Tuesday 11 Cyclone Phallin 2013: A Case Study 7/31/2024 Wednesday 12 Evolution of Disaster Management in India 8/1/2024 Thursday 8/2/2024 Friday Assignment 13 Disaster and Disaster Management in India 8/5/2024 Monday 14 National institute of Disaster Management 8/6/2024 Tuesday 15 National Disaster Management Act 2005 8/7/2024 Wednesday 16 The National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009 8/8/2024 Thursday 8/9/2024 Friday Assignment 17 National Plan on Disaster Management 2016 8/12/2024 Monday 18 Refugee Problems 8/13/2024 Tuesday 19 Impact of Disaster on the lives of Refugees 8/14/2024 Wednesday 20 Problems of Women and Children during disasters 8/15/2024 Thursday 8/16/2024 Friday Assignment 21 Principles Of Psychosocial Care, Issues And Recovery During Emergency 8/19/2024 Monday 22 Relationship between Disasters, Development and Vulnerabilities 8/20/2024 Tuesday 23 Equity Issues in Disasters 8/21/2024 Wednesday 24 Issues of Rehabilitation and Resettlement among the Disaster Survivors 8/22/2024 Thursday 8/23/2024 Friday Assignment 25 Stakeholders in Disaster Relief Management - An Introduction 8/26/2024 Monday 26 Central Government 8/27/2024 Tuesday 27 State Government 8/28/2024 Wednesday 28 District Administration 8/29/2024 Thursday 8/30/2024 Friday Assignment 29 Armed Forces 9/2/2024 Monday 30 Para-Military Forces 9/3/2024 Tuesday 31 Fire Services 9/4/2024 Wednesday 32 Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies 9/5/2024 Thursday 9/6/2024 Friday Assignment 33 Risk Reduction Preparedness Plans 9/9/2024 Monday 34 Action Plans and Procedures 9/10/2024 Tuesday 35 Early Warning Systems 9/11/2024 Wednesday 36 Components of Disaster Relief 9/12/2024 Thursday 9/13/2024 Friday Assignment 37 Factors contributing to Vulnerability 9/16/2024 Monday 38 Disaster Risk Reduction - Master Planning for the Future 9/17/2024 Tuesday 39 Capacity Building Rehabilitation measures and long term reconstruction 9/18/2024 Wednesday 40 Understanding Kerala Disaster 2018 9/19/2024 Thursday 9/20/2024 Friday Assignment 41 Approaches to Disaster management 9/23/2024 Monday 42 Disaster impact analysis 9/24/2024 Tuesday 43 Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Approaches 9/25/2024 Wednesday 44 Uttarakhand Flood -2013 9/26/2024 Thursday 9/27/2024 Friday Assignment 45 Social work and Disaster Management 9/30/2024 Monday 46 Community Based Disaster Management 10/1/2024 Tuesday 47 Role of Social Workers in Disaster Management 10/2/2024 Wednesday 48 Community Social Work and Disasters 10/3/2024 Thursday 9/4/2024 Friday Assignment 49 Role of Social Workers in Disaster Relief& Rehabilitation 10/7/2024 Monday 50 Role of Voluntary Organisations in Disaster Relief &Rehabilitation 10/8/2024 Tuesday 51 Social Impacts of Disasters 10/9/2024 Wednesday 52 Types of Natural Disasters 10/10/2024 Thursday 10/11/2024 Friday Assignment 53 Types of Man made Disasters 10/14/2024 Monday 54 Rehabilitation Reconstruction and Social Development 10/15/2024 Tuesday 10/16/2024 Wednesday Assignment

Books and references

     Coppola D P, 2007. Introduction to International Disaster Management, Elsevier Science (B/H), London.

Manual on natural disaster management in India, M C Gupta, NIDM, New Delhi

An overview on natural & man-made disasters and their reduction, R K Bhandani, CSIR, New Delhi

World Disasters Report, 2009. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, Switzerland

Encyclopedia of disaster management, Vol I, II and IIIL Disaster management policy and administration,  S L Goyal, Deep & Deep, New Delhi, 2006

Encyclopedia of Disasters – Environmental Catastrophes and Human Tragedies, Vol. 1 & 2, Angus M. Gunn, Greenwood Press, 2008

 Disasters in India Studies of grim reality, Anu Kapur & others, 2005, 283 pages, Rawat Publishers, Jaipur      

Management of Natural Disasters in developing countries, H.N. Srivastava & G.D. Gupta, Daya Publishers, Delhi, 2006, 201 pages

Natural Disasters, David Alexander, Kluwer Academic London, 1999, 632 pages

Disaster Management Act 2005, Publisher by Govt. of India

Publications of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Various Templates and Guidelines for Disaster Management

NIDM Publications

High Power Committee Report, 2001, J.C. Pant

Disaster Mitigation in Asia & Pacific, Asian Development Bank

National Disaster Management Policy, 2009, GoI

Disaster Preparedness Kit, American Red Cross

Instructor bio

Dr. D.K. Lal Das is a well known Social Work Researcher and Educator with more than four decades of experience in Teaching, Research, Training and Consultancy. As former Principal and Director of a College of Social Work in Hyderabad, his contribution to the Social Work Education and Social Work Research has been remarkable. He has directed several research projects, authored several books, and presented papers at national and international seminars. He till date continues to contribute to the field of Social Work Research by conducting research methodology workshops and guiding research scholars from across the globe.

Course certificate

30 per cent for in course Assessment And 70 Per cent for end term proctored exam

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