Nuclear and Particle physics

By Dr. Sasikala Ganapathy, Associate Professor, Crystal Growth Centre   |   Anna University, Chennai -25
Learners enrolled: 847

This course is intended to introduce students to the fundamental concepts that underline nuclear physics properties, starting with a glimpse into the development of nuclear physics and particulates. This course focuses on phenomena occurring  in the nuclear field. Students pursuing this course will be given an insight into the dimensions of a nucleus. 

Students will also be able understand the natural processes that allow the dating of living tissue. Students will also be able to analyse production and decay reactions for fundamental particles, applying conservation principles to determine the type of reaction taking place and the possible outcomes.

The students will learn about various types of radiations and their interaction with matter. The course is structured to educate about different forms of nuclear reactions as well as their energy levels.

The goal of this course is to provide wide coverage on Nuclear and Particle Physics by which the students can continue their exploration in nuclear science. After perusing this course, the student will able to study (and understand) any application of nuclear and radiation science you wish to specialize in.

Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Core
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Physics
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 08 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 08 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift :

Shift 1

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1

Module 01: Nomenclature, Charge, Density, Mass

Module 02: Binding Energy and Stability - Angular momentum and spin - Magnetic moment

Module 03: Binding Energy and Mass Formula

Week 2

Module 04:Weizsacker Mass formula - Expression for coulomb energy of nucleus

Module 05: Coulomb energy of nucleus -Problem

Module 06: Theory of successive radioactive transformation - α decay - β decay - Radioactive series

Module 07: Law of radioactivity - Decay constant - Mean life - Half life

Week 3

Module 08: Natural decay is exponential - Expression for mean and half life - Relation between mean life and half life

Module 09: Alpha decay reaction - Geiger Nuttal law

Module 10: Alpha decay by tunneling - Assumptions of Gamow - The barrier penetration

Week 4

Module 11: Square well potential - Gamow factor - Derivation of decay constant - GN Law detection

Module 12: Beta decay and Electron capture - Transition energy Q - Pauli’s neutrino hypothesis

Module 13: Properties of neutrino - Origin of gamma ray

Week 5

Module 14 : Gamma decay - Origin of gamma decay - Selection rules - Pair production - Nuclear isomerism

Module 15: Nuclear isomerism – Internal Conersion – Nuclear reaction

Module 16: Compound nucleus formation - Direct reactions - Cross reactions

Week 6

Module 17: Reaction rate - Q value - Fission

Module 18: Fission reactors -Thermal and Breeder reactors - Energy release - Fusion Stellar energy

Module 19 : Fusion and thermonuclear reactions - Scattering problem in one dimension

Week 7

Module 20: Nuclear Models – Liquid drop model – Shell Model – Meson Theory

Module 21: Meson theory of nuclear forces - Van de Graff generator

Module 22: Linear accelerator

Week 8

Module 23: Cyclotron - Principle - Construction and working

Module 24: Betatron - Principle - Construction and working

Module 25 : Synchrocyclotron - Large Hadron Collider

Week 9

Module 26 : Directors of nuclear radiations - Ionization chamber

Module 27 : GM Counter-Construction and working - Quenching process - Dead time and recover time - GM Plateau

Module 28: Wilson Cloud Chamber-Construction and Working Bubble chamber-Construction and Working

Week 10

Module 29 : Scintillation detector - Semiconductor detectors

Module 30 : Semiconductos - PN Junction detector

Module 31 : Latitude effect - East-West asymmetry - Altitude effect - Cosmic ray shower an Allen Belt

Week 11

Module 32 : Elementary particles - Fundamental interactions – Classification Particles and antiparticles

Module 33 : Conservation laws – Symmetry - PCT Symmetry - Isospin

Week 12

Module 34: Hypercharge and Electric charge – Strangeness - Eight fold symmetry

Module 35 : Weight diagram - Quarks, Gluons – Charms –Color - Intermediate vector Bosons - Standard model - Higg’s Boson

Books and references

1. Atomic and Nuclear Physics by Shatendra Sharma –Dorling Kindersley0India(2005)

2. Nuclear Physics by D.C. Tayal, Himalaya Publishing House (reprint 2007)

3. Nuclear Physics – An introduction by S.B.Patel – New Age  international(P) Ltd (reprint 2003)

4. Nuclear physics and particle physics by SATHYA PRAKASH-Sultan Chand 

5. Nuclear physics by Devanathan.V. Narosa publishers     

6. Introduction to Nuclear Physics- Harald Enge Addison- Wesley Publishing   Company.

Instructor bio

Dr. Sasikala Ganapathy, Associate Professor, Crystal Growth Centre

Anna University, Chennai -25
Dr. Sasikala Ganapathy, Associate Professor of Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University has 25 years of teaching and research experience in the field of Quantum Materials Applied to Energy, Environment and Health.  She has guided six Ph.D. students, three ongoing, 14 PG students and 5 M.Phil. She has published 60 articles in the Peer reviewed International Journals, authored three books, one International Japanese Patent. She is holding ICTP(Italy), DAAD(Germany), DFG(Germany), JSPS(Japan), JST(Japan) international awards and also Fellow, Academy of Science, Chennai. So far she has organised two Faculty Development Training Programme, one National Seminar on Crystal Growth, two UGC sponsored short term outreach programmes, two International workshops, two hands on training programmes. She has delivered many expert talks at national and International level. Apart from her teaching and research she has additional administrative responsibilities as Deputy Controller of Examination (DCOE), Serving as Chief Coordinator for ATAL Incubation Centre (AIC), Serving as NSS Programme Officer at AC Tech Campus, Anna University, Chennai – 25.

Course certificate

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination. Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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