Basics of Digital Marketing

By Dr. SHILPA BAGDARE   |   International Institute of Professional Studies, Devi Ahilya University Indore
Learners enrolled: 13681
'Basics of Digital Marketing' course is developed by subject expert Dr. Subin Sudhir - Associate Professor (Marketing), Indian Institute of Management, Indore. 

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Take Self Assessments and Graded Assessments.

The course familiarize students with an understanding of how the digital media works and develop the critical insights necessary to succeed in e-commerce and digital and social media marketing. Enrich learner with the essential principles and practices of marketing in the digital economy by making this course, an indispensable part of their knowledge base. Companies that were non-existent a few short years ago, including Facebook, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, and Youtube, have dramatically changed how we interact, communicate and get from point A to B. Even Amazon and Google are relatively “young” by any measure. 

This course is also to serve as basic course for learners who wish to further study in the domain of Digital Media. This course is designed in such a manner that it can be opted by students of any stream under Generic Electives of CBCS.
Course Status : Ongoing
Course Type : Elective
Duration : 12 weeks
Category :
  • Management Studies
Credit Points : 4
Level : Undergraduate
Start Date : 11 Jul 2024
End Date : 31 Oct 2024
Enrollment Ends : 31 Aug 2024
Exam Date : 15 Dec 2024 IST
Exam Shift :

Shift - 1

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Learning Objectives 

In the Week 1, Learner will be able to: 

  • Identify impact of digital space and digital marketing in reaching out to customers. 

  • Find out the opportunities for marketers on digital platform. 

  • Use digital media for the creation of products and services.

  • Differentiate factors that influence the consumer 

  • How and What are the different elements that make the consumer so unique?

Lecture Topics

W1_L1 Introduction to Marketing

W1_L2 Consumer Behavior

W1_L3 Introduction to Digital Marketing


Learning Objectives 

In the Week 2, Learner will be able to: 

• Identify the importance of Search Engines. 

• Relate Search Engines in digital marketing ecosystem. 

• Outline the methods to do keyword research.

• Differentiate On-Page and Off-Page Optimization. 

• Use the Google Keyword Planner.

Lecture Topics

W2_L1 Search Engine Optimization 1

W2_L2 Search Engine Optimization 2

W2_L3 Search Engine Optimization 3


Learning Objectives

In the Week 3, Learner will be able to: 

• Explain the working of Search Engines. 

• Use Search Engine Marketing for advertisements. 

• Outline Search Engine Marketing strategy.

• Illustrate Search Engine Marketing Operation and Auction model.

• Identify the factors influencing Search Engine Marketing.

• Categorize the factors influencing Search Engine Marketing.

• Create a Search Engine Marketing Campaign.

Lecture Topics

W3_L1 Search_Engine_Marketing : Part 1

W3_L2 Search_Engine_Marketing : Part 2

W3_L3 Display Advertising


Learning Objectives

In the Week 4, Learner will be able to: 

• How Social Media Marketing is to be used by marketers?

• What kind of opportunities does it provide to marketers? 

• Identify marketers’ use of listening, talking, energizing & supporting.

• How to manage digital assets on Social Media Platforms?  

• Identify the spread of Word of Mouth through social media.

• Use of Social Media Platform like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & LinkedIn for Marketing.

Lecture Topics

W4_L1 Social Media Marketing

W4_L2 Social Media Marketing (Word of Mouth)

W4_L3 Social Media Platforms Part 1

W4_L4 Social Media Platforms Part 2


Learning Objectives

In the Week 5, Learner will be able to: 

• Tell about the reputation of brands on social media.

• Explain about increasing Positive Word of Mouth & decreasing negative Word of Mouth. 

• Identify and resolve crisis situation in online space.  

• How marketers use the mobile space?  

• Differentiate IVR, SMS, Location Data, QR Code & Missed Call. 

• Managing mobile sites and role of mobile apps.

• Understand planning and setup of a Website.

Lecture Topics

W5_L1 Online Reputation Management

W5_L2 Mobile Marketing Part 1

W5_L3 Mobile Marketing Part 2

W5_L4 Website Planning & Creation 


Learning Objectives

In the Week 6, Learner will be able to: 

• Define email Marketing.

• Outline email Marketing and strategy to craft email marketing campaign. 

• Creating email data base and CRM Activities. 

• Define eCommerce and Retailing in Online Space. 

• Illustrate advantages of eCommerce Platforms. 

• Differentiate Show-rooming and Web-rooming.

Lecture Topics

W6_L1 Email Marketing Part 1

W6_L2 Email Marketing Part 2

W6_L3 Introduction to E Commerce Part 1

W6_L4 Introduction to E Commerce Part 2


Learning Objectives

In the Week 7, Learner will be able to: 

• Define eCommerce Business Process, Business Models

• Interpret eCommerce Shopping Cart Software & Other Factors of eCommerce based business. 

• Identify role of aggregators in eCommerce business. 

• Illustrate the Importance of content in digital space. 

• Recall techniques of Content Marketing, Content types and strategies. 

• List the Core brand principle for Content creation, Content Pillar and A/B Testing of Content.

• Using Influencers to create and promote content

Lecture Topics

W7_L1 E-COMMERCE Strategy 1

W7_L2 E-COMMERCE Strategy 2

W7_L3 Content Marketing 

W7_L4 Content Creation Process

W7_L5 Influencer Marketing


Learning Objectives

In the Week 8, Learner will be able to: 

• Illustrate steps of Integrated Marketing Communication.

• Define Digital Marketing Strategy.

• List the Decision Making process of customer. 

• Identifying and creating a strategy for Digital Market place. 

• Define 6M Framework and SMART Strategy.

Lecture Topics

W8_L1 Digital Marketing Strategy Part 1

W8_L2 Digital Marketing Strategy Part 2a

W8_L3 Digital Marketing Strategy Part 2b

W8_L4 Digital Marketing Strategy Part 3a

W8_L5 Digital Marketing Strategy Part 3b


Learning Objectives

In the Week 9, Learner will be able to: 

• Relate the Importance of Analytics in digital space. 

• Differentiate elements and sources to capture data in online space. 

• Define types of tracking mechanism. 

• Experiment with Account Structure of Google Analytics.

• Explain Conversion Tracker & Digital Engagement Funnel.

Lecture Topics

W9_L1 Digital Analytics & Measurement Part - 1a

W9_L2 Digital Analytics & Measurement Part - 1b

W9_L3 Digital Analytics & Measurement Part - 2a

W9_L4 Digital Analytics & Measurement Part - 2b


Learning Objectives

In the Week 10, Learner will be able to: 

• Define Key Performance Indicators (KPI) related to AdWords and Display Networks.

• Outline the Applications of Sentiment Mining and Textual Analysis. 

• Evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing campaigns in the digital space

• Define return on investment. 

• Analyze different groups of customers.

• Relate Customer portfolio management on digital and social media marketing. 

• Explain Customer using multiple channels, attribution models.

Lecture Topics

W10_L1 Digital Analytics & Measurement Part - 3a

W10_L2 Digital Analytics & Measurement Part - 3b

W10_L3 Measuring Campaign Effectiveness : ROI - Return on Investment

W10_L4 Measuring Campaign Effectiveness : CLV - Customer Lifetime Value

W10_L5 Attribution Models


Learning Objectives

In the Week 11, Learner will be able to: 

• Define Strategy Planning.

• Prepare Digital Marketing Plan. 

• Solve Case 1 is about use of Email Marketing

• Solve Case 2 represents use of Digital Space for Marketing Golf Tripz Compnay, 

• Solve Case 3 is about using social media promotion and other digital channels for Golkonda Hotels. 

• Solve Case 4 is about Promotional Campaign of Chennai based Photography Service.  

Lecture Topics

W11_L1 Digital Marketing Plan

W11_L2 Case Study 1 : Email Marketing

W11_L3 Case study 2 : Golf Tripz

W11_L4 Case Study 3 : Golkonda Hotels

W11_L5 Case Study 4 : Bhalaje Photography 


Learning Objectives

At the end of Week 12, Learner will be able to: 

• List the Contemporary technologies and application in Digital Space. 

• Appraise concepts and technologies discussed in the Digital Marketing Course

Lecture Topics

W12_L1 New Technologies & Advancement in Digital Marketing Part 1

W12_L2 New Technologies & Advancement in Digital Marketing Part 2

W12_L3 Review of Digital Marketing Course Part 1

W12_L4 Review of Digital Marketing Course Part 2


Books and references

  • Digital Marketing: Cases from India  by Rajendra Nargundkar and Romi Sainy, Notion Press, Inc
  • Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation by Damian Ryan, Kogan Page Publisher
  • Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital by Philip Kotler, Publisher Wiley
  • Digital Marketing by Seema Gupta, McGraw Hill Education
  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing by Punit Singh Bhatia,  Pearson
  • The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns by Ian Dodson, Wiley Publisher

Instructor bio


International Institute of Professional Studies, Devi Ahilya University Indore

Educational Qualifications

 M.B.A. and Ph. D.  in Management (Marketing) from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore


Teaching Experience – Fifteen Years

- Assistant Professor in International Institute for Professional Studies, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India from October 19, 2007 to till date
- Lecturer in Institute of Management Studies, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India from August 17, 2006 to October 18, 2007
- Lecturer in Prestige Institute of Management & Research (PIMR), Indore from January 12, 2005 to August 17, 2006.


Courses Taught / Areas of Interest

Principles of Marketing, Services Marketing, Digital Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, International Marketing, Principles of Management, Business Communication and others.

  Research Project

  • Completed - UGC Minor Project (Seed Money) on “Consumer Behaviour towards Green Marketing” (2014-16) Amount Sanctioned – Rs. 95,000/-


 Citations and h-Index

·        Google Scholar Citations: 929 (As on 10-11-2021)

·        h-Index: 10


Book: 01


Research Papers Published in Peer Reviewed Journals: 46

Some of the publications are in Scopus Indexed Journals include: Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Services Marketing Quarterly, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management etc.


Papers Presented in Conferences: 25

Some of the conferences at IIM(A), IIM(K), IIM(I), Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.


Work Book (Training Manual)

Developed a work book for Training on Customer Experience Management.


Workshops/ Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs)/Courses: 21

Including Faculty Development Programme on Management from IIM Kozhikode.



  • Received Best Ph.D. Thesis Award in Eighth International PIMR Conference, Jan 30-31, 2014.
  • Received Best Research Paper Award for "Celebrity, Social Network Advertising and Consumer Attitude: A Multi Country Exploration" in International Conference on Marketing Technology and Society, held on September 29 - October 1, 2016 at IIM Kozhikode, 2016.
  • Received Appreciation for Research for Highest Citations, Devi Ahilya University, 26-01-2017


Reviewer of International Journals

  1. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
  2. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
  3. Journal of Services Marketing
  4. Journal of Customer Behaviour


Invited Lectures / Session Chair: 03

Course certificate

The course is free to learn. Interested Learners can enrol and learn the course for free.
If You wish to get certified on this course you must register and write the proctored exam after payment of exam fee.

30 Marks will be allocated for Internal Assessment and 70 Marks will be allocated for end term proctored examination.

Securing 40% in both separately is mandatory to pass the course and get Credit Certificate.

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