Human Rights International Law and International Humanitarian Law

By Prof. (Dr.) G. B. Reddy   |   English & Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad (Host University)
Learners enrolled: 1080
The Course is designed to give a complete understanding of the concept of human rights, international law and international humanitarian law. It helps the student to learn different characteristics of human rights and the landmark developments in the area of human rights. The course focuses on the origin and development of International Law, and makes the students appreciate the nature and the principles of International Law as a true law. Further, the course deals with the concept, purpose and basic rules of International Humanitarian Law, and studies contemporary position of Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law and Human Rights.

Students belonging to  Law, Political Science, Human Rights, International Relations, Human Rights Diploma Students, Advocates, Human Rights Activists, NGOs can take this course.

Objectives of the Course:

  1. Enable the students to realize the significance and importance of human rights in national and international context, particularly in the current globalized world
  2. Understand the transnational nature of human rights  
  3. Trace the evolution of human rights in different countries and subsequently at the global level
  4. Analyze the relationship of national and international law in the context of human rights protection
  5. Understand the enforcement and protection of  human rights in international jurisdiction and in India
  6. Identify the human rights of various stakeholders like the women, children, vulnerable section, accused, arrested and convicted persons
  7. Trace the human rights to the Constitution of India and the Code of Criminal Procedure
  8. Understand the evolution and growth of International Law and identify the various sources of International Law
  9. Understand the concepts of State Recognition, State Responsibility, State Succession, Nationality, Extradition, Asylum and Diplomacy in International Law
  10. Explore the gamut of Law of the Sea and Law of Air and Outer Space and Acquisition and Loss of Territory in International Law
  11. Understand significance of International Treaties, United Nations Organization, International Court of Justice
  12. Help students comprehend the various stakeholders and authorities under International Law with respect to its application and implementation
  13. Trace the origin and development of International Humanitarian Law through relevant Conventions and Protocols
  14. Understand the concept of Conflict and various types of Conflict
  15. Analyze the position of Refugees under the Law

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 10 weeks
Category :
  • Law
Credit Points : 3
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 15 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 14 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift: :


Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

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Course layout

Week 1                                                                                                                           Assignments 

  1. Human Rights-Principles, Concepts and Evolution
  2. International HR-evolution and protection 
  3. Human Rights in India-Constitutional Perspectives

Week 2            Objective 

  1. Vulnerable Sections in India-Legal Protection of Human Rights
  2. The protection of Human Rights Act,1993-An outline
  3. Human Rights of Women – Protection in India

Week 3            Objective 

  1. Human Rights of Children – Protection in India
  2. Criminal Justice System and Human Rights in India
  3. Human Rights of women and their protection from domestic violence

Week 4           Objective 

  1. Introduction to International Law 
  2. Sources of International Law 
  3. State Recognition
  4. State Responsibility 

Week 5          Objective 

  1. State Succession 
  2. Nationality
  3. Extradition
  4. Asylum

Week 6          Objective 

  1. The Law of the sea
  2. Law of Air and Outer-space 
  3. Diplomatic Agents
  4. International Treaties 

Week 7          Objective 

  1. United Nations Organization
  2. International Court of Justice
  3. Acquisition and Loss of Territory in International Law

Week 8          Objective 

  1. Introduction to IHL
  2. Origin and Development
  3. Summary of Four Geneva Conventions and its Additional Protocols
  4. Types of Conflict

Week 9          Objective 

  1. Current Challenges
  2. Implementation of IHL
  3. Refugee Law

Books and references

  1. Gandhi P R (ed),Blackstone’s International Human Rights Documents, (Universal Law Publishing Co.,Delhi 2001)
  2. Lillich R B and Newman F C, International Human Rights - Problems of Law and Policy(Little Brown and Company, Boston and Toronto 1979)
  3. Quinn F, Human Rights and You: Basic United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and Council of Europe Human Rights Documents (OSCE / ODIHR, Warsaw, Poland 1999)
  4. Batra T S, Human Rights – A Critique (Metropolitan Book Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 1979)
  5. Chandra U, Human Rights (7thedn, Allahabad Law Agency Publications, Allahabad 2007)
  6. Dharmadhikari D M, Human Values & Human Rights (2ndedn, Universal Law Publishing 2016)
  7. Dworkin R, Taking Rights Seriously (Harvard University Press 1977)
  8. Raphael D D, Political Theory and the Rights of Man (Indiana University Press 1967)
  9. Haas M, International Human Rights (2ndedn, Routledge 2013)
  10. Starke J G, Introduction to International Law (10thedn, Butterworths Law 1989)
  11. Brierley J I, The Law of Nations: An Introduction to the International Law of Peace(6thedn, Oxford University Press, 1978)
  12. Brownlie I, Principles of Public International Law(6thedn, Oxford University Press 2003)
  13. Kapoor S K, International Law& Human Rights(21stedn, Central Law Agencies, Allahabad 2017)
  14. Agarwal H O, International Law and Human Rights, (22ndedn, Central Law Publications, Allahabad 2019)
  15. Verma S K, An Introduction to Public International Law, (3rdedn, Satyam Law International 2019)
  16. Shaw M N, International Law (8thedn, Cambridge University Press 2018)
  17. Kalshoven F and Zegveld L, Constraints On The Waging Of War : An Introduction To International Humanitarian Law (4thedn, ICRC and Cambridge University Press 2011)
  18. SassòliM,BouvierA A, Carr S, Cameron L and Maurice T, How does Law Protect in War? Cases, Documents and Teaching Materials on Contemporary Practice in International Humanitarian Law(2ndedn, ICRC, Geneva 2006)
  19. Henckaerts J M, Doswald‐Beck L, Alvermann C, Darmann K, Rolle B, Customary International Humanitarian Law, (Cambridge University Press, 2005)
  20. Provost R, International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law(Cambridge University Press 2005)
  21. Best and Geoffrey, War and Law Since 1945 (Oxford Clarendon Press, 1997)
  22. Dinstein, Yoram, The Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict(Cambridge University Press 2004)
  23. Durham, Helen (ed), McCormack and Timothy L. H. (ed),The Changing Face of Conflict and the Efficacy of International Humanitarian Law (The Hague : M. Nijhoff 1999)
  24. Mccoubrey andHilaire, International Humanitarian Law : Modern Developments in the Limitation of Warfare(2ndedn,Ashgate,Aldershot, UK 1998)
  25. Fleck D (ed), The Handbook of International Humanitarian Law (3rdedn, Oxford University Press 2008)
  26. Hathaway J C, The Rights of Refugees under International Law (Cambridge University Press 2005)
  27. Feller E (ed), Türk V (ed) and Nicholson F (ed), Refugee Protection in International Law (UNHCR Geneva and Cambridge University Press 2009)

Instructor bio

Prof. (Dr.) G. B. Reddy

English & Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad (Host University)

Dr.G.B.Reddy is a lawyer turned academician. Studied B.A. (HPP), LL.B., and LL.M. (Constitutional Law) at Osmania University, and P.G.Diploma in Human Rights from University of Hyderabad. Obtained Ph.D.in Law from Osmania University in 1999 on the topic “Supreme Court and Judicial Activism – Its Contribution in Specific Areas of Constitutional Law after 1980”. He specialized in the area of Intellectual Property as independent researcher, publisher and teacher. He is Senior Professor of Law and DPIIT IPR-Chair Professor at Osmania University.


He has secured three Gold Medals in LL.B. and one Gold Medal in LL.M. apart from being the first candidate to have qualified for UGC-JRF in Law from Osmania University in 1993. He practiced in the High Court of Andhra Pradesh for about seven years before joining the Faculty of Law, Osmania University. He authored 28 well received books on law including Women and Law, Intellectual Property Rights and Law, Copyright Law in India, Practical Advocacy of Law, Right to Information and Law and Judicial Activism in India. Two of his books namely Women and Law and Judicial Activism in India, have been reviewed favourably in the Book Review section of the Hindu by Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer. He also published 85 articles on law in standard journals, and more than 30 newspaper articles. He participated in National and International Seminars, Workshops and Conferences on Law and allied subjects and visited Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. He offered six SWAYAM Courses/MOOCs successfully from 2019 to 2023 on Human Rights and International Law, IPRs and Competition Law, Indian Judicial System and Environmental Laws, Private International Law and ADR in India, Legal Theory and Law Relating to Women, Law of Banking, Insurance and Consumer Protection.


He worked as the Principal of University College of Law, Head of Department of Law, Chairperson of BoS in Law and Dean, Faculty of Law, Osmania University. He helped the university to introduce LL.B. Five Years Integrated Course at University College of Law and P.G. College of Law, Osmania University and LL.M. (IPR), LL.M. (ADR), and LL.M. (ITEL) and P.G.Diploma in Cyber Laws. He has been a visiting faculty at several reputed institutions including the Judicial Academy, Excise Academy, CCRT, NAARM, TS Police Academy, National Police Academy, NALSAR University of Law, National Industrial Security Academy (NISA), Academic Staff Colleges of several Universities. He was the Co-Convener of the APLAWCET & PGLAWCET for 2014-15 and the Convener of the TSLAWCET & PGLAWCET for 2019 to 2022.


He held positions as the Joint Director and Director of University Foreign Relations Office, Osmania University. He was founder Director of Legal Cell of Osmania University, a member of General Council of NALSAR University of Law (2011-2014), A.P. State Consumer Protection Council (2010-2013).  He is a Life Member of Indian Law Institute & Institute of Constitutional and Parliamentary Studies, and American Studies Research Centre, (presently OUCIS). He is a member of Telangana State Legal Services Authority; Chairman, Ethics Committee of CDFD, Hyderabad; Member of Academic Council of NALSAR University and NUALS, Cochin. He was Dean, Faculty of Law, Telangana University (2017-2021) and currently Dean, Faculty of Law, Satavahana University, Karimnagar (since 2017). He is the Director of the Prof.G.Ram Reddy Centre for Distance Education, Osmania University (since 2021). He was awarded State Best Teacher Award by Govt. of Telangana in 2021.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.

Securing 40% in both seperately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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